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Living from the Inside Out

Living from the Inside Out

Inside Out OMTimes

When we live from the inside out, life becomes more colorful, hopeful, and purposeful, but in the world we live in, it can be a challenge.

Living from the Inside Out



When we live from the inside out, life becomes more colorful, hopeful, and purposeful.

In the world we live in, it can be a real challenge to live from the inside out. We see negative actions and reactions constantly. Judgment, jealously, bullying, comparing, anger, gossiping, and a host of other things that lower our vibrations can leave us stuck. If our childhood experiences were in a loving and supportive environment, it is a true blessing. If we were loved conditionally, criticized for our actions, personalities, or looks, it could be a difficult journey to learn forgiveness and understanding.

If we want to live from the inside out, we learn that joy is found in the simplest things. Noticing the beauty in the colors of fall, the incredible light in a full moon, the sound of laughter coming from a playground. To experience life on a higher frequency of understanding is a skill many of us would like to master. In contrast, the ego thrives on attention. Social media has us seeking likes, comments, and approval for our posts, selfies, lifestyles, accomplishments, material possessions, and opinions. If all of it were to go away tomorrow, what would we do without it?

If we can observe things from a different perspective and understand that these things are not really what defines us, we see only click-bait. So many of us keep busy at doing something, we cease to truly think about why we’re here at all. Activities keep us moving with aspirations to do better, keeping us anxious but comparing ourselves to others can destroy our good nature. If we can allow ourselves to just live in the moment of now, we can feel the joy of life and know the purpose. The past is there to remind us what we’ve learned and grown from, not to bring us pain. The future will unfold with what has been manifested. To worry about it causes anxiety and fear.

Inside Out OMTimes

When we experience negativity from an outsider’s point of view, understand its source and the destruction it can cause. Two people or hundreds of people shouting at each other to be heard and erupting into violence or chaos tells us there is much to be learned. If we accept and expose ourselves to negative thought and action over time, it can dramatically affect our personal health and well-being. Our minds and bodies will start to deteriorate and become ill or unmotivated to change our habits.

We can learn to orchestrate changes in how we process information and its effect on us. This is how people who create new ideas implement those ideas into action and manifestation. If we all just go along with the way everything has always been done and follow the herd, how can anything evolve? Nature is a great teacher when we are observing and being still. The noise of millions of opinions and voices can be turned off, and we can hear, feel, and see the beauty of life in endless forms. It becomes clear to us how miraculous life really is. Now is all we have at this moment. It can be exciting to realize that we are spirit in human form. Beyond that form, the consciousness will always be alive. It doesn’t ask to be defined in detail, but there is magic in its realization. There is the healing of body, soul, and mind in its recognition. When we are living from the inside out, life becomes more colorful, hopeful, and purposeful. We create our own personal energy fields to live our lives more joyfully with hope and unconditional love for humanity.

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About the Author

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients worldwide. To learn more or contact for a session, see

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