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4 Ideas to Enhance Our Kid’s Pandemic Experience

4 Ideas to Enhance Our Kid’s Pandemic Experience

Pandemic Experience OMTimes

Are you looking for ideas to fill time during this pandemic with transformative activities that bring more fulfillment & fun to both you and your kids and enhance your pandemic experience?

Enhance Your Child’s Pandemic Experience

by Dagny Grant and Beth Donnelly



Are you looking for ideas to fill time during this pandemic with transformative activities that bring more fulfillment & fun to both you and your kids? Here are 4 suggestions to enrich your mind, body & spirit!

Parents are talking about the challenges that they’re having… managing the kids being home all day. Those who are used to homeschooling may not find this to be quite as difficult. Homeschooling choice made by parents intending to stay home with the kids feels quite different than parents who have lost their jobs suddenly being forced to become a teacher.

Some parents and kids can find themselves living in a victim mindset, with their day-to-day lives not being what they planned at all. Kids may have expected to be in a choir, plays sports, and enjoying prom or graduation ceremonies with friends and family. Some parents may also be disappointed that they aren’t able to enjoy working in their field, enjoying the company of co-workers, and getting some time away from home. This can be quite a letdown…causing sadness, depression, or just plain boredom.

If you can relate…you may be looking for ideas to fill the gaps with transformative activities that bring more fulfillment & fun to both you and your kids. Here are 4 suggestions to enrich your child’s mind, body & spirit!


Four Suggestions to Improve your Child’s Pandemic Experience

 Child Pandemic Experience Upgrade #1 – Movement

When we move our bodies, we oxygenate our entire being, which increases energy and clarity of thought. There are many ways to put more movement into our day. The suggestions we’re making below are great for both kids and parents…either done separately or together! We walk the dog to burn off excess energy…the same can be true with our kids. They require movement to expand the energy of their growing bodies. Taking a break for intentional movement may also help with physical and mental acuity and strength.


Online movement class

Qi Gong




Nature walks

Bike riding


Child Pandemic Experience Upgrade #2 – Artistic Endeavors

Artistic projects can allow us to be creative and innovative, extending our talents and feelings to others. We all know that practice in any endeavor hones the skill and expertise in that area. Having a practice of making art, music, or any other creative project makes us better at our craft. It allows others to experience what we feel. These activities can fill our children with purpose and expand the scope of their world.


Film/video – creating and sharing

Music classes (voice, piano, other instruments)

Painting/Drawing (other art projects)



Creative writing (books, poems, etc.)

Composing music


Child Pandemic Experience Upgrade #3 – Culture/Languages

We can learn so much about practically everything on the internet these days! From learning different languages to studying different cultures and religions, unlike any other time in the past, the entire universe is available to us online.

Did you know that right now, you can go to the Vienna Opera House in Austria, Hyde Park in London, or the Eiffel Tower in France on Google Maps? You can scroll around, zoom in and out, and learn amazing things. We can even go on tours of places like the Vatican, museums, castles, and actually, go inside Egypt’s pyramids! You may be motivated to learn a new language or discover the vivid details of history and cultures not often available in school textbooks.


Research the history of world religions

Learn a new language

Discover rich traditions of ethnic tribes around the world

Watch historical videos about the scientific journey of human evolution

Take a trip to a place on Google Maps (tours)


See Also
Traumatic Event

Child Pandemic Experience Upgrade #4 – Personal Development

There are specific activities that can help us and our kids to live a more peaceful and motivated life. Being mindful of our thoughts & emotions and our inner voice/intuition can help us realize when we are falling into a victim mentality.  This way, we can actively shift our thoughts focus on what we wish to attract. There are many resources available to teach us life and relationship skills that enable us to experience a journey that flows with greater ease, peace, and clarity. A thought to remember: As parents, our state of mind will reflect on our kids’ state of mind. Parents who are authentic, honest, and vulnerable are examples of how to experience contrast and shift into possible. What greater gift can we give to future generations.





Life Skills (finances to home economics)

Relationship Skills


We understand that how the world has changed during this pandemic has been trying, confusing, and intrusive. Life patterns have changed, and many wish to get back to the way things were before. As is true with any epic historical event (civil rights/60’s, Viet Nam/70’s, women’s work force/8 0’s… technical revolution, 9/11, and so many more…things are never the same. Things will not be the same after this pandemic ends…there will be a “new normal.” This new normal can be better than we ever imagined. What if we allowed our recovery approach to be positive, hopeful, and focused on empathy and kindness? Wouldn’t that be a great start?

Unfortunately, it is easy to sit in front of the television or be on our phones with social media to fill our time. Neither are bad in and of themselves. However, it might be sad to look back at this time and realize that no memories were made, nothing spectacular was learned, no new skills were achieved. That this year felt basically like a lost in time…

Imagine this: what if we used this time to co-create more balance and adventure!

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life coming attractions.”

~ Albert Einstein

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About the Authors

Matrix Productions is a multi-media company represented by partners Beth Donnelly and Dagny Grant. Co-authors of the internationally Best-Selling Children’s book series “Journey of Joy,” share mind, body, spirit connections, teaching mindfulness, and I AM principles. Their publication of books and “Echoes of the Soul” multi-media projects produce tools that shape like-minded people’s thoughts and hearts. Find them at MatrixMediaKit,, and

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