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Retrograde Planets and The Effect on Soul Energy

Retrograde Planets and The Effect on Soul Energy

Retrograde Planets OMTimes

Astronomically, retrogradation means a return to the star’s movement in apparent opposition to the Sun’s movement from the Earth’s point of view, but what does it mean from a Soul perspective?

Retrograde Planets and Soul Energy



Planets in Retrogradation and How They Affect Your Soul

Astrology is the spiritual discipline based on psychology, in analogy to the cycles of rotation of the stars and their celestial mechanics. When speaking about the unconscious and the psychological dynamics, Freud started the study, and C. G. Jung delved into vital energy dynamics.

Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you.

~ Dane Rudhyar


Some scientists and mathematicians claim that there is no evidence that the stars’ apparent retrograde motion influences Earth’s events. What happens is that the human psychic dynamics, observed in analogy to the movements of the stars, in some conditions do have some correlated effects.

Astrology has no way of verifying these abstract contents. It symbolically reveals the movement of inward flow, the analogy to the stars’ retrograde movements, concerning what they represent in the human psyche.


Direct, Stationary, and Retrograde Movements

The word PLANETA originates from the Latin “planus” and the Greek “plan?t?s,” which means an errant object, which moves from one place to another. ” The term planet emerged when Greek astronomers in ancient times realized the difference between these celestial bodies that moved in a cyclical when differentiating themselves from the “fixed stars.”

Astronomically, retrogradation means a return to the star’s movement in apparent opposition to the Sun’s movement from the Earth’s point of view.

The appearance of “standing still” or appearing to “move backward” occurs in the direction of the Sun’s movement. The first case is called Stationary, and the second, Retrograde. Therefore, periodically the celestial bodies continue to move directly and, at a specific time, stop, then return apparently afterward in the opposite direction to the Sun.

After a few weeks or months, they park again and then return to direct movement. This, except for the Sun and Moon, whose movements are always seen directly. Retrograde movement is common and is closely linked to the vital rhythm of nature. Although it has become a sensational hit of humor, it occurs periodically.



Retrograde Planets and the Human Soul

The movements of the stars correspond to the psychological dynamics. According to Dane Rudhyar, the higher the star’s speed, the greater the flow of psychic energy (vital energy-Pranic energy) in the considered function.

When the star is stationary, the speed reaches almost zero until the movement is reversed. The subjects symbolized by the star experience a kind of paralysis or suspension.

The Planet in retrograde motion symbolizes the return of libido, vital or psychic energy, from the conscious to the unconscious. ”


The Planetary Influences on Soul Evolution

According to the “Law of Correspondence,” the subjects and energies governed by these planets suffer inverts, suspensions, twists, and possible blockages.

Life keeps happening, and we cannot always change an event. When it is not possible to postpone a situation or event, just have a little more attention.

The advice is to reinforce attention in situations that require precision in more definitive decisions. For example, when one is subject to surgeries, contract signing, big deals, travel, etc.

In practice, planetary retrogradation means that the Planet will pass again in the same degrees it did before. So there will be a new opportunity to fix, redo, try again, or improve something that did not work during the retrograde period.

On the other hand, there is a time for revision and strengthening in every creative process, the “finishing,” as they say, so that the results become firm.

Retrogradation, therefore, is an opportunity to improve. It is ultimately how this Planet operates, and retrogrades function as the period of Pregnancy, of gestation, before a new life starts. Planetary retrogradation is the impulse that allows brilliant minds to glimpse innovative alternatives in every way.

People born during the retrograde movement of a planet may feel a specific advantage. For, naturally, the perception process would occur subjectively and in an introverted way. They are capable of contemplating life from different perspectives.

