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Horoscope 2021: Astrological Forecast for all Zodiac Signs

Horoscope 2021: Astrological Forecast for all Zodiac Signs

Horoscope 2021 OMTimes

The Horoscope 2021 shows that the year will be characterized by interesting astrological events such as the retrogradation of Mercury in Aquarius, Gemini and Libra, the Stellar Point of Venus in Aries, and the transit of Jupiter in Pisces. We will also witness four eclipses (two lunars and two solars), the transfer from the North Node to Taurus, the South Node to Scorpio, and Lilith’s entry into the sign of Gemini. Do you want to know what the predictions for each sign of the zodiac are?

The zodiac signs are karmic patterns; the planets are the looms; the will is the weaver. ~ Edgar Cayce

Horoscope 2021 –  Your Astrological Forecast and Planetary Movements for 2021 for all Zodiac Signs


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Horoscope 2021 for ARIES

One of the leading astrological events that will affect the natives of Aries will be the conjunction Sun-Venus, known as the Star Point of Venus. This event will take place on March 26, 2021, under the influence of Aries’ sign. During the event, the planet of desire will be in a direct phase, so there will be a higher conjunction, in which Venus will assume its role as the Evening Star.

The Venus Star Point in Aries is linked to self-confidence, willingness to take risks, and challenges in building your dreams. Aries will have an immediate ability to respond and recover from internal and external obstacles.

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Horoscope 2021 for TAURUS

The full moon’s penumbral eclipse in Taurus will happen on 11/19/2021 (the day may vary according to the geographical location). It stands for an opportunity for Taurus’ internal balance. You may question yourself about your own patterns of self-indulgence, jealousy, and obsessions.

On the other hand, the activation of the North Node in Taurus (12/22/2021) implies a greater emphasis on the search for personal security. Here we find this pursuit to be an element that is part of the individual’s strength, not anchored in external factors.

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Horoscope 2021 for GEMINI

From May 29 to June 22, 2021, Mercury will be in retrograde motion in Gemini, so it will be a season for reflection, caring for the environment, cultivating positive communication, and staying away from slander misinformation.

The annular eclipse of the Sun in Gemini occurs during the retrogradation of Mercury in the sign of Gemini (06/10/2021). Although the native is eager for decisive action, the event suggests that he will need to have patience and study the situation in depth before deciding.

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Horoscope 2021 for CANCER

The retrogradation of Venus at Casa VII de Cancer, from 12/19/2021, shows that the native can lean towards relations of convenience, disregarding his true desires. Or focus only on the sexual part, neglecting other crucial aspects. Be aware of these tendencies. They are not suitable for you.

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Horoscope 2021 for LEO

An apparent retrogradation of Mercury in Leo’s House VII, from January 30 to February 20, can generate a fear of losing independence (and identity) if you have a formal relationship.

With the Full Moon in Aquarius over Leo’s House VII on 08/08/2021, the Leos will have greater clarity about the state of their emotional world, orienting themselves to resolve long-awaited couple situations.

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Horoscope 2021 for VIRGO

On May 13, Jupiter will enter Casa VII de Virgo. He will also carry out part of his annual retrogradation process from June 20 to July 28, 2021. Subsequently, the planet of expansion will return to this sector of the map astral on 12/29/2021.

Jupiter (direct) at Casa VII de Virgo gives good luck in formal relationships and partnerships. However, in apparent retreat, he warns of the risks of idealizing his partner and avoiding reality. Be aware of that. Jupiter tends to make us too sure of ourselves. It is an easy ego trap.

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Horoscope 2021 for LIBRA

Mercury will be retrograde in the sign of LIBRA from September 27 to October 18, 2021. For Libra’s natives, this transit will stand for the reunion with old lovers, new patterns of forgiveness, repairing mistakes, and making reparation. It is a year of Karmic settlements—time to learn to listen to the other’s position, with love and respect.

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Horoscope 2021 for Scorpio

The arrival of the North Node in Taurus (12/22/2021) indicates that the South Node will be activated at the opposite end of the axis, specifically in the birth chart sector under the influence of Scorpio.

The South Node in Scorpio refers to the need to integrate the individual’s transformation/restoration potential to overcome old traumas and latent emotional pains. This will be the theme of your transformations during 2021.

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Horoscope 2021 for SAGITTARIUS

In 2021, there will be a full eclipse of the Full Moon in Sagittarius (05/26) and a total solar eclipse in the same sign (12/4). The first of these events raises questions about self-imposed limitations and irresponsibility. The second refers to the enthusiasm to live and the desire to discover new territories (literally and metaphorically).

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See Also
2024 Virgo New Moon


Horoscope 2021 for CAPRICORN

Capricorn 10Venus retrograde in Capricorn, from 12/19/2021, is a powerful astrological aspect that can be used to connect your soul with the scope of your intentions. This planetary aspectation can be a factor for manifesting your dreams. Ask yourself about the value of what you desire and think about how your life may change when they manifest. That should also reflect how you nurture yourself if you have good self-esteem and how much you value your own company.

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Horoscope 2021 for AQUARIUS

Mercury will be retrograde in Aquarius from January 30 to February 20, 2021, resulting in the opportunity to determine whether your dreams (and plans) have an objective basis. You can also rethink your position in groups and associations and connect with old friends.

On the other hand, Jupiter will be in transit at Aquarius until 05/13/2021. Subsequently, he will return to the sign during his apparent withdrawal on 07/28, where he will start the direct phase (10/18) and remain until December 29, 2021.

Jupiter (direct) in Aquarius talks about innovative ideas, the potential for personal expansion, tolerance in a diversity of thought, and support for humanitarian causes. However, in apparent regression, it may involve selfish attitudes.

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Horoscope 2021 for PISCES

Pisces 12Jupiter will enter Pisces on May 13, 2021. In this sector of the birth chart, the expanding planet will star in the first part of its annual retrogradation (from 06/20 to 07/28), and then move to Aquarius (07/28) ), and returns to the Pisces sign on 12/29.

Jupiter (direct) in Pisces highlights the importance of using the imagination as a driving force for creative projects, evolution, and self-knowledge. However, it suggests a certain inconsistency in work to achieve the proposed goals in its retrograde phase.

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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards) and Danes (Great). Fish Tank aficionado by day, Ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.

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