5 Christmas Short Stories To Put You in a Holiday Mood

From the decorated pine tree to the Nativity Set, everything has a story that takes children to a better world full of dreams and magic through the kind Santa Claus. This Christmas gather the little ones at home and embark on a real adventure in the company of some of the short stories that gave rise to the most beautiful traditions of this Holiday Season.
5 Christmas Short Stories To Put You in a Holiday Mood
The Christmas Tree
Author: Jean-Baptiste Poquelin Molière
Long, long ago, on Christmas Eve, there were three trees next to the Nativity Set: a Palm Date, an olive tree, and a pine tree. When they saw the Baby Jesus being born, the three trees wanted to offer him a gift.
The olive tree was the first to do the offering, giving the Baby Jesus its olives. The Palm Date immediately offered him his sweet dates. But the pine tree, as it had nothing to offer, was miserable.
The stars of the sky, seeing the sadness of the pine tree, which had nothing to give to the Child Jesus, decided to go down and land on its branches, illuminating and decorating the pine tree. When this happened, Baby Jesus looked at the pine tree, raised his arms, and smiled! Legend has it that this was how the pine tree – always adorned with lights – was elected the typical Christmas tree. It is one of the seasons of this enchanted Season of Lights.
The Christmas Candles
Ancient Christmas Tale from Austria Author: Unknown
Once upon a time, a poor shoemaker lived in a hut at the crossroads of a path near a humble village.
As he liked to help travelers who passed by his house at night, the shoemaker left a candlelit every night in the house’s window to light their way.
At one point, there was a great war that made all young people go away, leaving the village even poorer and sadder.
Seeing the persistence of that poor shoemaker, who continued to live his life full of hope and kindness, the village people decided to imitate him. On Christmas Eve night, everyone lit a candle in their homes, thus lighting the whole village.
At midnight, the church bells began to ring, announcing the good news: the war was over, and the young men were returning to their homes! Everyone shouted, “It’s a miracle! It is a miracle of candles!”. From that day on, lighting a candle on Christmas Eve became a tradition in almost every home.
Author: Selma Lagerlöf
On the night that the Child Jesus was born, a small shepherdess, who kept her flock on the mountain, saw some shepherds and three wise men passing by, heading for the stable where Jesus was, next to Mary and Joseph.
The shepherds carried gifts, and the three wise men carried rich offerings of gold, incense, and myrrh. The Shepherdess was sad because she had nothing to offer Baby Jesus and started to cry.
An angel was passing by, seeing such sadness, passed by the girl, and, when her tears fell on the frozen earth, she transformed them into beautiful white roses, which the girl, with a heart full of happiness, quickly caught and took as an offering to the Child Jesus. The White roses are symbols of tears of Loving devotion.
Father Christmas Dream’s Tale
Author: J. Letria
One night, while sleeping, Father Christmas had a beautiful dream: it was Christmas Eve, and everyone was happy! Nobody was alone … Everyone had a family and a house with a table ready for Christmas dinner, where there was plenty of delicious food. There was no poverty, no hatred, no wars. They were all friends, and there were no fights, swear words, or bad manners… Yes, there was love, understanding, and affection among everyone. All the world was feeling like a big family.
People on the streets on the way home happily hummed Christmas songs, bringing the latest gifts to put under the pine tree. Father Christmas couldn’t help smiling, so happy when he saw the world full of peace, love, and harmony!
When Father Christmas woke up and saw that it was all just a dream, he became sorrowful. After all, only a few people in the world were happy, celebrating Christmas in joy and peace with their own, to have a home, food, clothes, and love.
Given this situation, Father Christmas said out loud: “I will have to continue helping children and adults to have a pleased Christmas! I will prepare the reindeer and my sleigh, fill it with gifts, and distribute them tonight, so that, at least once a year, there will be joy in the hearts of all of us! ”
When he saw the smiles of children and parents when they saw their gifts, Father Christmas decided to keep this tradition. It continues like this, year after year, to fulfill its task, until one day he can see his beautiful dream fully realized.
Ancient Legend of the Christmas Flower
Unknown author
Once upon a time, a poor girl named Pepita could not offer a gift to Baby Jesus at Christmas mass.
Very sad, she told her cousin Pedro, who was going with her to the church. The latter told her that she didn’t have to be sad because what matters most when we offer something to someone is the love with which we offer it, especially in the eyes of baby Christ.
Pepita then remembered to collect some dry branches that he found along the way to offer him. Upon arriving at the church, Pepita looks at the branches she has picked and begins to cry, as she finds this offering very poor. Even so, he decides to offer them with all his love.
She enters the church and, when she deposits the branches in front of the Child Jesus image, the branches take on a bright red color, before everyone’s amazement. Another Christmas miracle, which is said to be the origin of the traditional Christmas flower.
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About the Author
Cathedral of the Soul intends to undertake the challenge of creating a multidimensional healing space that is dedicated to those who seek to enrich, enlighten, and heal themselves while serving and assisting in the healing of others. Cathedral of the Soul is one of the many spiritual outreaches of Humanity Healing International, a registered 501C3 nonprofit with Church status. https://cathedralofthesoul.org
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Cathedral of the Soul intends to undertake the challenge of creating a multidimensional healing space that is dedicated those who seek to enrich, enlighten and heal themselves while serving and assisting in the healing of others. Cathedral of the Soul is one of the many spiritual outreaches of Humanity Healing International, a registered 501-C3 nonprofit with Church status.