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Spiritual Superfoods for Your Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Superfoods for Your Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Superfoods OMTimes

There are many ways you can embrace and enhance your spiritual growth, but one you may not have thought of is eating spiritual superfoods.

10 Superfoods for Spiritual Growth

By Lena Hemsworth



Spirituality is a concept. It refers to a connection with feelings and beliefs bigger and more profound than the physical part of life. There are many ways in which you can embrace spirituality. For instance, you should explore your own well-being. Realizing your personal values and beliefs, being aware of your emotions, and acknowledging your emotional responses to life events are all parts of the spiritual journey towards self-awareness.  You should also gain spiritual insight. Read as many books as possible and articles about spirituality and meet people with similar interests to do that effectively. With the help of spiritual practices, deep breathing, practicing stillness and meditating, you’ll soon have some amazing results. However, you should be careful about your diet. Here are the foods you should consume more to grow spiritually.


Spiritual Superfood #1 – Dark leafy greens

Vitamins are some of the most important parts of our diet. Without vitamins, you can hardly ever be healthy. Vitamins are important for your heart health, brain function, digestion, and stabilization of glucose levels. All the vitamins that regulate these things are found in dark, leafy greens. Mixed greens, kale, spinach, and romaine are the foods rich in these vitamins. Beet greens and dandelion greens also contain high levels of these vitamins. Consuming these foods can reduce inflammation, which is the crucial thing to do since inflammation can cause other, more serious, health issues.

Kale is a vegetable that is particularly important for spirituality. Namely, kale is rich in chlorophyll. For that reason, kale is very alkalizing, and it is important for your Third Eye chakra. Unfortunately, kale isn’t very tasteful when you consume it on its own. However, you can massage it with lemon juice and remove the tough middle spine. That way, you will get a much tastier salad. Make sure to add some of these greens into your smoothies, wraps, and salads, and you’ll be more than happy with yourself and the quality of your life.


Spiritual Superfood #2 – Raw cacao

Another food that is concerning your spiritual journey is cacao. Again, it is connected to the Third Eye chakra and its stimulation. However, not any type of cacao is equally good for you. For instance, the highly processed cacao you can find in candy bars will not do anything good for you or your spirituality. On the other hand, raw cacao can do wonders. Cacao is high in both nutrients and antioxidants. Due to these strong antioxidants, cacao is great for the process of decalcification.

Cacao is said to be greatly beneficial for the pineal gland. Another thing cacao is amazing for is the enhancement of intuition. Cacao is famous for its detoxification benefits. With a little cacao, you can shift the toxic energy out of your body and aura. It can also help you stabilize energy levels for the day. You can improve your mood, calm your thoughts, and prepare yourself for a meditation session, all with the help of cacao.


Spiritual Superfood #3 – Garlic

Garlic has earned its worldwide fame due to its benefits. Garlic is a highly nutritious food, but it doesn’t contain many calories at all. What it does contain is compounds with potent medicinal properties. Garlic is a well-known remedy for Common Cold. Garlic can reduce blood pressure, but it can also improve cholesterol levels. It can prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia due to some of the antioxidants it contains. It can enhance athletic performance, and it can help you live longer.

Due to all of these health benefits, it’s no wonder why people practice cooking with garlic that much. People practicing spirituality have also found that garlic has many benefits. Namely, cooking with garlic is alkaline-forming. When you have a build-up of calcium in your body, garlic is there to detox it. Even though you can take capsules, it’s best to consume raw garlic if you really want to experience all of its benefits. However, keep in mind that garlic is a healthy food, and make sure to introduce small amounts first to see how your body responds to it.



Spiritual Superfood #4 – Avocado

Another incredibly nutritious food is avocado. Avocado is rich in potassium; it holds even more potassium than bananas. Avocado is the fattiest plant food out there since it contains lots of calories from fat and fatty acids. It is also very rich in fiber. When consuming avocados regularly, you can lower your cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels. You can protect your eyes and even prevent cancer with the help of this magical plant. If you’re struggling with weight gain, avocado is amazing for you because it will help you lose some weight.

Since avocado is loaded with 20 vitamins and minerals, it is creamy and nurturing. Due to the monounsaturated fats and antioxidants, avocados are great for your heart and your eyes as well. The best thing about them is that you can add them to any meal. For instance, they will be equally good in a salad or in a sandwich. You can also combine them with steamed veggies or add them to your favorite smoothies.


Spiritual Superfood #5 – Quinoa

When speaking of nutritious foods, quinoa shouldn’t be neglected. Quinoa contains some of the healthiest plant compounds – quercetin and kaempferol. It is an excellent choice for people with gluten intolerance since it is gluten-free. On the other hand, it is full of fiber and protein, both necessary for your health and well-being. Quinoa is also pretty great if you’re trying to lose weight. Namely, this plant boosts metabolism, and it also reduces appetite, which can only result in losing weight effectively.

