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Bach Florals and Animal Healing

Bach Florals and Animal Healing

Bach Florals Animals

The animal’s owner can safely prescribe the correct remedy because Bach Floral medicines act on the sentient being’s emotional bodies, not the physical one.

Bach Florals for Animals: Treatment for your Furbaby Companions



As well as having a powerful effect on humans, Bach Flowers can also be used on animals. Whether to balance aggressive behavior, free them from any fear or something that afflicts them, and even prepare them to receive a new animal or child at home. The Bach Florals will provide the harmony of your Animal Friend in the same way that it treats you and your family.

Healing with the clean, pure, beautiful agents of nature is surely the one method of all which appeals to most of us

~ Edward Bach


How to Select Bach Florals for Your Animals

Without many secrets, Dr. Bach’s flowers can be prescribed for the animals (medicated) from an observation by the owner himself. Because Bach Floral medicines act on the sentient being’s emotional bodies, they can be prescribed by anyone.


What should You be aware of?

Has anything changed at home or in the animal’s daily routine? Do you notice anything different about him or any characteristic that would be detrimental to his / her wellbeing?

Put yourself in the pet’s seat and think about how you would like your life to achieve total balance.

The administration of Bach Flowers for animals also works very simply. Because they are natural essences, there is no possibility of overdosing, minimizing the animal’s risks. If unnecessary prescribed floral medicine, it will not be absorbed by the animal’s emotional body.

However, we recommend it safer to dilute the medicines in water to minimize the alcohol content, especially when using the florals with small animals, such as birds or small rodents.

There are, however, places that sell alcohol-free flowers, usually aimed at treating children, animals, or people who prefer to avoid alcohol altogether. The problem is that these places are often difficult to find. Find out in your region. They may be difficult, but not impossible to find.

Health depends on being in harmony with our souls

~ Edward Bach

Bach Florals for Animal Emotional Balance

As with administration to humans, the Medicine of Dr. Bach flower remedies for animals should only be used to treat emotional imbalances. If any physical symptom or clinical condition requires attention, be cautious, and take the animal to a veterinarian.

Treating physical symptoms with floral remedies can make the situation worse.

Know some emotional symptoms in animals and which floral can be prescribed for treatment:

Holly: suitable for animals of difficult temper and bad mood, making them more docile and receptive.

Impatiens: for the agitated, hurried, and impatient animals, this is the ideal floral. If your pet is one of those who get out of control when they hear the noise of the collar, who eat fast and are always restless, Impatiens can solve it.

Mimulus: if your pet is shy, fearful, and is always hiding, this floral can make you more loving and courageous, more capable of enjoying life.

Rock Rose: also suitable for fearful animals, Rock Rose can alleviate fear related to fireworks, thunder and going out on the street, or meeting other animals.

Rock Water: suitable for territorial animals. Rock Water can alleviate these symptoms if your companion animal demarcates the places and has problems to be trained. Rock rose can work wonders for a jealous pet.

Scleranthus: this floral is indicated for mood changes, nausea, and for animals with balance problems.

Star of Bethlehem: help your companion animal to overcome trauma. This robust floral is indicated for animals that have suffered some trauma related to mistreatment, hunger, and physical or emotional aggression. It is also recommended for use when pets are rescued from stressful situations, such as hoarding, puppy mills, or regional temporary animal shelters (animal pounds).

Sweet Chestnut: This floral is recommended for those animals that, for some reason, change owners and are refusing to eat.

Vervain: another possibility to treat hyperactivity. It is indicated for those hyperactive animals, which do not stop quiet.

Walnut: this is the floral of the adaptation. Recommended for animals with difficulty adapting to a new home or after castration or change in routine.

See Also
When to Adopt a New Pet?

Water Violet: this floral is of great help for the most solitary and reserved animals. Transforming them from aloof to sociable.

White Chestnut: if your pet has an unhealthy habit, such as scratching, nibbling, or licking, White Chestnut may be ideal for him.

Rescue Medicine: This compound is Floral medicine that is a combination of 6 other Floral essences. It is highly recommended when your animal companion presents one or more of the emotional unbalances described above.

In our experience as rescuers, we have used this floral compound to help our furbaby rid of the terrible nightmares that usually follow situations Pos-rescue.


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About the Author

Ministry EarthMinistry Earth Magazine is a mixing bowl of compassionate thoughts about all Sentient Beings, the Planet Earth, Ecological Changes, Humane interests, and whatnots. Ministry Earth is a new publication dedicated to giving a voice to our Animal Companions and our Planet Earth. Ministry Earth is a Magazine journal that shares all the main subjects pertaining to the Natural World of Nonhuman Sentient Beings, our environment, and our Commons.

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