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The Devil Card – Tarot Arcane November 2020

The Devil Card – Tarot Arcane November 2020

Devil Card - Tarot Arcane November 2020 OMTimes

The month of November brings the energy of Devil Card to the front reveals situations full of conflicts or problems, generated through illicit means and surrounded by intrigues.

The Devil Card – Invisible Mirror of Human Passions



When reflecting on the arcane archetype of the Devil, we learn the tricks to escape the trap from the wheel of desire.

The Devil is a card that is often feared by most people. But it reveals much more than a figure with horns and wings. As an icon, the image of the Devil has spread since the emergence of Christianity. Its appearance is a symbol of power, control, and manipulation, on many levels.

The Tarot embodies symbolical presentations of universal ideas, behind which lie all the human mind’s implicit. In this sense, they contain secret doctrine, which is the realization by the Few of truths embedded in the consciousness of all. ~E. Waite


Meaning of the Devil Tarot Card

This Major Arcana of the Tarot represents our inner dichotomy, the dispute between good and evil, right and wrong.

The Devil’s card brings questions that apparently are easy to answer. Still, when regarding the daily spiritual work, they can become big dilemmas. In some cases, the line that divides them is very fine. In other cases, the situation may require you to take any action that is considered wrong or uncomfortable in order to continue to grow spiritually. When the Devil’s card presents itself in a reading, we are facing a moral dilemma.

No matter the choices we may make, we know that the power of decision and the power of choices rests within us- that is what it means to exercise free will. When facing moral choices and dilemmas, we must want to resolve any of the challenges considering that the Arcanum evokes Karmic situations’ energy or where the karmic laws might be applied.

It is a tarot card that also speaks of practical life and the mundane as well—dreams or desires of consumption, goals, sexuality. Although people tend to think that all of this is not relevant to the path of spiritual progress, it is in the material world that we live in this moment. So, don’t diminish the importance of material as a grounding place for spiritual evolution.



These mundane little things are our fuels. They give us the strength to continue and achieve more meaningful personal and collective goals. To survive in the world, we need material things. The Card of the Devil, therefore, is linked to concrete achievements. It also indicates protection, the power of hidden forces, and the power to influence and even manipulate others. When standing for an individual, this card shows a strong person, capable of reaching his goals at any cost. Even if it means being selfish or acting underhand. The success suggested in this card tends not to be as long-lasting or to have harmful consequences. Beware of this underlying vibration of this archetype.


The Devil Tarot Card Message

When we close our eyes to the reality of our lives and disregard our life purpose and spiritual ‘aspirations,” we tend to see only the darkness. We are only able to perceive challenges, imprisonment of problems, and difficulties. This is the Devil’s great trap to make you feel limited and without options. Maybe this is why we regard the Devil as the master of Illusions.

The person who only sees problems and difficulties is not able to be grateful, feels miserable, and is victimized. All of this together only contributes to attract more negative energy and more problems that seem to have no solution, like a snowball, which grows more each day. Sure bad things happen to good people, but life is always changing. Nothing stays the same, always! With this limited understanding, a little problem can become a life of suffering. If you don’t keep your eyes open and your heart grateful when the little good things in life arise. Because yes, they appear every day.

The more attention we pay to the small and good things in life, the more reasons to be grateful will appear: this snowball will also grow. However, difficult a situation that we are experiencing, it is only a moment. And we cannot sum up our life in a moment. There are thousands of things to take into account when evaluating how “life has been treating us.”



See Also
Angel Energy Forecast September 2020 OMTimes

This inverted Tarot card The Devil reveals situations full of conflicts or problems, generated through illicit means and surrounded by intrigues. Life is filled with choices and decisions. It is up to you to choose how you live every moment. How you react to everyday events will determine your reality in the future. Evaluate your options well and choose the type of energy you want to spread in your life. This is no cheap philosophy. This is how life operates.


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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.

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