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8 Holistic Healing Modalities That Can Help Heal Yourself

8 Holistic Healing Modalities That Can Help Heal Yourself

Holistic Healing Modalities

Holistic healing modalities have a holistic view of the patient which looks at the physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological states.

Eight Holistic Healing Modalities




Homeopathy is one of the forms of alternative therapy. She unites the benefits of medicine with the benefits of treatments. She tries to rescue the patient’s health by stimulating vital energy in him to heal himself.

People have a physiological process of self-healing and homeopathy in themselves so that this internal system can find a way to Health.



Acupuncture is also among the alternative therapies that are recognized for helping to decrease the patient’s pain. Also, she works on energy issues.

In acupuncture, the needle stimulates several neurotransmitters in the patient’s body, helping the energy to circulate better in his body. Thus, it will release micro opioid substances that will work by stimulating or sedating the organs’ specific pathways.



Reiki is one of the best-known alternative therapies that work to harmonize the being integral. The patient is seen through Reiki as body, mind, and soul, and all of this is taken care of.

The energy of this therapy is brought where the patient is most in need.

The energy will go where it needs to go.

In Reiki, sick cells are worked on. Good cells are energized to treat diseased cells so that the latter is improved or exterminated. Reiki provides a recalibration of all the energy centers on the body.

This type of alternative therapy is prescribed for any age and can be done at any time. Reiki is a powerful Japanese technique for reducing stress, inducing relaxation, and controlling and curing pain and illness. It is accomplished by laying on hands that transmit the universe’s vital energy through the chakras. The Reikian (the one who applies Reiki) transmits this energy through the hands, usually without touching the patient.



Memory regression is another popular type of alternative therapy. The therapy proposal is for the patient to search his memory for anything that may have caused his illness or disorder. I can help individuals to find the root cause of their problems. It aims to work on the patient’s different behavioral disorders, whether they are mental, emotional, or physical problems.


Shiatsu is a Japanese therapy developed between the end of the 19th century and the 20th century. It consists of applying pressure with fingers and hands at specific and vital points for our body, called meridians. With this therapy, it is possible to control many health problems such as constipation, PMS symptoms, relief of muscle pain, and even flu and pneumonia prevention.



Aromatherapy is a branch of herbal medicine that uses aromas to treat mainly emotional problems. Using natural plant oils, the technique uses the oils’ psychological powers to help control stress, emotional imbalances, and local pain.



Yoga is a complete practice that generates emotional and physical well-being. The method uses stretching, fitness, and meditation exercises to achieve a better quality of life and health.

Several problems are controlled through Yoga, such as postural readjustment, improved sleep quality, circulatory issues, memory problems, and many others.



Essences, remedies, or elixirs, the fact is that the Bach Flowers are gaining the confidence of even the most skeptical when it comes to homeopathy. Made from mature flowers, plants, shrubs, or even water springs, these essences were created between 1928 and 1936 by the English homeopath, immunologist, and bacteriologist Edward Bach.  They promise to bring healing to the individual through emotional balance.

Divided into seven general emotional groups by their creator, the 38 Bach flowers are individually related to a specific emotional state. To find themselves so well defined in their groups, Bach understood the need to unify diseases’ origin into seven human defects: greed, cruelty, selfishness, gluttony, ignorance, mental instability, hatred, and pride. Such illnesses could also find balance through seven paths: joy, love, certainty, hope, faith, peace, and wisdom.

See Also
essential oils aromatherapy OMTimes

As you can see, many remedies can be used to combat and mitigate the effects of post-traumatic stress. However, some specific names tend to be among the most recommended.

It is possible to use any one of them without practically any contraindication. However, the most indicated is looking for a professional specialized in the subject to choose the most correct. Even though several specialists consider the remedies 100% effective, they do not dispense with professional psychological counseling and the possible need for additional allopathic medications.

Something of extreme importance and that cannot be left out is that, as it is a severe psychological condition, under no circumstances is it advisable to use flowers or any other alternative therapy without informing a responsible doctor. This is true, especially if you already have ongoing treatment.

The floral will not hurt you or influence the treatment offered by this Health professional. However, by acting in parallel, the floral effects can show false results on the doctor’s treatment. This can cause the impression that the treatment is being successful when, in fact, it is the floral that would be causing the improvement, and vice versa.



The remedies are more intended to be an additional treatment to walk side by side with other methods, and not the only option for the patient.

Many of these alternative treatments are complementary to the allopathy system of healing.    Please consult your Health -wellness provider before adopting any of these suggested Therapies above.


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About the Author

Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.

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This website is a Soul Service-oriented Outreach.  May all sentient beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering and know only everlasting bliss.

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