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Family Karma and the Healing of Hereditary Patterns

Family Karma and the Healing of Hereditary Patterns

Family Karma

Family karma can be composed of physical patterns, values, feelings, mental issues, beliefs, and characteristics passed down through generations.

Healing Family Karma



Family karma can be composed of physical patterns, values, feelings, mental issues, beliefs, and characteristics passed down through generations. Some patterns can travel to the entire lineage, such as addictions, compulsive behaviors.

I feel very strongly that I am under the influence of things or questions which were left incomplete and unanswered by my parents and grandparents, and more distant ancestors. It often seems as if there were an impersonal karma within a family passed on from parents to children. It has always seemed to me that I had to answer questions that fate had posed to my forefathers. Questions which had not yet been answered, or as if I had to complete, or perhaps continue, things that previous ages had left unfinished.

Carl Jung


However, some families inherit negative behaviors and situations such as addictions, envy, personality disorders, suicides, and mental illness. These problems are consequences of our ancestors’ actions, which become cellular records and become family egregores.

The egregors are spiritual forces – like a circle or a field force with a distinctive energy signature, created by the sum of collective energies, vibratory patterns resulting from the congregation of two or more people. Therefore, destructive behaviors and situations can be influenced by family Karma, which is also called “family curse” or “hereditary curse.”

The greatest tragedy of the family is the unlived lives of the parents.

Carl Jung


When you watch your family closely, you will notice that some symptoms prevent prosperity, such as lack of love for others or self-love. These characteristics can be responsible for divorces, fights over the property, and even separation from the family. But why are these dark feelings generated, and how can we deal with them? Discover options for the cure of family Karma and the breaking of hereditary patterns.


The Origins of Family Karma

Spiritual studies on family Karma indicate that almost all families deal with at least one of the seven karmic shadows: abuse, violence, poverty, illness, betrayal, and abandonment. These shadows represent the karmas or even samskara patterns that are often repeated, becoming recurrent in the family.



Many different circumstances may give origin to these patterns. They usually involve strong intentions (usually lower desires) allied to an overcharged emotional release. Usually, they appear by cultivating lower feelings such as hatred, envy, suspiciousness, distrust, resentment, jealousy, loathing, and disgust.

One of the acts that may have started this Karma is engaging in one or more of these feelings with the desperate intention to change one’s life.

For this purpose, people who use spirituality end up creating for themselves and, like their descendants. These erratic patterns seem to lack good luck or create a series of unfortunate coincidences. Thus, physical and mental illnesses, resentment, hatred, fights between family members, brothers, and disputes over power, and money arise.

Spiritual treatment is one of many ways to break negative family ancestral influences and ward off shadowy emotions. These treatments can facilitate the growth of feeling s such as love, trust, prosperity, and peaceful wellbeing.


Spiritual Therapy for Healing Family Karma – RT

RT (Regressive Therapy) is a therapeutic methodology developed in 2006 by holistic therapist Osvaldo Shimoda, combining spirituality and psychology. In this therapy, the patient understands that a family is a group of spirits who correct mistakes made by them and their predecessors in past lives.

These souls need to reconcile and end family conflicts such as fights between couples, disagreements between siblings, and any bad feelings that can be carried on for several generations. This is done by breaking and healing repetitive patterns.

According to its creator, in RT, 90% of communications with spirits occur intuitively. Through words, feelings, impressions, or sensations, the patient has the impression that the energy is saying something. We can say that this is a telepathic communication since the souls enter the mind and read the thoughts. Still, according to Shimoda, 10% of people who undergo therapy say they hear someone talking close to their ears.

While destructive behaviors and illnesses are inherited from ancestors, evil thoughts, which make us feel incapable and weak, result from spiritual harassment.

Psychotherapy helps to dissolve trauma and seeks the root of the problem, eliminating suffering and anxiety. Through simple spiritual practices, trauma, pacts, and destructive cellular memories are resolved, which our ancestors carried and passed on to the generations. It is possible to break the vibrational frequency of such situations. Besides, it leads disembodied spirits to the path of light. These two spiritual healing protocols can bring the cure.

In Regressive Therapy, the patient discovers details of his past lives revealed by the spiritual mentor. Blockages that hinder personal and spiritual growth are treated. At the end of the session, the patient himself comes to a conclusion about the facts presented.

To understand the importance of this type of therapy, you need to know how reincarnation is studied scientifically:


Ways of Recalling past lives through RT

Providing reliable study of recurring dreams and memories of past lives that can manifest through them.

Analysis of déjà vu (a French term that means “already seen”) usually gives us the feeling that it is not the first time that we have gone to a place or that we have experienced the same situation before.

Study of meditation as a means of recalling past-life experiences in an altered state of consciousness.

ERT therapy aims to cure these obsessions. One of the methods is the prayer of forgiveness, which makes the patient open his heart and send light to his spiritual adversaries to be helped and supported, finding their path of light. It is important to note that Evolutionary Regressive Therapy does not link with religious institutions, sects, or groups.


Spiritual Therapy for Healing Family Karma – PLT

The healing of Karma from psychotherapy is not only done by Evolutionary Regressive Therapy. There is also the option of PLT (Past Life Therapy), which has an essential role in spiritual re-education.

PLT treats psychosomatic, psychic, and organic disorders that do not have causes defined by traditional medicine. Besides, it helps in impasses between couples, relationships between parents and children, and disagreements between siblings. Many therapists use hypnotherapy as a means to practice PLT.



See Also

According to PLT, the roots of these problems can originate from three factors:

A) Internal (Intrapsychic): traumatic experiences throughout childhood, birth, or maternal womb. Or in even earlier experiences, in past lives.

B) External (interpsychic): interference from external spirits (usually adverse or suffering) that can prevent the patient from performing regressions to other lives, to discover the source of his problems. These spirits know that contact with other lives is the key to healing.

C) Mixed: when the harmful interference is removed through friendly spiritual presences during a regression. Thus, the patient can settle the score and solve their problems quickly and effectively.

PLT also has no connection with religions. It is a psychotherapeutic approach that studies the scientific theory of reincarnation to explain personalities and behaviors from other lives. Therapy is indicated in cases of the panic syndrome, depression, phobias, and difficulties in relating. It should not be performed out of curiosity and is contraindicated for pregnant women, as it can affect the fetal unconscious.

In this therapy, the patient learns only of things that his unconscious deems necessary, unpleasant, or pleasant facts that can contribute to self-knowledge, transformation, and evolution. The patient maintains his conscious state throughout the session. Access to past lives is done through the technique of verbal induction.


This article has presented different views about family Karma.  Their destructive behaviors, situations, and diseases that pass through generations disrupt family relations and prevent healthy and loving relationships among their members.

We talked about treatments through ERT (Evolutionary Regressive Therapy) and PLT (Past Life Therapy) and their characteristics and ways of functioning. Both agree on one point that forgiveness is the best way to untie those karmic knots.

We hope that you will understand what happens to your family and that you will have the strength to change these destructive patterns. Accepting our problems and realizing that we cannot solve them alone is the first step towards healing family Karma. We would also recommend finding a trustworthy Family Clearing (Karma) therapist.

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Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.

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