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Embrace the Changes

Embrace the Changes

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More than ever, we need the motivators, innovators, peacemakers, and kind-hearted to help build a better tomorrow through positive changes.

Embrace the Changes and Create a Better Reality



Recent world events have certainly opened our eyes to the uncertainty of life on this planet. We have come so far in our knowledge and understanding of this Universe but not far enough in human coexistence. For most of us, life has changed as our daily existence morphed, and we had to adapt to new procedures. Working at home, homeschooling, eating in, wearing masks, riots, lost lives, the list goes on. There are so many changes and further information for our hearts and minds to accept.

If we can and can find the resources, use this time to evolve with the changes in our lives. We may have to reach out or look within, but the first step is to make a plan. Gathering up our courage to start breaking down resistance to big and little changes in life. We can grow to change for the better, out of necessity, when facing life challenges.

Holding onto people, places, and things that no longer bring us peace, joy and knowledge can keep us stagnant and without hope. Suppose we can see beyond our past beliefs and educate ourselves to new thoughts and ideas. In that case, we can let in a world of possibilities. Things we never considered or understood can be found in releasing the patterns and behaviors we cling to. Just as science makes new discoveries all the time, we can discover new and exciting ways to look at our lives.

When the world seems to be locked in disagreement and unrest, we see things in our own view of how it should be. It can be extremely frustrating to feel so much without being able to express it. It can be beneficial to take the time to explore why, where, and how we came upon our opinions and beliefs. We risk criticism, friendships, and support from others when we stand on specific ideas and situations. Still, if it is important enough, we find our voice. We also learn to listen to what others have to say with the patient’s response and without judgmental reaction. Finding ways to cope with our empathy and compassion can be extremely beneficial to our peace of mind. To calmly and rationally express our perspective without being offensive or abusive in nature is the goal.

Our mental and spiritual health are deeply affected by the changes going on around us, whether we are fully conscious of it or not. People dealing with upheaval who feel unheard and desperate may eventually lash out to make their voices known in destructive and hurtful ways. This applies to personal relationships as well as world events. We can respect our beliefs and ideas through living by them, voicing them, and standing up for them. At the same time, it can be difficult to accept others’ actions when we see bigotry, bullying, and division at play. Many people live in denial, unwilling to accept that anything has changed and certain events aren’t really happening. These challenging conditions are being unveiled to us so that we can incite change for a better humanity. We all have a responsibility to be a part of that metamorphosis if we know its necessity.

Embracing the changes means that we find a place of peace within ourselves to honor our innermost convictions, also accepting that those things can change and evolve as we go. Our lives were meant to be fluid and focused, purposeful and playful, challenging, and rewarding, all at the same time. We fill ourselves up with activities and future plans, knowing that anything is subject to change. We can be ready with a back-up plan to put into action if we can accept that sometimes things fall apart.

More than ever, we need the motivators, innovators, peacemakers, and kind-hearted to help build a better tomorrow through positive changes. We have already seen what ego, greed, and spiritual disconnection can do and how it can spread from just one person. It’s time to see what love, compassion, empathy, and unity can do!


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About the Author

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients worldwide. To learn more or contact for a session, see

More than ever, we need the motivators, innovators, peacemakers, and kind-hearted to help build a better tomorrow through positive changes.

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