Use Homeopathy to Treat Animals

Over the past few decades, homeopathy for animals has become increasingly used to cure diseases and common problems.
Is Homeopathy a Good Way to Treat Animals?
As in the human medication market, homeopathy is gaining more and more fans when it comes to animals’ treatment. This is so, even amid different myths and the disbelief that exists on many pet owners. The Homeopathic protocol is the most natural way to relieve and cure symptoms in dogs and cats. It continues to grow in popularity worldwide.
The principles and laws that determine veterinary homeopathy are the same laws as those applied to human homeopathy. They are the same implementation in practice saved some specificities.
Homeopathic medication is prescribed to a sick animal considering their individual characteristics and symptoms.
With Homeopathy, we focus on improving health and preventing disease more than merely treating it.
Plants and minerals are the main bases in homeopathic compositions, including only natural substances – and ingredients such as arnica, marigold, gold, silver, copper, and even snake venom (in some rare cases) can be found in the formulation of this type of medication.
How Homeopathy for Animals Works
With the main objective of preparing the body to face diseases and complications, homeopathy for animals acts on the body to balance it, making it ready to fight various diseases and help the pet strengthen itself, avoiding possible relapses recurrences of complications.
One of the most significant advantages of this type of medication is that homeopathic products for animals produce very few or no side effects in the vast majority of cases. Unlike most chemical medications, which can trigger discomfort in pets and even worsen a disease situation before it begins to be eradicated.
Therefore, identifying the essential elements of the animal’s “personality” within the same species or race is a question. The animal diagnostic elaborates on its defense reaction to a given disease.
The role of the owner of the animal is of vital importance to treating an animal by homeopathy. It is necessary to have good knowledge of the animal. The understanding of the particularities comes from the information provided by the owner or by the animal caregivers.
These people are the real intermediaries between the animal and Homeopathic veterinarians. Only The caretakers can describe the animal, its usual and unusual attitudes, reconstruct its history, and bring essential information to the choice of the proper homeopathic medicine.
Caring for Diverse Animal Species
All animals that receive help from detailed observation by their owners can be treated by homeopathy. In veterinary medicine, domestic animals and farm animals are traditionally distinguished.
Domestic Animals
Homeopathic medicine is highly effective in treating pets (dogs and cats) and horses and ponies, birds (parrots, parakeets, and canaries, mainly), and aquarium fish.
The same occurs with animals that our contemporary society has raised to domestic animals’ status, such as rodents (rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, rats, and mice, for example) and reptiles (turtles and snakes, mainly).
Farm Animals
Farm animals (oxen, pigs, sheep, goats, etc.) can also be treated by homeopathy. In the case of a disease that affects part or all of the herd, it is possible to treat each animal individually. Still, usually, the animals are analyzed as if they formed a single individual. The same homeopathic medicine was administered to all animals in the group.
Wild Animals
We assume that the same treatments using Homeopathic prescriptions may work for wildlife. But there are not enough scientific documentation or enough research materials to give us a fair picture of the Homeopathic efficiency
In this case, the prescription is determined from the symptoms’ analysis more characteristic than all the animals belonging to the family group or the herd. In addition to prescribing the medication, the veterinarian must be concerned with the welfare of the animals.
You should focus on improving health and preventing disease more than merely treating it.
But Why Use Homeopathy on Animals?
Homeopathy is an excellent tool, and it is the real exercise of curing and preventing diseases in domestic animals.
It is an extraordinarily efficient and economic healing resource to be used positively in animals.
Its efficiency is mainly linked to food production (milk, meat, and eggs). Homeopathic treatments treat the animal without having the final product suffer from residual contamination.
This type of contamination is common when caused by allopathic medicines such as antibiotics, antifungals, tick medicine, organophosphates, etc.
Homeopathy is a natural way of curing illnesses because it is non-invasive, holistic, and energetically correct.
Nowadays, when public opinion demands a less aggressive medical attitude for men, it is expected that this is also applied to animals. We hope that it will also reach food free of toxic residues, besides animal husbandry methods that consider humanitarian aspects and non-aggression to the environment.
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About the Author
Ministry Earth is a collective Awareness-Raising, Perception-Building Initiative from Humanity Healing International, Cathedral of the Soul Educational outreaches created to introduce the perspective of Ethical Consciousness and Nonhuman Personhood to its Animal & Eco Ministries. Ministry Earth is a Service-Oriented Initiative and its Magazine is a Copyrighted Publication of OMTimes Media, Inc. Broadcasting and Publishing House.

Ministry Earth is a collective Awareness-Raising, Perception-Building Initiative from Humanity Healing International, Cathedral of the Soul Educational outreaches created to introduce the perspective of Ethical Consciousness and Nonhuman Personhood to its Animal & Eco Ministries. Ministry Earth is a Service-Oriented Initiative and its Magazine is a Copyrighted Publication of OMTimes Media, Inc. Broadcasting and Publishing House.