Influence of The Hierophant – Tarot Arcane 2021

The Tarot Arcane for the Year 2021 brings The Hierophant to the forefront, which brings the energy of internal evolution and expansion of consciousness.
Influence of The Hierophant- Tarot Archetype for 2021
The truth is that 2020 has brought us to a place of many difficulties. The challenges were many for people worldwide, with the need for countless new adaptations and emergency changes. At the end of this year, we all hope that the situation will improve and that we will have good news about a vaccine and pathways back to normalcy soon.
Numerology of the Year 2021: 5
2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 5. With this sum, we know that 2021 will be a year governed by the number 5.
In this way, we can expect significant changes and achievements from this period. This is a number that deals directly with freedom, which is why unforgettable trips are planned.
Transformations are also part of the energy of 5. Still, the forecasts for 2021 show that it is necessary to prepare a lot and keep the focus and purpose of executing them to achieve your goals.
Under the influence of this arcanum, 2021 indicates a year in which we will return to our roots and traditions and show stability and strength in decisions. It will be a good year to have something substantial, and that offers security. A year to conquer the balance and structure that was lost during the trials of 2020.
However, so that you are not caught off guard again next year and can ensure that you are better prepared for what lies ahead, we detail the main Tarot predictions for 2021.
Tarot Arcane 2021 – The Hierophant
While 2020 was influenced by the Tarot card of the Emperor, the energy of 2021 will be ruled by the arcanum of the High Priest. The fifth card of the Tarot brings to the world an excellent search for Divine and spiritual development.

This is not about religion but about our internal evolution and expansion of consciousness. It is a moment of empathy, respect, and seeking our true essence.
When the Hierophant card is chosen in a Tarot reading, there is a need to search for wiser advice to find the best solutions. This arcanum also encourages you not to make abrupt decisions independently and without thinking carefully about consequences.
In the Arcanum of the Pope, earthy energies are strongly linked to the sign of Taurus. This attractive Tarot card also symbolizes the justice of the human world itself more than the Divine itself. His message illustrates the need to always live within the law, following order, moral and ethical precepts. This arcana’s connection with the Taurus sign represents structure and tradition, factors that bring security to the Taurus forecast for 2021. That security is a feeling more than essential for this sign of Earth. This will be an exciting combination as 2021 will be the Chinese year Of the Metal Ox.
In the Chinese Horoscope, the 2021 ruler will be the Metal Ox. The energetic sum of this animal plus that element and the Hierophant’s archetypical influence will bring a lot of justice, loyalty, and patience to our new year. 2021 will be a phase that we will be ready to build our history with a lot of effort but clearly and integrally, through intuition and cooperation
Also known as Hierophant, the Pontiff or high Priest, Arcanum, the Pope is the male version of The Priestess. His image goes with a religious figure seated on a throne between two pillars of a sacred temple. Besides, with the Priestess, the Pope is among the “Pillar Archetypes” of the oracle. When it comes to a Tarot consultation, it usually means that knowledge and information are the keys to resolving the situation in question.
He wears three robes in popular card decks – red, blue, and white – and a three-tiered crown representing the three worlds over which he rules: the conscious, the subconscious, and the superconscious realms.
He holds the Papal Cross, a triple scepter that determines his religious status in his left hand. The three horizontal bars of the scepter show the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The right hand is raised in sacred blessing, with two fingers pointing to heaven and two fingers pointing to the Earth.
The Pope in the Tarot is a symbol of world wisdom, be it spiritual or moral. It is a portrait of authority, capable of handling all situations since it has its skills and the privilege of communicating with the other world. Besides, the forecast predicts an excellent time for those who want to start or return to study. The search for knowledge, in any form, is essential for any aspect of our lives, especially in the world post-pandemic.
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About the Author
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards) and Danes (Great). Fish Tank aficionado by day, Ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.
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Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.