Trevor Hall: In And Through The Body

OMTimes: I genuinely believe that the style of Music that you and other artists are performing through the Ancient tradition of Kirtan might help change the frequencies in our society, transforming the bulk of the energy that we need to transmute in this planet. I think that mantras and sacred chants are like transmitters that can help us open our hearts to the language of the Universe. What does it feel to be a “Frequency changer,” and how it feels to share this connection with others?
Trevor Hall: I’m not sure I am a frequency changer! Haha! I just sing what I receive. I am blessed to witness a healing take place not only for others but also for myself. To feel that connection is such an amazing feeling. It is hard to describe.
OMTimes: What Is the importance of old Traditions such as Mantras, Kriyas, chants, and devotional poetry for a western world, especially for those that have problems distinguishing the Religious from the Spiritual Traditions?
Trevor Hall: I believe that all of these sacred practices purify our minds and bring us into our hearts. They help reveal our true nature. In our western world, we prioritize career, money, power, possessions, etc. We don’t put enough importance on the qualities of the heart and Self-Realization. If more of these practices were incorporated into everyday life … perhaps things would change more positively. It doesn’t have to be a rigid, dogmatic, religious thing. It can be an intimate relationship with One’s true Self.
OMTIMES: Do you hold a Mystical Vision for our World. What would you like to see manifested in our collective reality now?
Trevor Hall: I’m not sure if I have a mystical vision of our World. I just try and see everything as the Divine Mother’s Cosmic Dance. I try to surrender to that. If I could see something manifested in our collective reality now, I think it would be that people would realize their own blissful nature, their own divinity. As Swami Vivekananda said, “All the powers of the Universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark.” We have to remove our hands from our eyes and see it!
OMTIMES: Tell us a bit more about your next creative projects and how people can follow you and know about your events?
Trevor Hall: I am very excited to have a new record coming out this year! We have been releasing songs over the past few months and will continue to release songs leading up to the full album. I can’t entirely reveal too much at the moment, but all news and updates will be on our website as well as our social media.
OMTIMES: Trevor, what is it that you think we could do as a spiritual community as embracing with all the colors and all the different paths, how can we collaborate to the birth of a new Earth, at least, a more compassionate Earth?
Trevor Hall: In my opinion, a real change must come from within. We must cultivate our own positive qualities first and foremost. We must realize our own divinity and oneness before going out and trying to change things. Our own Self Realization is at the root of everything. If we can make this journey into our own hearts, everything else will happen naturally and of its own accord. It’s like … no matter how many zeros you write down, it will always add up to zero. But put a one before that zero, and it makes all those zeros worth something. That “one” is our own Self Realization.
OMTimes: How do you explain the healing power of your chants? And do you believe this is your way to Pay Forward to the World?
Trevor Hall: The power of mantra and prayer has existed well before me, haha! They have always carried healing energy since the beginning of time and will continue to do so long after we are gone. As for me, I just try to share what I’ve been given.
OMTimes: Tell us a little bit about your Book of Poetry and the inspiration behind its creation. Do you have more plans for publishing books?
Trevor Hall: Ever since I became interested in India, I became fascinated with the mystic poets of the bhakti tradition. I began to write poetry inspired by my own devotional feelings and collected them over time. Writing poetry was another way of exploring my own spirituality and all the ups and downs that come with it. Most of the poems were written on my travels to India and Nepal. My wife put them all together and made them into the book that is now “Rampriya Says.” It is one of my favorite projects that we’ve worked on together as it really brings me back to all of those beautiful times and experiences.
To learn more about Trevor and to buy his new Cd, please go to
© Emory Hall Photography
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.