2021 Relationship Tarot Forecast for Each Zodiac Sign

The 2021 Relationship Tarot Forecast shows that the year 2021 will be influenced by the High Priest archetype, a card with the spiritual power to change our lives collectively and individually. It is also an Arcanum that opens the vault of our secret intentions and even our deepest secrets. With the High Priest, 2021 will be a year to balance what is out of line. It is time to adjust and to fix what needs to be changed. Learn more about it here.
When we are fully alert in spirit, mind, and body, we are more than we imagine and can accomplish more than we suppose. ~ Barbara Holmes
2021 The Relationship Tarot Forecast

Aries – The Chariot
This is an archetype of movement and of expansion. If you are in a relationship, expect a phase of couple stability. You and your loved one will be more mature and willing to break the routine, setting up new limits.
If you are just flirting, it could evolve into a dating opportunity. If you just met someone, the approach should flow naturally. Don’t hurry things. Things are flowing in your favor.
As a family, it is best to keep your distance from relatives who love to start intrigues. It may seem a moot point as we are amid a pandemic, but it is worth saying it. This tarot card benefits a change of address or a residential renovation. This Arcanum indicates that January will be a great gift, bringing resolution about everything that has been lived so far.
This is because this is how you will plan better for everything that awaits you in this new cycle, whether in love, spiritual life, or even in the work environment. Besides, having your feet on the ground and knowing how to act calmly will be key pieces for this moment. At work, make a point to pay attention to people with malicious intentions.
Invest your time in building a serious and robust image of yourself.
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Taurus – The Strength
When dealing with a romantic life, this tarot’s Arcanum is synonymous with conflict resolution. If you and your loved one feel strange, you can understand each other better from now on, but you must master your tendency to be jealous and possessive.
Maybe, get to meet a special person if you have a free heart, but it is too early to say that the bid will have a future.
At home, beware of hasty judgments and abrupt decisions. If you and a family member don’t agree on something, try dialogue and not fiery confrontations.
You are about to have a calm and stable year; Taurus will feel ready to settle in 2021.
With the energy of Capricorn overshadowing your map, important choices must be made this year. Whether it’s about relationships or your professional life, be sure of what you decide.
Being impulsive in matters of love is not an option for your sign. Cultivate your patience as a virtue because, in this new year, things tend to happen more slowly. In career and finance, always be open to suggestions from experienced people when it comes to investments. The secret for 2021 is not to expect things to happen at the time and the way you want, but when they are ready to flow naturally.
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Gemini – The Star
2021 will bring you satisfaction in your love life. You can count on it. Expect a new relationship of companionship and high spirits. It is possible. Love can really be a pleasurable experience. You both will speak the same language! However, avoid suffocating your partner with excessive care – always remember to keep your balance, and don’t overdo anything.
In flirting, your charm will guarantee many suitors.
You have been in a bizarre situation lately, romantically speaking. Because you are a social “animal,” you have been hit hard by the isolation side of the pandemic. Together with the people at home, you will seek to ensure the well-being of all.
However, you will need to control your authoritarian stances, and you know what I am talking about!
For Gemini, 2021 will have a refreshing breeze full of positivity. You will be responsible for setting your own pace this year. If you’re too slow, be more active. And if life seems too fast, slow down. Your sign will know how to spark love life more than ever, providing fun and a sparkle in your eyes. Y
our communication power will be infallible at work, favoring related careers, such as journalism, art, creativity, marketing, sales, etc. In personal life, you will avoid misunderstandings and get along with everyone – just use your intelligence. Money is stable, and work should keep you busy most of the year.
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Cancer -The High Priest
To keep the flame of passion burning, look to not overwhelm your soul mate. You are a sensitive soul, so everything seems to cast an overwhelming shadow sometimes.
Living together is already a challenge, but living together during a Pandemic can be even more challenging. In conjugal coexistence, the promise is of tranquility. If you’re looking for love, things can be a bit slow for you. But always trust your sensitivity and your charisma!
In the family environment, this year will be marked by new renewals and a feeling of hope. Listen to the advice of an older male relative. The native of Cancer should be ready for changes in 2021. This promised to become a very impactful year.
Capricorn’s energy, your opposite sign, will have a strong influence on your sign this year, bringing some emotional challenges. But do not be discouraged, because now you will have a huge opportunity for learning and expansion.
There is an expected improvement in the personal and professional life of the people of Cancer during 2021. Still, it is entirely up to you to take advantage of the opportunities or let them pass through you. Conflicts in the workplace will need to be resolved. Observing the small details of life should help you to overcome all problems. With great effort and dedication, an incredible year awaits you.
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Leo – The Justice
2021 will bring decisive moments in your love life. Suppose things go well between you and your partner. In that case, there will be no significant changes, the relationship will not be challenged. However, perhaps the best option would be to part ways amicably in case of a burden relationship.
If you are alone and flirting, beware of high expectations: before you give yourself to someone, survey the terrain, assess whether the connection really exists!
In family life, disagreements about legal matters and documents are possible.
You will need to learn how to control your mood.
Life will be full of twists and turns for the people of Leo. In 2021, the sign will be full of energy and vitality to achieve your dreams, but it will also be sensible, and you will know when to take the next step. Your mind will be more open to trying new foods, exercises, and even different types of relationships.
The Sun, your ruling planet, will also rule the year, indicating brightness, empowerment, and professional success. A job change or a new business can be interesting for you. Despite the hustle and bustle, 2021 promises to be quite pleasing to Leos. As long as you maintain patience and balance, you will get what you want.
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Virgo -The Hermit
Think carefully before speaking so you don’t risk hurting your loved one! It is possible that, at this stage, you want to hide your feelings and even seek isolation. Do not get too used to the pandemic mode, Virgo!
