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Can We Transform Our Limiting Beliefs?

Can We Transform Our Limiting Beliefs?

Limiting Beliefs

We create our limiting beliefs through important events in our past. They are kept in our minds, influencing our decisions and attitudes, but they can be transformed.

 Transform Your Limiting Beliefs



Throughout our life, we have grown based on information and experiences acquired according to the environment in which it grew up. Such references basically indicate how we see the world and how we reproduce patterns of behavior without even questioning whether such attitudes are really beneficial to us or if they could be different. In other words, they are rooted beliefs, from an early age, capable of influencing and determining the direction of our journey in life, positively or negatively.

You may have grown up and matured and develop the will to study economics. Still, the difficulties you may have faced with math in high school were crucial in your decision to give up on pursuing the idea. This is a simple example of how a limiting belief can prevent you from achieving something that contributes to your development or simply gives you joy and lightness. There is the fear of failing, the battle that is to break with ourselves’ constructed image, to leave the comfort zone.

The voice that conflicts with the ear sounds in an affronted tone, and facing limiting beliefs requires courage to come across them. However, cause more significant impacts. Recourse to self-sabotage becomes an alternative, most of the time, unconscious. The number one enemy becomes the mind. Paranoid thoughts hover in mind and invite us to stay, not to act, to complain, to look for excuses that keep us in the same place because we don’t want to commit risks.

Leaving the box is transforming!


How to identify a limiting belief?

Reflect on something that you have always wanted to do in the past but left it aside for believing that you would not be able to acquire. Write down on paper what were the reasons that prevented you from moving forward at that time. Ask yourself if these blocks remain healthy if there are plausible grounds that justify them. From this mapping, it becomes easier to outline a strategic plan to eliminate limiting beliefs once and for all.


What are the most common limiting beliefs?

Among the most common limiting beliefs are family conditioning, peer pressure, religion, and even the media. But there are many other means present in the system’s structural subtleties.

Some beliefs such as saying that you will die poor and alone or saying that you are too old for that, or if it went wrong in the past, there is no point in trying again. In other words, from bad luck to excess of lousy luck, the list of justifications can be long.


How to eliminate a limiting belief?

Once you’ve identified them, start making plans. Take notes, create goals, and organize the step-by-step of what you would want to achieve what you want so much.

Have enough discipline and focus on determining the practice of actions and attitudes that turn into transforming habits. Study subjects that break paradigms and always question yourself before the “absolute truths” you are told. Don’t settle. Investigate the other side of everything and be curious. Cultivate an inquiring mind!

The first step is to understand that limiting beliefs can be changed. Then, take advantage of the invitation to dive into the depths of your unconscious. Walk towards your best version of yourself,  avoid, and walk away from ideas and thoughts that do not add anything to your self-development process.

Develop radical ideas to reconfigure, recalibrate, and rebirth yourself inside your own life. Read good books, take chances, bet, and explore your learning potential. Infinite possibilities are waiting for us!


How we create our limiting beliefs? How do they arise?

In childhood, we started constructing consciousness that represents part of the reality expressed and lived by us. Family, friends, culture, education, and social circles are elements that insert us into a worldview.

Also, interactions at school, groups, debates, conversations, in general, are sources that feed many of the beliefs and world views that we carry.

We create our limiting beliefs through important events in our past. They are kept in our minds, influencing our decisions and attitudes. And suppose no internal work is done to find the origins of these beliefs to update them or eliminate them. In that case, they will continue to dominate the person’s mind without them even realizing it.

That is why many people experience relationship problems, low self-esteem, financial problems, procrastination, among others. Even with time, these beliefs do not lose strength. On the contrary, they cause more unpleasant events to appear in our lives, and the sad part is that we are not even aware of them.

It so happens because of these limiting beliefs that lead us on the wrong path, so our attitudes and decisions will always be wrong. We will always attract the worst things in our lives.

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This can turn out to be an endless cycle. If you find yourself unlucky in some area of ??your life, possibly you have some (or more than a few) beliefs that sabotage you in that area. I meet and talk to many question people full of limiting beliefs. A simple comment makes it very clear to me how much their minds are full of emotional pollution.

The first thing that must be done to overcome the negative emotions that limit and hurt us is to recognize that we have them. Then understand that suffering, living sick, living sad can’t help you evolve. It has nothing to do with destiny (no one was born to live like this forever).

If you have beliefs that your parents, grandparents, teachers, or other people implanted, and you realize that they are not helping you at all, on the contrary! So, it’s time for you to accept the possibility and get rid of those beliefs. It is best for your life from now on!

We know it’s not that simple. Just wanting to remove beliefs is not enough. Maybe it is time to talk to someone that can professionally access the limitations and help you rid of these emotional blocks.

But the message that we want to leave with this article is that you do not have to live focused on negativity. You can get rid of the weight of some adverse event from the past that has been kept in your mind.  It is possible to change bad situations that are always repeated in your life.

Look inside yourself and reflect on the things you have been thinking and doing (or not doing). Think about what that may be getting in your life. It is always time to start again.


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