Retrograde Calendar for 2021

Mercury Retrograde

Aquarius – 01/31 to 02/20

Gemini– 05/29 to 06/22

Libra – 09/27 to 10/18

Retrogradation symbolizes the mind turned inward during the regressive period. As an example of such, we can mention and search inward through a mystical interiorization. It is even expected that some visionaries were born with this position. This year, Mercury will retrograde in air signs. These signs are related to communication, the development of ideas and plans, interactions with people, and the entire Planet.

There may be a slowness of perception or lack of ability to project thoughts and communication in practice. There may be a sudden need for revision and greater attention to the functioning of technology, internet networks, and the general flow of machinery and processes.

It is worth checking the fine print in contracts and paying more attention to agreements and deals. There may be a need for revision or changing of mind in what is done and talked about when the movement becomes direct again. There is an easier way to forget and lose attention. But it is by no means an extraordinary or ominous period. Retrogradation takes place a few times a year.

The moment of retrogradation favors improvement, revision, editing, selection, repair, restoration, recycling. On the other hand, it favors the subjective movement of reflection, withdrawal, introversion, and pause.

They can also inflict misunderstandings in messages, inattention, deception, mismatches, unchecked commitments, postponements, delays, and conflicts.

These events may possibly be revised when the Planet passes again in the same degrees, in direct motion. In some cases, it will also be possible to try something that has not worked during the previous periods. In an opportunity to redo, restart and reaffirm something, to fix misunderstandings and conflicts that had previously occurred.


Saturn Retrograde – May 23 to October 10

Saturn’s movement reveals the potential to persist and maintain something for the long term. If you can plan, prioritize the decisions and actions to advance into the future. At the same time, this Planet is in direct motion.

When we make commitments or start something that we want to be consistent with during the retrograde movement, there will be a greater chance that the situation will reverse or be undone when the Planet changes direction.



Saturn symbolically has the function of organizing vital energies into forms. Build “walls” and boundaries to differentiate structures. Saturn is the teacher, the disciplinary. It reveals the formation of the ego through differentiation and isolation. Depending on how our natal Saturn is balanced with other planets, it may mean that Saturn is our defense mechanism.

From a psychological point of view, according to Rudhyar, it can be a moment of lack of firmness, greater insecurity, lack of self-confidence or affirmation. In institutions or relationships between people, arrogant defense mechanisms may arise, driven by fear.

In practice, the tip is to prioritize decisions and actions in which you want permanent, long-term results before May 23. And after October 11, 2021. Mainly for companies, businesses, properties, and even societies and weddings. ”

Saturn will be directly in the 6 degrees and 53 minutes of Aquarius to recover the future path and develop situations, relationships, and energies invested since February 15, 2020. This is the point in time from when there may have been a suspension, block, or interruptions. It will bring opportunities to try again and start over.


Jupiter Retrograde – 06/20 to 10/18

Between June 20 and October 18, the subjects governed by Jupiter on each person’s map may suffer suspensions or unpredictable adverse effects. It will continue to bring new opportunities for recovery to what has happened since March 28, 2021, in situations where there may have been an interruption or suspension.

Depending on the person’s map in the worldly sense, the Planet has to do with fertility, financial, international affairs, legal, laws, temples, higher education, publications, etc.

If you can choose to file a lawsuit, for example, prioritize the period in which the star is direct. If you can’t, reinforce your actions when the Planet returns to the same degree, in direct motion.

Jupiter means, in the spiritual sense, the process of soul growth. During the retrograde period, energy is best perceived through dreams and projections.

When the return to direct movement occurs, the processes of expansion, growth, and faith concerning the future flow, consciously re-established in our perception.



Venus Retrograde – 12/19 to 01/29/22

During Venus retrograde, a period of dissatisfaction in the emotional life may arise. Unconscious contents start to disturb the natural flow of love and consciousness in relationships.

There may be comings and goings, changes in feelings, withdrawals, changes in the path, a break, or a break in the bond when the star changes direction. As well as, there can come and go with relationships from the past. If you meet someone and start a relationship during the period, the advice is not to have expectations.

