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Your Life is your Prayer

Your Life is your Prayer

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Your life is your prayer. Whatever you’ve got going on in your life is what you’ve been praying for – sometimes consciously, often unconsciously. If you want something different in your life, you must pray a different prayer.


by Sam Beasley and BJ Gallagher



You may not realize it – many people don’t – but the decisions you make throughout the day, the attitudes you adopt, the conversations you have, the way you respond to other people, the thoughts you think are all prayers. The food you choose to eat is a prayer, the way you spend your money is a prayer – even the way you drive is a prayer! We are constantly communing with the Divine throughout our daily lives – even in the most mundane activities.

And our prayers are always answered in the affirmative: “YES.”  Whatever you’re thinking about will manifest in your life. If you are worrying, I don’t have enough money, the Universe will say ‘Yes, you don’t have enough money.’ If you’re constantly lamenting to your friends, I don’t have a man in my life, the Universe will respond, ‘Yes, you don’t have a man.’ If you frequently complain, I’m fat, the Universe will answer, ‘Yes, you’re fat.’ Your thoughts and words are prayers, and the Universe always gives you what you’re praying.

So, if you want to change your life, change your prayer. By consciously choosing new thoughts, new conversations, and new behaviors – you can literally create a new life for yourself.



One of the biggest challenges in getting what you desire in life is the problem of mixed messages. That is, without knowing it, you may be sending mixed messages in your prayers. For many people, there is a fundamental contradiction between wants and beliefs. They consciously pray for something they want – but unconsciously they don’t believe they’ll ever get it.

For instance, if you’re a woman who wants a loving man in your life, but deep down inside you think you’re too fat to attract such a man, your negative belief will neutralize or cancel out your desire. In other words, you are offering up conflicting prayers without even realizing it. Your desire for a man is a prayer – but so is your belief that you’re too fat. You’re praying mixed messages. The man doesn’t show up because beliefs are usually stronger than desires.

Sound familiar? Mixed message prayers are more common than we realize, largely because our beliefs are subconscious so we often don’t even realize we have them. We consciously pray for our desires – for a loving mate, for robust health, for abundant income, and a fulfilled life – but we unconsciously believe that there aren’t any good mates left, that our health is vulnerable, that money is scarce, and that happiness is elusive. Then we find ourselves frustrated and disappointed that our prayers seem to go unanswered.

But in fact, they ARE answered – with belief prayers sending out a stronger message than our desire prayers. The stronger the belief, the more likely it is to cancel out a desire.

Is there a solution? Yes, there is – change your beliefs. Easy to say, not so easy to do. First, you have to be aware of your beliefs. You must bring what is subconscious into consciousness before you can change it. You must be willing to dig deep and root out any negative beliefs that are keeping you from living the life you say you want.

It may mean discovering beliefs that you’ve had so long that they feel like they’re part of your DNA. And it can mean rejecting deeply-held family beliefs – a process that some people find difficult and painful … or even intolerable.

Second, once you become aware of your limiting beliefs, you can set about the process of challenging and changing them – sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. For some people, simply becoming aware of a negative belief is enough to blow it out of the water – and it’s gone in an instant. For others, negative beliefs must be gently, consistently coaxed out of their minds, usually by replacing them with positive beliefs – through the use of affirmations, daily writing, or some other spiritual discipline.

If you feel stymied in receiving what it is you’ve been praying for, your problem may be that you’re praying mixed messages. Spend some time exploring whether there’s a gap between what you want and what you believe – then set about to close the gap.



I’ve often joked that “my mind has a mind of its own.” It would be funnier if it weren’t so true. Sometimes I can focus my attention on positive, constructive things, but other times, my mind drifts to worry, doubt, and fear.

For example: I go to my mailbox and find an envelope from the IRS. Oh no, I think, What now? An important client doesn’t return my phone call. Uh-oh, I think. Have I done something to offend them? My phone rings in the middle of the night. What’s wrong? I ask when I hear my mother’s voice on the line. It’s times like these I realize that my prayer isn’t as positive as I’d like to think it is. The fact that my thoughts and emotions can turn negative so quickly indicates that I need to strengthen my positive prayers.

Sound familiar? Does your mind quickly assume the negative in too many situations?

If our prayer is “God provides perfectly for me and I’m always taken care of,” then an IRS letter will trigger curiosity, not fear. If our prayer is “My clients value and appreciate me,” then an unreturned phone call will make us think, They must be very busy – I’ll call again next week.

If our prayer is, “God is in charge of the universe and my loved ones are in His care,” then Mom’s late night call will prompt us to say, “Hi, Mom. You’re up late tonight, aren’t you?”

In other words, if our prayer is one of complete trust and faith, then we will react to day-to-day life events in a calm, serene manner. Worry disappears; anxiety dissolves; and fear is banished from our emotional repertoire.

So, we see that we have more work to do in building our spiritual “muscles” and strengthening our positive prayers. We don’t need to make any big resolutions or dramatic pronouncements – swearing off negative thinking or any other bad habit has never worked. Instead, we simply bow our heads and ask for what we need: more faith, increased consciousness, and guidance as to how to keep our prayers more consistently positive.

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About the Authors

Sam Beasley is a successful businessman entrepreneur who uses spiritual principles to establish, build, and run his businesses. He is a charismatic speaker and dynamic workshop leader whose mission is to share what he’s learned so that others may become successful and fulfilled as well. His previous books (with Suzanne Lorenz) are “Wealth and Wellbeing,” and “Wealth and Wellbeing Workbook.”

 BJ Gallagher is an inspirational speaker and author of over thirty books, including an international best-seller, “A Peacock in the Land of Penguins: A Fable about Creativity and Courage,” “Being Buddha at Work: 108 Ancient Truths on Change, Stress, Money, and Success,” and “If God Is Your Co-Pilot, Switch Seats.”


*Excerpted from “Your Life Is Your Prayer: Wake Up to the Spiritual Power in Everything You Do” (Mango Publishing; 2019); used with permission.

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