Connect with Your Psychic Antenna

Our bodies often act as a conduit for information from our psychic senses through our energy centers. Your body is one big psychic antenna!
Your Body Is One Big Psychic Antenna
Did you know that you’re already equipped with one of the most fundamental pieces of equipment to provide you with an endless supply of psychic information and guidance? Yes, it’s your body! You need to look no further than your own physical body for answers.
I got my first real lesson in listening to my body when I was involved in a near-fatal automobile accident many years ago. You probably remember me talking about this in my first book, Born Knowing. The shock to my system from the accident resulted in my energy centers or chakras being forced open. I soon realized that my abilities, which I’d so often pushed away, we’re back with a strength and intensity that I’d never experienced before.
Most people don’t realize that their bodies often act as a conduit for information from our psychic senses through our energy centers. I like to say that our body is one big psychic antenna, and the messages are flowing daily.
Ancient Eastern and Western spiritual philosophies teach us about the universal life force that runs through everything, including our very selves. This spiritual energy breathes life into our bodies and keeps us connected to the Universal Force, which surrounds us all. Chinese medicine calls it chi, while the Hindus know it as prana.
Your body has a way of sending you signals through these energy centers in its own psychic language. Whether it’s a gut response, a physical sensation, an emotion, or even a dream—your body is talking to you!
During this next month, I’d like you to listen a little closer to these messages that your body is sending you. Maybe you’re feeling something in your gut when you encounter someone in your office, or maybe you’re having headaches when there’s a family get-together. Embrace these feelings and listen to them.
Often through meditation, you’ll be able to find the answer to what your body is trying to say—so just ask. You may not get anything at first, but it’s worth persevering, as it really does get more comfortable with practice.
John’s Message
Taking care of your body and your health should be a top priority, especially when developing your psychic abilities. Eat a balanced diet; drink plenty of water, rest, and exercise. If you have a healthy body, this will greatly help you in becoming more receptive.
Remember to honor your equipment. The physical body is not just a vehicle to get you around while you’re here on earth, but it’s meant to assist you while your spirit lives in it. Know how special you and your body are—get to know each other.
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About the Author
John Holland is an American artist, best-selling author, spiritual teacher, and public speaker, who describes himself as a psychic medium.

John Holland is an Internationally renowned psychic medium, spiritual teacher, author, and radio host. His public demonstrations offer audiences a rare glimpse into the fascinating subject of mediumship, which he delivers in his own unique style, explaining the delicate process of raising his own vibrational energy to link with the spirit from the Other-Side. He’s able to deliver messages, which he does with clarity, passion and the utmost integrity. John has spent a significant part of his life developing his psychic and mediumship abilities, and he spent two intensive years studying in the UK, where he got the thorough grounding and training to become one of the most sought after professional mediums on the world stage today! He has starred in several TV specials, including A&E’s “Mediums: We See Dead People,” which provided a fascinating insight into how John works as a Psychic Time Machine, where he’s able to pick up vibrations and detailed information, whether it’s seen, felt, or heard from a past event. He also starred in his own pilot “Psychic History” for the History Channel. He is the author of the best-sellers: Power of the Soul, Psychic Navigator, Born Knowing, The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck, The Spirit Whisperer – Chronicles of a Medium, The Psychic Tarot For The Heart, The Spirit Messages – The Daily Guidance Oracle Deck as well as 5 top-selling Apps and numerous online workshops based on his signature workshop series. His latest book: was Bridging Two Realms.