The Justice Card: Tarot Arcane March 2021

The month of March brings the energy of the Justice Card to the front and the awareness of karma in our lives.
The Justice Card: Archetype of March 2021
Unlike Astrology, which has only one source of calculation determined by the planets and stars’ position, the Tarot has different cards and different interpretations.
The referential is basically the same: 78 arcana, being 22 Major and 56 Minor arcana. For March 2021, the Arcane of the selected month is “Justice.” The best way to assess the arcana’s relevance and effectiveness is to interpret their role in our lives. Know the trends that may make sense to you.
The Justice Card is a Karmic Archetype
In the Tarot, the Justice Card is the representation of karma in our lives. Know that whatever you decide or act at this moment will bring you future consequences. Therefore, it is necessary not to exaggerate decisions and to be just above anything.
Justice in the Tarot Deck stands for a moment of destiny’s reckoning. That is, with something that you have left open in past lives, some karmic event that requires you not to make the same mistakes again in this life and be sure that you have learned the lesson.
The image of the Justice Card is of a woman sitting on a throne that indicates her power. At heart level with her left hand, she holds the balance, the one that weighs the power of her decisions, in her right hand is the raised sword, which will brand the sentence.
Arcanum of the Month – the Justice Card
“Justice” is an arcanum that speaks directly about our reference to right and wrong. This card can represent the future or the outcome of some complicated situation.
The Arcanum is a good card for the beginning of the year. It is conducive to a posture of organization and correction, which brings serenity, balance, and cleanliness.
The Arcane of the month determines metrics, represents the strength of the measures. Nothing should be out of place, and nothing should be misjudged or weighed. Following this Archetype, everything must be planned through a calculating posture, and each action must be calculated and assertive. This is an excellent time to make plans, seek changes, plant seeds.
In most decks, the Justice Card is represented by a woman’s figure on her throne, static and looking at who is playing the Tarot.
This Arcanum of the month is closely associated with cause and effect, demonstrating a judgment of what you do and what you pay for your actions.
Prioritize What Is Right and Stay Away From What Is Wrong
The Arcane of March 2021 reminds us of the responsibility for everything around us. Every day we make decisions, always prioritizing our wishes and goals. Often, we worry only about our own benefit and forget that we live in a community.
The Justice Card talks about the awareness of what is right and what is wrong.
In March, the Tarot guides us to have a posture that determines and corrects mistakes, valuing successes and prioritizing the collective.
But this does not mean that we should judge who does wrong. We have to learn that we need to have an unbiased view of people and things without judgment. This balance is essential for living in Harmony.
Reflect Upon your Relationships
The Justice Card can symbolize the silence and coldness that mark a relationship filled with hurt, weakened, or resented by the mistakes of one person or another. It is necessary to understand that all the problems and joys of our past transform us into the person we are today, which makes us Captains of our fate, and masters of our attitudes.
According to the month’s Arcane, there is no external entity or force that influences us concerning desire, love, and hate. Only we can determine the direction of our relationships. It may be that the Card for March 2021 brings complicated issues to the side of those we love, which should lead to a distance in friendship or even in a romantic relationship.
The trend is that there will be victimization on our part, which is one of the month’s characteristics. So, we must be aware that we are as responsible for adverse situations as the other people involved. Reflecting on issues related to relationships with our own evolution and responsibility in mind is more effective than regretting emotional distress, lack of love, or the end of a relationship.
Fairness and Business
Doubt that March 2021 will be a good time to close deals, contracts, and agreements based on equity, balance, and fairness. The Justice Card protects contracts based on legality. Any action that aims to rectify, repair, or benefit groups and people will be auspicious. It is essential to show clarity in intentions and investments.
Praying for what is right will guarantee a more organized life, no matter how bureaucratic processes increase deadlines. The sense of justice must always be improved according to our experiences. This will bring confidence, courage, and excellent posture.
Time for an Inner Accounting
Being fair to others and to yourself to adopt an honest and impartial view are some of the correct postures that move the world towards a path of Harmony and compassion.
Some people have a gift for solving problems that seem unsolvable with just a few words. We must look within ourselves, understand our causes and missions, to see things more clearly. Reflect on your own notion of justice. To enter March 2021 with a clear consciousness, answer the following questions in writing or mentally, as sincerely as possible. In this way, the Tarot will begin to act in your life.
– Is there something bothering me?
– Which part of my life am I finding it difficult to adjust to?
– What is needing balance in my interior and exterior?
– How can I eliminate my difficulties?
– In the professional field, what should I harmonize?
– How do I usually face justice?
– For me, what is responsibility?
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About the Author
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.
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Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.