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The 2021 Karmic Challenges of Each Zodiac Sign

The 2021 Karmic Challenges of Each Zodiac Sign

Karmic Challenges OMTimes

The year 2021 starts with a big challenge, to resolve and re-write all the Karmic challenges created by the experiences of 2020.

Karmic Challenges of Each Zodiac Sign in 2021



Is there a sign with more Karma than the others? What are the Karmic lessons we came to learn? Want to find out?


Relationship Between Karma and Zodiac Sign

We know that each sign has remarkable characteristics, but what determines our spiritual Karma is not our zodiac sign alone. Our actions in past lives are the original Matrix of what we reap in the current incarnation. The stars’ influence is just one of the thousands of other arrangements required to “weave” a complete “embodiment” or incarnation.

We already have Karma, and it makes us be born at a specific time or another. Karma does not begin when we are born or because we are born in a given month. For example, if my soul needs to work on material detachment, being born under Taurus’s sign can support my spiritual mission.

In this sense, there may be Taurus with very heavy Karma involving money. In contrast, others have much lighter Karma concerning the same topic. However, we can deduce which lessons are considered more complicated and more comfortable to deal with by analyzing each sign’s psychological inclinations. Reading the stars gives us an idea of the internal difficulties that each sign faces.



The Karmic Challenges of Every Sign

Aries’ Karmic Challenges

Aries 1-1The Aries people are very competitive, a characteristic that can sometimes follow a destructive course. The need to stand out before others, to feel victorious, can bring a lot of suffering. When there is suffering, our red flag light alert for spiritual development comes on immediately. If something hurts, it needs to be worked on.

Feeling like you are always being overtaken or cheated is a cruel way of living. We don’t need to compete. We are a diverse bunch, we are many, and we are one. This is the critical turning point of Aries karma. Being able to value yourself without comparing yourself with another, without having to beat each other at every turn.

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Taurus’ Karmic Challenges

Taurus 1-1Taurus’ life is full of changes, and they don’t like change very much. They tend to have a lot of attachment to material goods and difficulty in adapting to new situations. Stubbornness, the main feature of this sign, does not help Taurus flexibility much either.

The more we have a problem, the more it seems that it ends up becoming a pattern, repeating itself. It’s Karma. It is spiritual work that needs to be done. Everything that becomes an uncomfortable pattern only disappears when we change that pattern in us. Taurus needs to exercise flexibility, determination, and patience and learn to value less material aspects of life.

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Gemini’s Karmic Challenges

Gemini 1-1This was clearly a sign that has duplicity as their main characteristic. Of course, this impression is a caricature, but the instability and oscillation of Gemini are remarkable. Maybe because it is a sign heavily influenced by Mercury, one of the fastest planets, and shorter trajectory around the Sun. This varied personality makes Gemini have various interests and a great need for movement, dynamic, and full of activities. In the end, the Gemini ends up exhausted. It does not stay focused and having issues finishing what they start and had committed to. One hour he loves, then he hates. What was right yesterday may not be tomorrow. Stability and balance are the great lessons of Gemini. When they can settle down, it’s the end of Karma.

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Cancer’s Karmic Challenges

Cancer 1-1Cancer’s connection with the family and the intense way they relate to others causes Cancerians to cease to satisfy their own desires and suffocate their needs. They always end up giving in to please or depositing their happiness in the other. For this reason, those who belong to the sign of Cancer need to bring more rationality to their actions, to avoid feelings being always in control. To feel needy is also part of Karma. It means that the Cancerian needs to depend less emotionally on people. Start learning how to expect less and manage your expectations of people, and not get hurt easily.

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Leo’s Karmic Challenges

Leo 1-1Leo has a very perceivable Karma, Pride. Leos love to show off, to be the center of attention, to shine. They can become excellent actors. Leo needs to work their ego, learn to tame that entity, and realize that our virtues need not be boasted, much less be a reason for competition. When the ego is controlled and tamed, true love appears.

The unconditional love that we pursue can only exist when the ego is mastered. It can be difficult Karma, but it can also be gratifying.

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Virgo’s Karmic Challenges

Virgo 1-1Virgo is the sign of details, of perfectionism, of endless internal demand.

