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How Does Karmic Numerology Work?

How Does Karmic Numerology Work?

Karmic Numerology

This way, that specific vibrational signature or the vibration of that letter hidden or exchanged may be missing in that person’s private life. The vibrational set of their lives is altered due to this difference in name. Do you want to know if this change really changes your life?



People who have secondary names or compound names, for example, Marc Antony. Antony, in this case, is a secondary name and represents a karmic influence. The sum of the numbers referring to that secondary name shows in the karmic Numerology what were the lessons learned by that soul in other lives that can now be shared with humanity. The second name gives us the karmic blueprint if some of his past learned experiences were incorporated in his Dharma, that is, his duty. The second name denotes knowledge and wisdom already acquired, and which must now be consciously placed at the world’s service.




Our surnames, our parents’ names that we receive after the first name, carry our family Karma’s essence. Our ancestors’ energy and characteristics are tied to this surname, and it can be a limitation or a positive stimulus. When incarnating in a particular family, the soul is usually linked to it for generations by that family of souls. The characteristics attributed to that surname will help that group of souls to develop and evolve. As souls, we are always looking to grow and progress.  In the process of self-knowledge and personal evolution, we are also contributing to our future lives and to the lives of our descendants, who will have the same surname as us. Suppose we reinforce our Karma and do not evolve in this life. In that case, our descendants will experience that Karma intensively in the next lives.


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Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.

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