Can Forgiveness Heal and Release Karma?

Almost everyone has heard of Karma or the Law of Karma, but what most people don’t know is that it is possible to transmute it to break free from its negative side.
Forgiveness and Karma
There are people that we feel appear in our lives to bring us joy, love, and pleasurable moments, and there are those that only cause us anger, sadness, heartbreak. And others bring no feeling at all. When we meet someone, who falls into that sadness group, we always ask ourselves, “why did I meet that person?”; “Why did I have to live like that?”, “Why does someone I treat so well treat me like that?”
Let’s consider Karma’s concept, the “Law of Return,” and when you experience something based on your actions. It does not seem very fair when someone you respect despises you. However, it is not only related to what we live in that life. It also includes our past lives and our family karma as well.
Thus, we sometimes come across people who are not suitable for us, which creates pain that can even lead us to have wrong attitudes. After all, who has never done something that repented because of the heat of the moment? However, there is a much healthier way to deal with this karmic relationship than fighting or repaying rudeness. It is through forgiveness.
Forgive: if you never know forgiveness,
You’ll never know the blessings that God gives.
Releasing Karma Through Forgiveness
The first thing we need to understand is that this person’s destructive behavior is not correct. When we act decently with this person, we are already relieving our Karma and mitigating its pernicious effects.
But that does not mean that we must endure for the rest of our lives, someone who does us harm. We need to have self-love and move away from that context.
However, besides letting go, it is also necessary to forgive this conduct. If this is not done, the feelings of unhappiness, hatred, and bitterness will continue with you. Your karmic relationship with that person will not end as you will still be feeding her indirectly with negativity. that is inside your heart.
Forgiving is not easy, but it is essential. In karmic terms, it will be the most critical way to dissolve those hardcore energy blocks.
We do not live the other’s life, nor do we know the past to judge what the other person does. We only know about our experience to not want to go through this anymore (and that’s fine!). Talk to the person and try to understand if there is a reason to do this to you.
Listen and see if you really did not make any mistakes, and if you did, apologize, and change the way you act too.
We know that sometimes talking does not resolve things at first. If dialogue is not possible, try to concentrate inside and see all of our wounds from that story and help them heal. That is, make sure that this situation does not reach you anymore or reaches you in the best possible way.
If it’s someone you may never have contact with again, just don’t try to stay in touch. Sometimes, the situation does not allow us to do this because it is someone from work or family. Our suggestion is to you then move away, and don’t consider what that person says to or about you (probably their intentions are just to hurt you).
Lastly, and most importantly, we also need to forgive ourselves! We need to understand that not everything in our lives is our fault, and everything has its positive side and teaches us something.
We have to understand that people do not change when we want them to. That is why it is useless to insist on a relationship that only makes us ill in the hope of making the other change. We must resist the temptation of blaming ourselves for not working. You did your best, and that’s what matters from a karmic standpoint.
Transmuting Karma using Forgiveness and the Violet Flame
Grace comes to forgive and then forgive again.
Transmutation of Karma
Almost everyone has heard of Karma or the Law of Karma, but what most people don’t know is that it is possible to transmute it to break free from its negative side. That is true for some types of Karma, but not all.
Negative Karma may have been built by actions that do not enlighten your spirit. It can be created by attitudes that have been carried out by past lives and have accumulated negativity to Karma.
What is a Transmutational Ritual
The Violet Flame of Transmutation must be triggered to initiate healing and the search for the neutralization of Karma. The Violet Flame, being an aspect of the Seventh Ray of the Holy Spirit, is a Sacred Fire that may be used to reach karmic mitigation. This state can only be achieved by practicing the Law of Forgiveness and living through it. The success of transmutation depends a lot on our dedication and commitment to spirituality and daily practice.
The process of transmutation can be triggered by anyone who wants to break free of negative Karma.
When the transmutation of Karma is achieved, many of the difficulties we face today on the physical level are totally transformed into positivity. When we release these knots, we are bringing Light, the Divine Truth, into our lives. Family, financial and professional conflicts can be resolved by removing the knots from negative energy.
How is it Possible to Make a Transmutation Ritual
The Karmic Healing and Transmutation Ritual can be performed at any time of the year and needs only concentration in search of good energies.
You need to light a violet candle every day for three weeks straight. This candle will be an offering to Saint Germain, the Seventh Ray of the Holy Spirit – of Healing, and karmic transmutation.
After lighting the candle, focus on the Transmutation Flame, the Violet Flame. Internalize the Flame of Transmutation and its extension through all your past lives and your current life.
After that moment, focus on the statement:
“Saint Germain and the Seventh Ray of the Holy Spirit now I pray that through this violet flame, help me achieve the Karmic Transmutation. May I exhaust all the negative karmas of this life and my previous existences to achieve karmic freedom in emotional, family, financial, and spiritual levels.”
At that moment, meditate and affirm internally as well:
“Through this violet flame, I ask that I shall receive a total release from my negative karma, and bring together all the people that I may have caused any spiritual, mental, professional, or financial difficulties, even those who have already disembodied from this world.”
Finally, repeat the statement, “I am the violet flame! I (my name) am the purity that God desires.”
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About the Author
Cathedral of the Soul intends to undertake the challenge of creating a multidimensional healing space that is dedicated to those who seek to enrich, enlighten, and heal themselves while serving and assisting in the healing of others. Cathedral of the Soul is one of the many spiritual outreaches of Humanity Healing International, a registered 501C3 nonprofit with Church status.
Cathedral of the Soul is developing an Animal Ministry program. If you want to volunteer and help animals, join the Facebook groups @circleofprayersforanimals
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Cathedral of the Soul intends to undertake the challenge of creating a multidimensional healing space that is dedicated those who seek to enrich, enlighten and heal themselves while serving and assisting in the healing of others. Cathedral of the Soul is one of the many spiritual outreaches of Humanity Healing International, a registered 501-C3 nonprofit with Church status.