A Virgo has a hard time relaxing. He is always busy with some goal, something that needs to be done, resolved, improved, collected, organized, or cleaned. Virgo needs to learn how to forgive themselves.

Stop charging yourself so much, trying to have a perfect environment around you, and building an ideal life. Sometimes too little is enough. They are moments, small things that make life worthwhile and justify incarnation in this world. Virgo sometimes misses those moments because they are not 100% present. Learning to value what really matters, including small imperfections from life, to overcome this Karma.

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Libra’s Karmic Challenges

Libra 1-1Libra’s indecision is more of an internal blurring than a difficulty deciding between pink and blue.

Libra tends to pass up life’s opportunities because of others or because she has failed to make an important decision under pressure. A Libra can forget about himself and fall ill with it.

Learning to say NO is the catch that can save Libra from Karma’s clutches and puts them on the journey of evolution. It is necessary to accept your own limits, respect yourself, take care of yourself. Give yourself the same love, respect, and understanding that you give to others. Libra’s Karma is love. Teach love to others and learn to love yourself.

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Scorpio’s Karmic Challenges

Scorpio 1-1A scorpion in the wild is always ready to sting. The same happens to Scorpio in real life too. Ever suspicious, they tend to attack pre-empted attacks to defend themselves. It turns out that this trait can damage relationships and block the paths of Scorpios’ hearts.

Scorpio heals this Karma when it learns to trust people more and deal with disappointments without building a wall around itself or when they stop developing the need to hurt others.

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Sagittarius’ Karmic Challenges

Sagittarius tends to feel like a bird in a cage. They want to fly, but social rules and conventions may trap them. They need to exercise freedom, but that brings conflicts between what they want and what they expect. Therefore, they have difficulty adapting socially.

The sense of community is Sagittarius’ Achilles heel. Their desire for freedom can affect other people’s lives when Sagittarius needs to decide between his freedom and the right of their will. That is the thing here: know when your time is or when the priority is the other person.

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Capricorn’s Karmic Challenges

Capricorn 1-1

Capricorn can be inflexible, demanding, and needs to live in a world of rules and discipline.

They do not know any other way to “win” and how to achieve goals. But this is not the path of spiritual evolution. On the contrary, awakening the mind requires breaking free from rules and standards and seeing life with sensitive, not rigid eyes.

Rules help, but it is the exception that hides evolution, breaking the paradigm, the awakening. Capricorn’s Karma aims to make life easier to reach the other and know the other’s universe. When we see a mirror of us in the other, our spiritual condition comes to the surface, and compassion and empathy take charge of our evolution.

See Also

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Aquarius’ Karmic Challenges

aquariusAquarius may look like a calm and peaceful sea, but these deep waters hide many secrets. For some, Aquarius seems to have a cold heart because they drown their emotions in themselves. Sometimes they become rebellious because of that. Aquarians also tend to sacrifice their wills for the sake of others, further fueling this sea of hurt and fortifying that protective shell that hides emotions. It is the Aquarian pattern, but it is not the way.

No one can evolve without showing their will and expressing their emotions. It is in feelings that we establish lasting connections and bonds with each other. It is taking care of us that we can take care of the other. When the aquarium becomes transparent in its relationships, it can actually show what it carries inside the heart. The path of evolution appears, and Karma is left behind.

It is the flexibility and acceptance of the emotions that cause the evolutionary leap for Aquarius. From there, they can reap the rewards of that journey.

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Pisces’ Karmic Challenges

Pisces1-1Pisces have a hard time connecting with reality. No doubt, they live in their own universe. They live in dreams and are significantly influenced by the ideas they create. When reality is not pleasing, they tend to become even more attached to these illusory ideals, taking refuge in an imaginary world and hiding from problems. Life passes, and everything that can be pushed under the rug remains there.

When they do this, they become emotionally dependent on friends or partners. They can be fragile and vulnerable.

To be Detached from fantasy is the secret of Pisces karma. Nothing is perfect, and life doesn’t always give us what we expect from it. To grow up, they must deal with frustrations and face reality and problems head-on. Painting a pink world does not make it any better and blinds our eyes to the truths that awaken us. The world is what it is. Human love is flawed, and for a more detached and unconditional love to spring up in our hearts, we must understand this and learn to forgive.

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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.

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