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Is There Authenticity in Corporate America?

Is There Authenticity in Corporate America?

Corporate America OMTimes

Even though corporate America can be cutthroat, we don’t have to lose ourselves in the process of earning a living.

Authenticity and Corporate America

by Steven George



In a world where sameness is championed, how can we strive to be authentic in our daily lives? Corporate America, despite its diversity and inclusion programs, tends to obscure those who stray outside of the norm. Those of us who are ingrained in a holistic or metaphysical lifestyle can be marginalized. However, these lifestyle characteristics aren’t something to be kept secret or held strictly as a nighttime or weekend activity.

It’s no secret that the world of corporate America is cutthroat. No matter the size of the company, there are always too many deadlines to meet, many people to contend with, customers to please, and managers that want more from you. All while performing at the top of your game. And that’s only the work you have to do. Then there’s the personal side of any work environment. The next time you walk through an office or a cubicle farm, quickly glance around at the desks. Other than the standard family photo, what can you learn about the person sitting there? As a career market researcher for almost the past 15 years, and having worked in all size companies, the story is the same…not a whole lot. So why is that?

Most companies have diversity programs and spend vast sums of money each year, encouraging employees to be authentic in their work life. So why then are we not? I think it all comes down to one fundamental human experience that brings us back to our middle school and high school days – fear of being different than everyone else.

When I started at my current company in early 2018, I made a promise to myself. I would be authentic about who I am, what I like, and where I want my life to go. So, I brought in a turtle Himalayan rock salt lamp (turtles are my spirit animals) and a few crystals and made a small space for them on my desk. Over the next few days and weeks, I was surprised at the results. I learned a lot about my coworkers and about myself. What I learned can be summed up into three things:

1). People genuinely are interested in who you are as a person. I received many compliments about my new decor, and my coworkers started asking me questions about why I brought them in and what they meant to me.

2). Bringing a part of my authentic self into the office opened up other people to be authentic about themselves. Not only did my coworkers ask me questions, but they also started telling me stories about themselves. Come to find out, other people in the office are champions of holistic healing and the metaphysical.

3). My own happiness at work increased dramatically. By not hiding who I am and what my belief system is, I was able to be a more engaged and productive person.

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Korean Triangle OMTimes

We are a part of something beautiful. We can look at the world in ways that others cannot. Our love of things holistic and metaphysical is something to be celebrated, not hidden away for weeknights and weekends. Even though corporate America can be cutthroat, we don’t have to lose ourselves in the process of earning a living. And, along the way, just like I was able to do, we might just even be able to introduce a few people to the benefits.


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About the Author

Steven George is a Detroit native with a passion for helping others. Steve owns his own holistic healing company alongside his day job as a corporate market researcher and is currently writing his first two books on holistic healing.

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