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The Numerical Energy of May 2021

The Numerical Energy of May 2021

The Numerical Energy of May

The month of May is a 5 month in a 5 global year. The effect of this month can expedite an active social life with growth and change.

The Energetic Number of Each Day in May

By Numerologist Greer Jonas



May is a Five-Month – the Energy of the Fire.

The month of May is a 5 month in a 5 global year (2+0+2+1). The effect of this month can expedite an active social life with much growth and change. Five also represents the fire to move past and through a limited issue, relationship, or personal boundary. We have already seen the cusp of change in the conviction of Derek Chauvin¬¬ for the killing of George Floyd.

Keep in mind that this is not like any other May in a 5 global year. Because of the pandemic, we are restricted in our choices to have a social life. Here lies the challenge, to reach past our limitations and be unique in the way we connect with others.

” Look up, laugh loud, talk big, keep the color in your cheek and the fire in your eye… ” ~ William Hazlitt

Five deals with movement and personal contact. Here is an opportunity to participate and make a difference somehow—what an unusual time on this planet. With masks on, we can find the opportunity to enjoy others, to go outside, hike in nature, do yoga, or go to an outdoor restaurant.

Of course, many other countries may still be struggling deeply. But the five energy should help speed up some process in healing.


How will each day of May Affect You?

To find the focus for each day in May, you simply add the month and day to the current year. The formula must be calculated in a specific way.

Let’s take the example of May 1, 2021

5+1+2+0+2+1 =11 11 is a master number. When two numbers are the same, they are called master numbers because they are double the number and, therefore, a compelling day. (See definition of the 11 day below.)



May 19, 2021: 5+1+9+2+0+2+1 = 20/2 (not 11)

If you are planning an event or a class, it is good to see what the vibe is for that day. You could also look up what the day’s energy was from the past year or in 2022 or your birthday. Check out the effect of each day for you in May. As you learn about each number’s influence, keep a daily journal by asking yourself, “how can I change or be out there more today”?

May 1: 5+1+2+0+2+1 = 11. A magical day with the master vibration 11 will be inspiring to all. It can be a time to motivate others and yourself. Begin something new or get involved in a group that has an important message.

May 2: 5+2+2+0+2+1 = 12/3. This is a three-day day of creativity and self-expression. It is a great time for a creative project, be it painting your barn, working in the garden, or singing with friends.

May 3: 5+3+2+0+2+1 = 13/4. The four day is a day of building and organizing. It is a great time for accomplishing a project or starting a new one.

May 4: 5+4+2+0+2+1 = 14/5. The 14/5 has two different sets of energies. One is the 5, which generates an enlivened social appreciation for participating and having fun with others. If you find yourself isolating at this time, be sure to get out and at least take a walk and say hello to people. It is a great day for planning a gathering with others, whether it is yoga, eating outside, or a social distanced party.

Note: The 14/5 is considered a day of karmic freedom. It may be a day to delve into your past and see what is coming up in your psyche. This awareness can be an important lesson for you. It might enlighten you to find out what you are holding back to tap into the free soul you are destined to be.

May 5: 3 fives! 5/5/5 (2+0+2+1=5). Make this day spontaneous. Wake up and say, what shall I do today? Who will I meet? Have fun in your spontaneity and revitalized energy. May 5 is a 6 day. Six is all about love, companionship, and compassion. It is a day to be with your loved ones, family, friends, and community.



May 6: 16/7. Seven is the day of spiritual connection and unique non-conformity. This can be a day to connect with yourself, perhaps by the river or your own private space. You may choose to write or meditate. It can also be a time to connect with that particular other in an intimate atmosphere.

May 7: 17/8. The eight-day is a powerful time of abundance and leadership. Get out there and lead in some way. It can also be a day of much energy and charisma. Of course, you need to step out and be bold, which may be a challenge for some of you.

May 8: 18/9. The nine is a day of enlightenment, a day of transformation, change, and completion. It is a good moment for meditation or to go on a retreat. It could be a time to come up with an idea that you have never thought of before and then conceive how to manifest it.

Note: an 18/9 day is an auspicious day and the vibration of the spiritual warrior —reaching into the void and viewing what is next.

May 9: 19/1. The one day is a new beginning, a fresh breath of approaching life. It can be a day where you boldly step out and say, “anything is possible today if I put my mind to it.” This day can offer an opportunity to launch an idea or to create an innovative project.

May 19: 20/2. The two-day is about relationships of all kinds- romantic, career, and everyday people you meet on the street. How will you relate? Is love in the air?

May 9 – May 31. How will the energy of each day affect you and the world?

For the remaining days in May, discover the vibration of the number from the definitions above. Let this energy guide your day. Perhaps put the spiritual meaning of each day on your calendar and when you wake up in the morning, say a mantra that will encourage the energy of the day.



See Also

numerical energy for May 2021

Remember, working with the formula mentioned above will illustrate that there are only two 11s in May. (May 1 and May 10)


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About the Author

Greer-JonasGreer Jonas is an intuitive numerologist who conducts readings by phone, online, and in-person in NYC. She is also a teacher and an artist.

To find out about classes or schedule a numerology reading, go to

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