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Ten Ways You Channel (and You May Not Be Aware Of)

Ten Ways You Channel (and You May Not Be Aware Of)

Channel OMTimes

Channeling is not a skill appointed to others but an innate Divine talent each of us has. Learning to recognize how we are channel promotes clarity, spiritual growth, and healing for ourselves and others.

Ten Ways You Are Already Channeling



We are more than seven months in the COVID-19 pandemic, causing a slowdown (if not a shutdown) that has upset our routine, stunted our mobility, and altered our thinking. Some, viewing the world through a one-dimensional lens, fret that it has prevented growth.  On the contrary, though, we can harvest opportunities in this slowdown. It has thrust upon us the time and space we would not ordinarily afford for ourselves in a world cluttered with minutiae.

After we’ve exhausted all the Netflix and Amazon Prime binge-watching, we find even more empty space that the Universe asks us to fill with pursuits that matter, a life-changing invitation. Using this time and increased solitude to recognize our intuitive gifts will prove to us how in so many ways, we are channels for the Divine.

In the secular world, a channel is defined as “a band of frequencies used in radio and television transmission, especially as used by a particular station” or “a length of water wider than a strait, joining two larger areas of water, especially two seas.” These standard definitions assume more significance if we apply them to our spiritual process—each of our senses’ functions as a channel — including our subtle senses.

Honing our own channeling skills doesn’t require finding a guru or expensive mentor; it merely means learning to recognize the signs and symbols the Universe sends us.  As individuals, we respond differently to different stimuli, and learning to trust what we see/hear/feel exercises our channeling ability.  Channeling for ourselves helps us understand and move through periods of discomfort, leading to higher consciousness and spiritual growth.

1. See the significance of closed doors; they are not lost opportunities and should not incite feelings of failure. They are imperative messages from the Universe, but you have to accept them as such. Consider them the way you’d follow directional signals or road maps – go this way instead of that.  Following the messages saves unnecessary frustration or disappointment.  There is no failure.  Seek the open road.



2. Investigate your anxiety. We rush to seek artificial remedies to quell anxiety without examining it.  A Xanax here, a glass of wine there, a fun diversion elsewhere.  Anxiety can be the first step to healing when we view it as a key to self-understanding. What am I feeling? When did it start?  What is its source?  Does it really have external roots, or is it an internal reaction to an external situation?  Breathe into the feeling.  Let yourself hear/see/feel the answers without restraint.    Allowing yourself to dive within and retrieve the answers is channeling.  Trust yourself.  Love yourself enough to do this.

3. Revel in the gifts of nature. Open your eyes and pay attention as nothing random crosses your path. Feathers at your feet?  Calls of the crow overhead.  Animals crossing your way more often.  All of these are visitations and symbols of the etheric world.   Recognizing and interpreting them is channeling.

4. Pay attention to recurring numbers. Do you keep seeing repetitive numerical patterns on the clock?  On grocery store receipts?  Where else?  Ancient traditions relied on the spiritual elements of numbers for guidance; numerology is rooted in Kabbalah. What are these numbers trying to tell you?

5. Honor your ideas, any ideas, even the most fleeing one that flashes by in an instant. Go back and harness it. It’s a message. It’s a suggestion. Don’t judge it or dismiss it as frivolous.  A new notion comes from somewhere deep within your consciousness.  Channel it.

6. Follow your urges to reach out to someone you have been meaning, not call. Perhaps you’ve been thinking of contacting someone for days, and just as you are about to dial, your phone rings. Or you do make the call and are greeted, “I was just thinking about you!” Don’t explain this away as a coincidence. This is that “band of frequencies” you’re traveling. You are channeling, transmitting, and receiving energy. Learn to direct it.

7. Be alert to temperature changes. Temperature sensitivity often accompanies the openness to etheric energies around you. Once you do this, you might find your household electrical system gets a bit buggy; TVs turning themselves on, light bulbs flickering; glass breaking by itself.  Stop.  Breathe.  Sense the visitor from spirit.  Ask for a more specific message. You are channeling.

8. Cherish and retain your dreams. They are the Divine consciousness vehicles and provide the platform for premotions, visitations, guidance, and warnings; they are never accidental. One technique to help you remember your dream is to drink water just before you fall asleep; when you wake up hours later to use the bathroom, you will likely remember the dream.  You can also direct your dreams as a means of asking the spirit world for help.  Messages and visitations, subtle or direct, will become routine for you. Often, channeling through dreams is the most gentle way to gather information.

9. Slow down your breathing. Slow down your thoughts.  Close your eyes. You’re never blank. As you settle into the meditative state, higher frequencies become accessible. You’ll see the light, colors, images. Don’t insist upon precise interpretations.  Breathe through what you see, and you will gather what you need, which is most often divine love and support.  When you feel it, the Universe will celebrate?

See Also

10. Honor your unique gifts. Creativity is the nature of our spirit. Sing. Write. Paint. Dance. Craft. Listen. Play. Make a mess.  Have fun making a mess, and don’t hurry to clean it up immediately.  Rejoice!  This is channeling.


This period for us can generate high-speed spiritual growth.  It will also make each of us a brighter light in a period of extreme global darkness and fear.  By far, this is the most sacred element of channeling, healing the world by seeking clarity for ourselves.


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About the Author

Lisa Shaw is a spiritual counselor, animal communicator, writer, and professor who lives in South Florida with her animals. Her eBook, Illumination: Life Lessons from Our Animal Companions, is available on  Amazon Kindle. Find out more at

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