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The Paradigm Shift to Evolving Empaths

The Paradigm Shift to Evolving Empaths

Evolving Empaths

We became evolving empaths in training as we learned various defensive forms of protecting ourselves from people and situations we deemed harmful.

The Magic of Connection – The Paradigm Shift to Evolving Empaths

by Michelle Welch, author of The Magic of Connection



After years of reading books touted to empower empaths, we must address the elephant in the room. It is time for teachings on empathy to evolve from shielding empaths into truly encouraging empaths to don their capes of compassion and become the superheroes we genuinely are.

I am an empath. I was told I was too sensitive and weak for most of my life. Eventually, books came along that defined me as an empath and helped provide insight into my perceived shortcomings. Over time, I realized I was not alone, and others were struggling with what seemed to be a curse of being overwhelmed by the energy of others.

While the empath label proved helpful for us sensitives, the empowerment promised with the label never materialized.

Magic of ConnectionThe same rhetoric and writings repeat time after time. Yes, empaths are given something to relate to in their life. We recognize ourselves in the books, blogs, and articles that provide quizzes and checklists to determine if we are empaths. However, these teachings that classify us as empaths do not ultimately help us be empaths—we are taught how to be guarded empaths but not empowered empaths.

We were and still are, told to either run, hide, or shield ourselves from other energy or energy vampires. Fear is the guide. This constant defensive mode is the antithesis of empowerment. Even more so in current times, it is limiting and often downright debilitating. The running and blaming become a prison of our own making. It is time to break through the old paradigm into a new way of being empathic.

Everything and everyone is energy. There is a limited amount of energy, and it never goes away; it merely changes form. Like sponges, empaths lean into and absorb energy every moment of every day, no matter how much we put up bubbles of protection, shields, or walls between us and different energies. Can these methods stave off unwanted energies? Yes, they can, and they are needed to help lessen the impact of some of the harsher energies that do not align with us. However, the problem is inherent in the temporary solution—we still are on the defense—we are partially protected and not empowered.



The Problem with Running, Hiding, Shielding and Cutting Bait

Under the old paradigm, empaths eventually end up isolated, the very thing difficult for the compassionate empath craving soul connections. We also begin, usually unknowingly, to use our empathy as a crutch for all the things we can’t do. The emphasis seems always placed on avoiding negativity. Sometimes We spend so much time avoiding negativity; missing the joy.

Many times, We run, hide, build walls, and cut ties, but ultimately, we realize these methods do not work! We have reached the point of needing to go beyond these imposed limits. It can begin knowing we are superheroes of our own stories. To realize We are the game-changers, and even dare I say, the world-changers. Can we say no to this calling to step into a new way of beingness as the superheroes needed in this hurting world? Can we deny the superhero journey? Yes, of course, we have a choice, but perhaps we should take a leap of faith and step into a new way of looking at empathy. There is life beyond duck and cover. We are all connected, and it is time to realize it. Let us step up, evolve into badass empaths, and transmute the stuff that holds us as prisoners.


The Evolving Empaths

The time has come for us to do more than play defense as empaths.

Although empaths are sensitive to other energy, we are not weak. It is time to become superheroes with capes of compassion. A paradigm shift is needed—a change from generally accepted ways of thinking about our sensitivities and how to work with them. We began as unequipped empaths with books and quizzes informing us of everything we couldn’t do. Then we became empaths in training as we learned various defensive forms of protecting ourselves from people and situations we deemed harmful. Finally, we evolve into equipped empaths ready to step up and bravely face all kinds of energy. We become transmutation empathic superheroes.

Being able to transmute or change the energy into something that we can use, such as vitality. The truth is that we no longer need to run and hide whenever we sense an energy that feels threatening to us. No longer will we blame our energy on everyone else. We accept that we are strong sensitivities, and we also realize we can mold energy into whatever form suits us. We are victims no more. Instead, we are superheroes who need one another.

That is The Magic of Connection.


6 Traps That Keep Evolving Empath Stuck

1: Avoid the Emotions of Others – This is the opposite of what we need in our world. We need one another. Can we set healthy boundaries? Absolutely. But to draw proverbial lines in the sand over every perceived negative vibe avoids learning to mind our own energy.

2: Numb Our Feelings – Any time we go into avoidance mode, we are in danger of numbing our feelings. We may try to escape our feelings instead of facing them, which is the beginning of numbing our feelings. It is a slippery slope and a dangerous one.

3: Believe the Labels – Inherent in the commonly accepted definition of an empath is what we believe we can’t do. We realize we are sensitive and absorb other energies. We have tools for protection, but we remain caught in the trap that we are weak while being told we are empowered. The labels that were once useful to help us understand who we were are now holding us back.

4: Focus Only on Negative Energy – Inherent in the Greek origin of the word empath is the concept of suffering. The focus is on how empaths cannot handle the negativity around them. Why isn’t joy mentioned? If we absorb negativity, and we do, then we also absorb happiness and positivity. Empaths can and are sensitive to joy!

5. Cut the Cord Cord-cutting is a visualization process whereby an energy worker attempts to sever the etheric tie between us and a person or situation that feels negative or harmful. The problem is the procedure does not work for long. We are all one. Certainly, We cannot cut off part of The Collective—the divine oneness of all. That may feel it works, but anyone in a divorce knows that the presumably cut cord fires back up the minute we see the other person again. Healing in the form of love and forgiveness is what we need. Do we have to be best friends or open ourselves to more abuse? Of course not. Love and forgiveness are for us.



6. Blame Others for Our Energy – Many empaths fail to take responsibility for their energy. We learned, even unknowingly, to stay in a victim mentality and use empathy as a crutch. Empaths are not victims and do not need excuses.


6 Ways to Begin Transmuting Energy for Evolving Empath

1. Scan Your Energy – This helps us determine what is ours and what does not belong to us. Do this every morning and before going into meetings or social settings.

2. Begin to Take Responsibility for Our Energy Once we know what energy belongs to us, take responsibility for it. Don’t blame our issues on others using I’m an empath as an excuse.

3. Start with Something Small That Irritates UsIt is hard to transmute energy on large ticket items if we haven’t started with more minor things first. Use something minimal but consistent that irritates us, such as someone not physically distancing.

4. Visualize it — Picture the color, texture, shape, smell, and sound of our irritation. Could we give it a name? Then visualize turning it into something else.

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5. Mold the Energy Outside of Our Body into Something We Can Use – When we first begin to hold the energy outside the body and perform step 4.

6. Advanced: Sip in the Transmuted Energy As we advance, we can sip in some energy. I call this a transmutation vampire; we take the energy thrown at us, transmute it into something we can use, such as vitality, and then sip it in for our own use.


We are reverse psychic vampires:

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. We are reverse psychic vampires. We are recycling energy that was carelessly inside of us and transmuting it for ourselves and The Collective.

Many of us feel out of sorts or even downright depressed at this juncture in history. The hope is that we have one another to lean on during these confusing times. Once we accept that we are all one, we will begin to realize that while tools of protection may help us minimize absorbing energies we want to avoid, the tools will never entirely prevent our oneness with others, which involves interwoven energy. Instead of running from the opportunity to realize our oneness, let us begin to realize this is a beautiful opportunity for evolving soulful and magical connections by transmuting energies so we can fully engage with the world.


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About the author

Michelle Welch, Michelle Welch is a self-proclaimed “recovering attorney” who is now the co-owner of two SoulTopia holistic boutiques in the greater Dallas, TX area, where she offers intuitive readings and healing sessions in addition to teaching classes on crystals, tarot, energy work, and intuition. She also co-hosts the SoulWhat podcast. and


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