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Do Our Pets Reincarnate?

Do Our Pets Reincarnate?

Pets Reincarnate

If pets reincarnate, the question would be that in their new reincarnations, is it possible for the animal to return to its “original” family?

Reincarnation of Animals: Do Our Pets Reincarnate?



Animals, like humans, are beings endowed with Souls. Souls are part of our eternal nature, so it is entirely possible to claim that these beings (Non-Human Beings) also pass through the process of evolution and reincarnate.

According to several spiritual traditions, all individuals in the Animal Kingdom have a reincarnating soul. However, mammalian-class animals have spirits closer to human characteristics of evolution. The reincarnation of animals is close to ours, except for the element of Free will, which only human beings seem to have.

After the departure of an animal from earthly life, only its soul is repaired. The reason is that they do not have a system of consciousness as complex as ours to work with. At least not in this plane of existence. For that reason, some spiritual schools regard the process of reincarnation of animals to be more agile and fluid than human reincarnation.

Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul.


Reincarnation of Animals: Where Do They Go?

Many families are concerned that their pet has reincarnated elsewhere and is no longer loved by the new owners. This is a thought that needs to be removed from your strain of thought.

Animals and ourselves go through reincarnation to evolve their souls, acquiring cognitive skills so that one day they can be at peace on the spiritual plane. With this in mind – and knowing that animals do not have a human conscience – the reincarnation of animals is carried out according to their spiritual needs.

For example, let us say that a dog was very loved in a particular family, and he died. The pet’s soul goes to a temporary spiritual plane and soon reincarnates into the body of another domestic animal to continue its evolution.

So, the question would be that after the pet reincarnates, is it possible for the animal to return to its “original” family? Yes, it is possible. Depending on the animal’s needs, it can still have strong emotional bonds together with a group of people, such as his original family, promoting not only a feeling of happiness but also a concomitant evolution. This is why some animals become our ‘Familiars.”

For the real difference between humans and other animals is that humans alone have a perception of good and evil, just and unjust, etc. It is the sharing of a common view in these matters that makes a household and a state.


Is it Crazy to Worry about our Animal’s Reincarnation?

The reincarnation of animals is a crucial step in the evolution of their species.

Domesticated animals that lived with families will never regress to a wild environment. That is, it is not necessary to create a concern about dangerous whereabouts that may exist.

Animals reincarnate in caring environments at their evolution levels. The Beings of Light that care for animal evolution are always looking for means and conditions to contribute to a progressive evolution process.

The best thing we do as human beings is to love them to help our dear animals to good reincarnation.

The effective exchange of feelings and coziness is essential for animals to evolve with more quality and spirituality. The Seeds of love flourish within an animal soul and bloom into many different noble sentiments, such as devotion, gratitude, loyalty, and adoration. Their Souls are enriched by good energies, and they flourish, facilitating further development of a beautiful spiritual plane.


Animal Heaven: Where Do Animals Go after Death?

It is a fact that an animal’s death is unfortunate, especially when it comes to our fur babies. That pet that we took care of since childhood suddenly, in an instant, can just disappear, with them a piece of our hearts.

Many people become incredibly desperate, even entering into a depressive crisis.

The Non-Human Beings essence, in other words, our animals, are different from human nature. They are beings who do not hold a grudge and are always by our side, no matter what the situation. Their soul preserves purity and innocence that distinguish them from the fabric of our own souls.


Did you know that there is Animal Heaven?

However, the most unfortunate feature is that our animals have a shorter lifespan.

Yes, domestic animals that live more than ten, twenty years are rare. But, after our friends left, do we ask ourselves if there is a heaven for them? Or will we ever meet again? These are questions that afflict all those who have already lost an animal. Being that, a puppy, a cat, a bird, or some animal endowed with invincible love and devotion.



From this, we decided to study more deeply about the fate of these animal companions:


Does Animal Heaven Exist?

The sky of animals and that directed at us is located in the divine Paradise. That is why we will be reunited with our friends, who we have learned to love in the earthly life. Animals, as well as human beings, are beings with a soul.

The only difference that distinguishes us is that animals’ consciousness is so pure that it is not blemished like ours. They are also regarded as “sinless,” as they do not have malice as part of their dharmic programming.

Their consciousness evolves more clearly. The animal minds are not intensely opposed and divided between good and evil like ours. For this reason, mistreatment of animals, in addition to being terrible, is unfair and exceptionally cruel.


Heavenly Lives of Animals

Even the animals that suffered the most here on earth will find rest on the spiritual plane. All of them will receive blessings and freedom to play, run, and live their essences in peace. The only reason that can sometimes make them thoughtful is to miss the owner.

In the same way that we will not forget them, they will also keep in their hearts the reminder that they were once very loved and how much they also loved.

See Also

During this period, both will end up thinking about each other. As still in earthly lives, we will suffer much more because animals in heaven have an abundance of joy, that the feeling of pain or sadness does not exist.

However, as soon as we meet our faithful friend, we will know that even before we arrive, he will be waiting for us and that all the time spent waiting for this moment was worth it.

Legend has it that when four-legged angels (and any other creature we love) say goodbye to us, they cross the Rainbow Bridge. On the other side of this bridge are fields and hills where animals can run, play, and enjoy their childlike innocence, purity, and a deep sense of love.

They say that there is enough space, food, and sun to make them all feel good on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.

Furthermore, according to this legend, all those who were ill, were mutilated or cruelly hurt, have their health restored and overflow with everlasting joy.

According to this beautiful legend, our friends are happy and satisfied. Still, they miss someone special they left on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.

This beautiful legend fills our hearts with hope in the face of the loss of our beloved animals. It also helps us metaphorically understand that it remains in our hearts when an animal leaves this world even though we may not enjoy its warmth physically. They live forever in our own version of Paradise.


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About the Author

Ministry Earth is a collective Awareness-Raising, Perception-Building Initiative from Humanity Healing International, Cathedral of the Soul Educational outreaches created to introduce the perspective of Ethical Consciousness and Nonhuman Personhood to its Animal & Eco Ministries. Ministry Earth is a  Service-Oriented Initiative and its Magazine is a Copyrighted Publication of OMTimes Media, Inc. Broadcasting and Publishing House.

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This website is a Soul Service-oriented Outreach.  May all sentient beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering and know only everlasting bliss.

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