Change your attitude so as not to damage your emotional relationships. As the period will be lukewarm in the conquest, try to reevaluate your desires and your goals. Remember that crucial decisions should only be made after enough reflection. For many of you, 2021 will be the year of health. It’s time to take better care of yourself and take advantage of all the period’s energy and positivity to make your body healthier. The Sun will also help
Virgos to solve problems with more clarity and wisdom, avoiding stress.
In other respects, Virgo may end up feeling a little out of her habitat in 2021, as things may be presenting to you as always changing before you can get a grip on things.
Known as practical people, Virgo can make some very impulsive decisions this year, leading to relationship problems in the workplace and even financial losses. Think twice before making serious commitments. This is not a year to stagnate, but at the same time, don’t make hasty decisions.
Take deep cleansing breaths.
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Libra -The Magician
The promise is a new moment prosperous in love. If you already have a commitment, harmony will dominate the conjugal relationship. You are likely to meet someone interesting if you are alone. In this case, the connection between you should evolve quickly, with bonds of affection strengthened.
The familiar mood will be welcoming.
You may be called upon to advise a close friend or a relative. Always keep positive thinking. You have the best pieces of advice.
2021 will be a relatively easy year for you. This is a renewal period, ideal for enjoying and having fun. However, 2021 suggests changes, and you will need to find a way to harmonize the many actions, demands, and emotions.
With the Sun’s and Venus’ regency, Libra natives will find success while exploring their creative and artistic sides. Many of you will be between flirting and casual encounters, as friendships tend to take up a large part of your time. Try to spend more quality time with your parents, spouse, and children; get rid of everyone who adds nothing to your life.
It is time to let go of toxic relationships.
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Scorpio– The Empress
The year promised to be a challenging one in terms of your love life. Making impositions to your love life will only harm the harmony between you two: Avoid That! Listen more to those you love to preserve your union and mutual feelings.
If you have not yet committed, but want a romantic relationship, beware of potentially jealous people. Assess well if it is worth sustaining an engagement with someone that does not trust you.
At home, you may experience some power struggles. Cultivate yourself to the point of balance!
2021 will bring periods of great freedom for scorpions. You will feel free from all restrictions and limitations in your life. Take the time to learn a hobby or improve your skills at work. Make use of your positive energy and further develop your social side to help others evolve.
You will have the power of choice in your hands, as you know how to take advantage of it judiciously. Take advantage of the Sun’s energy to accomplish what you want.
It may be difficult at first, but gradually you will understand that this is a phase of learning and evolution for Scorpio.
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Sagittarius – The Lovers
Even if you have a stable relationship at this time, you may be charmed by someone else and even consider the possibility of getting to know that person better.
But before taking this step, consider whether it is worth putting your current stable relationship at risk.
If you are part of the Dr. Pepper Lonely heart club band and have a free heart, it is possible to be charmed by two loving possibilities. In the realm of the family, there may be disagreements with parents or siblings. But what’s new, huh?
Act calmly so as not to prolong the nervous climate. Just remember you don’t need to solve everyone’s problems.
You will be entering a year of resolutions, Sagittarius. A good time to leave the past behind and clean up the aspects of life that bothered you.
However, to succeed, you will have to be patient.
You probably feel very sociable and open to meeting new people, but don’t let that negatively reflect your current relationships. Some significant financial gains are also expected for your sign. More ambitious, Sagittarius will be waiting for more opportunities and possibilities. Analyze how you want to draw your story from now on and realize what you need to get rid of to make it possible. Explore knowledge, fight for the right causes, and lose hope for a significant change on the status quo.
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Capricorn – The High Priest
A recent event that may have hurt your heart will continue to influence the mood in your emotional life. To get everything properly harmonized again, try to talk to your loved one and set things right.
If you are alone, bury the past once and for all to open your heart to love. To receive, you may be open and willing to start loving again.
It is time to renew your hopes! The atmosphere at home will be welcoming, especially if there are children in the family.
Later on, the year, you may need to make a challenging choice: in that case, listen to your intuition!
This phase’s energy will be valuable for your achievements, pointing out great chances to shine and show your competence in various areas of your life. The year 2021 marks the beginning of the movement and the end of the period for your stagnation.
To be comfortable with this, you must strive to be more calm and serene, and you can even learn new ways to meditate and practice mindfulness.
That would be awesome!
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Aquarius – The Wheel of Fortune
If your current relationship is getting cold, you may be charmed by someone else: Maybe someone you contacted at work or through close friends.
However, suppose you resist the call of the new and unknown. In that case, it may be possible to harmonize your loving relationship with your partner again. Everything will depend on your commitment and your desire.
But if you have a lonely heart, expect movement in flirting: open up for change, new love, and passion! Everyone deserves butterflies on their stomachs
In the family environment, there is a risk of financial instability. Perhaps a relative will borrow money from you. This is the year to make use of your ingenuity and creativity at their maximum level.
Take the opportunity and show your loved ones that you have values and responsibilities, proving that you can be the perfect spouse or parent. 2021 will be a phase of learning and exercising patience. Do not be carried away by this new energy found, and remember to protect yourself for the days when it is really needed.
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Pisces -The World
It is a new Cycle for you, no doubt.
Expect a sense of complicity and joy in your romantic life. You and your love may achieve a consumer dream.
If you are just starting out, you will notice that the relationship will gain consistency. If your asset lives far away, contacts will become more frequent and passionate.
In the family sphere, this card indicates happiness among all members.
You may be sought out to advise or guide a family member.
For Pisces, 2020 will be a year of emotions and adventures. You will be brave enough to open yourself up to changes and new life experiences.
Through knowledge, you will be able to achieve all your goals and objectives.
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About the Author
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards) and Danes (Great). Fish Tank aficionado by day, Ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.
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Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.