Perhaps, there is a chance that the situation will restart when the Planet returns to the direct path by observing and reflecting on the situation with greater objectivity.

Concerning contracts, it is important to redo and check the terms and reaffirm the commitments when the star changes direction. In financial matters, there is unpredictability and possible uncontrolled expenditure of energy and resources.


When Transpersonal Planets go Retrograde

Pluto R in Capricorn 04/27 to 10/06

Neptune R in Pisces 06/25 to 12/01

Uranus R in Taurus 08/19 to 01/18/22

See Also

The Sun is the element of integration in the individuation process. Conscious limits occur under Saturn. The ego is transcended and balanced to the external and collective, through the inspiration awakened by the transpersonal Planet, such as Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Transpersonal Planets symbolize the voice of the collective in individuals. They are more effective in individuals aware of universal values and focused on holistic perception.

They reach the ego as transcendent energies and represent the bridge between the cosmos, gods, and humanity. From a psychological point of view, they reveal the harmony between the collective unconscious and the particular ego. In a direct state, they will reform the consciousness. In a retrograde state, they will reform the unconscious.

From a collective and generational point of view, there is a perception of the moments of the decadence of the cultural and social systems of an era in retrograde periods.

Reformers and questions arise to proclaim long-forgotten truths. There is a search for a more profound and older direction of origins in the face of current degenerations. Also, occur the rise of spiritual guides.


Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn 04/27 to 10/06

Pluto rules the mysteries, the political assemblies, of every organization group that decides on the collectivity and ceremonies. It relates to the laws of power. The Planet Pluto being the upper octave of Mars acts in deeper concentrations of power and can somehow mean some destruction so that something can be transformed, finalized, or regenerated spiritually.

Take advantage of the direct movement when you look at the map to schedule a meeting with people in power. There will be opportunities for empowerment. It will also be a time to reflect deeply on what needs to be left behind. Or in acceptance and gratitude for what you have lost or ended in your destiny.


Neptune Retrograde in Pisces 06/25 to 12/01

Neptune is the upper octave of Venus. It stands for the dissolving power that erodes ego crystallizations towards universal compassion.

Its symbol is the sea, the nirvana. It has the symbolic meanings of redemption, universalization, and lack of focus. Neptune dissolves things, infiltrates invisibly, spreads, and disperses. It is the lack of sharpness.

Collectively, Neptune in a backward period is related, for example, to religious impostures, or in the areas in which it rules modernly, internet, fashion, drugs, medicines, to name a few examples. This Planet acts subtly and mysteriously. It erodes the ego’s crystallization. The Planet has the sense of unconditional and compassionate love, including annulling oneself. On the dark side, it leads one to get lost in artificial havens, such as drugs, dreams, illusions, and unreal fantasies. Or it can awaken a more significant mental confusion in the perception of forebodings and still make health more vulnerable depending on the aspect.

During retrogradation, the risk of mistakes in relationships and business is even greater. As well as the potential to worsen debts. The person cannot structure himself and keep constancy, persistence, and discipline. Which may require a little patience and understanding from family and friends.


Uranus Retrograde in Taurus 08/19 to 01/19/22

Uranus acts in the mental. While Mercury’s upper octave is the power to project transformative ideas as the seed of a new consciousness. His energy is agitated and disturbing. As a Planet, Uranus awakens the unconscious’s projective power in images, ideas, and symbols. It awakens to insights, creative inspirations in artists, scientists, inventors and brings the ability to transform. On the dark side, it reveals perversions.



In the Astral Map, it will show twists and unexpected, extraordinary chances in a direct aspect. And when it becomes retrograde, speed and new opportunities will be suspended. Therefore, it is an opportunity to improve what is already underway. When it is direct, more options and continuity of what had arisen will arise quickly.


For those who want to deepen their research, the book that served as the basis for this article is Personality Astrology, Dane Rudhyar.


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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.

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