Since quinoa contains nine essential amino acids, it’s no surprise why it is so beneficial. Due to high magnesium, iron, potassium, and zinc, your diet won’t lack anything if you introduce quinoa into it as soon as possible. Physical health is critical when it comes to spirituality. You need to be connected both to your body and your higher self to make a difference in your life. That is precisely why quinoa is such an important part of your diet and why you should start consuming it now!


Spiritual Superfood #6 – Berries

There is hardly a healthier food you could consume than berries. These are impressive when it comes to health benefits. The Berries are loaded with antioxidants such as anthocyanins, ellagic acid, and resveratrol. Berries can help you improve your blood sugar and insulin response, making them great for preventing diabetes. Goji berries, golden berries, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, and gooseberries are all very high in fiber, and they provide many nutrients. They can help you lower your cholesterol levels, and they can even have a remarkably positive effect on your skin.

If they can do so much for your body, can you even imagine what they can do for your mind? They are colorful and vibrant and full of life. This fruit often symbolizes fertility, plenty, and the harvest. They bring life to you and a whole new appreciation for life. Make sure to consume as many berries, and you won’t have trouble vibrating at high frequencies. You can easily introduce them into your diet. For instance, get some high-quality protein powder, your dose of berries, and mix them together into a perfectly healthy and energizing smoothie.


Spiritual Superfood #7 – Maca

Maca is a plant that mainly grows in the Andes of central Peru. It is a cruciferous vegetable, which means that maca is related to kale, cauliflower, cabbage, and broccoli. The part of this plant that is edible is the root. The root grows underground, and it can be in any color from white to black. The way to consume maca root is to dry it out and make a powder out of it. It can also come as capsules or liquid extract. Maca is highly nutritious; it increases libido and fertility in men, but it can also relieve symptoms of menopause.

Maca root comes from the ground. For that reason, people see it as a plant for grounding and vitality. Maca is a great choice for sustained energy and stabilizing hormones. This plant can improve your mood and boost your energy levels. Natives in Peru have been using this plant to improve children’s performance in school. It has been proven that maca can enhance your learning and memory. Make sure to add maca to your smoothie or a raw dessert, or just consume it as a powder. However, be careful when it comes to any possible maca consumption side effects.



Spiritual Superfood #8 – Cold-pressed extra virgin olive or coconut oil

Some components in the food are simply magical. That is the right way to describe healthy fats found in olive and coconut oil. Cold-pressed olive oil contains some pretty potent antioxidants that are great for defending your body against unstable molecules. Chronic conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, are alleviated due to these antioxidants. This type of oil also promotes brain health and improves blood sugar levels. Simultaneously, it also reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and delays the progression of osteoarthritis.

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Coconut oil is also great for boosting heart health. It can encourage fat burning, and it may have an antimicrobial effect. Cold-pressed coconut oil can reduce hunger and seizures. It protects your skin, teeth, and hair, and it may boost your brain function, especially if you’re struggling with Alzheimer’s disease. These oils are essential when it comes to supporting brain functions and the nervous system. They can also help you expand your intuition. If you’re feeling depressed or anxious, give these foods a chance. They can help you connect with Mother Earth and nature.


Spiritual Superfood #9 – Dates

The date palm tree gave us a true superfood. Dates are incredibly nutritious and very high in fiber and disease-fighting antioxidants. Dates are also the best when it comes to promoting brain health and improving brain functions. If you’re a lady going soon into the labor, you’ll be happy to read that dates have a great potential to ease late-term labor. Since dates are so high in fructose, they make the perfect replacement for refined sugar. If you’re looking for a healthy natural sweetener, you’ve just found one!

Dates contain boron. Boron is literally a superfood. This food can affect your glandular, endocrine, and nervous system positively. All of these systems can optimize energy much more effectively due to this food. The key to reaching spirituality is to harmonize your energy. Many of the foods we consume daily don’t do this. They actually drain it. That is why the consumption of dates is so important. Make sure to introduce them into your diet, be it in smoothies, raw desserts, or salads.

Spiritual Superfood #10 – Clean water

Finally, clean and pure water is the thing your body needs for you to get as spiritual as possible. For instance, reverse osmosis and freshly collected spring water are the best choices for clean water. Since these waters are pure, they are immediately sucked up and circulated. Water makes the most of our bodies. Without water, our organs can’t function properly. Not only our organs, but our mind also can’t work correctly either unless you drink enough water. If you want to think clearly, make sure to take your daily amount of water.

Since these waters have no chemical waste, they are amazing for spiritual growth. Many waste products and pharmaceuticals are lingering in our water system, which is why the accent here is on the phrase “clean water.” For instance, Fluoride is a component that prevents you from growing spiritually if you don’t make sure that your water is clean. You could always filter your water rather than drinking it directly from the tap. High-quality water is essential for your body and mind, and you should never settle for less than that.



There are a lot of superfoods that you can eat that will enhance your spiritual growth. Make sure to at least try all of these and see what your favorites are!


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About the Author

Lena Hemsworth is a writer, enthusiast, and loves to lose herself in a good book. She believes that there is nothing better than starting your day with a hot cup of coffee.

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