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7 Reasons to Be A Social Worker

7 Reasons to Be A Social Worker

social worker

Gaining a social work degree and going to work in this fulfilling area might not appeal to everyone, but it will appeal to a special type of person.

Become A Social Worker



As children, we are often asked what we want to be when we grow up. Sometimes we have an answer, and sometimes we stick with that young dream. However, we do not know what we want to do, or we think we know, but experiences teach us that another path would be better.

Sometimes we end up doing a job that just is not right for us or that we thought we would love, but we detest.

If this is the case, then sticking with that job and that career is not a good idea. It is only ever going to make you miserable, and you will never reach your full potential because you will not be motivated to work harder than you need to. If this is the case, finding a new job, one that allows you to reach that potential and do something you do enjoy, is crucial. Of course, there are thousands of different careers to look into, but there is one that can make such a difference in people’s lives and your own that you might want to consider it. That career is social work.

Gaining a social work degree and going to work in this fulfilling area might not appeal to everyone, but it will appeal to a special type of person. Read on to find out why social work is such a great career and see if it is time you switched into this profession.


1. It is an Exciting Career

It is an unfortunate fact that some jobs are extremely boring. Your current job might be one of those dull ones that make every day seem just the same as the last and wherein you never feel as though you are getting anywhere. You do the same thing every day with the same people, and then everything repeats the next day. That is not to say that some people will not enjoy this kind of work, and even thrive doing it – some people need routine, and they do well when everything is the same day after day. Some people, however, do not thrive in these situations, and instead, they find that it makes them a little more unsettled and uncomfortable each time the cycle starts again.

For these people, looking into online MSW programs and applying for a degree in social work might be just the right thing to do. When you complete any online MSW programs and are able to work in the social work sector, you will find that no two days are going to be the same. Although you will have a schedule of people to visit or important calls to make or hearings to attend and so on, what happens from one day to the next is not going to be exactly the same as the day before, and it will not be exactly the same as the day after. You will have plenty of variety, and if that is important to you, then social work will certainly fit the bill.

You will even find that there are times when you have to be proactive and think of solutions right there and then. This is a skill that social workers will need to have because, as we have said, anything can happen, and you must be ready to adapt quickly and effortlessly, ensuring that your clients and the people you are helping are always at the forefront of your mind.


2. You Can Do It

The abundance of online MSW programs means that if you want to be a social worker, who is exactly what you can be. This is why social work is such a great career choice; it is open to everyone and anyone who wants to apply. Apart from your degree, you will need to have a good, positive attitude, you will need to be ready to work hard, you will need to be empathetic and good with people, and you will need to love problem-solving. If this sounds like you, then looking into online MSW programs should be your next step, ensuring that you find a career that suits your personality and that gives you a great deal of satisfaction.

Think carefully before applying for any online MSW programs, however. Anyone can indeed be a social worker, but that does not mean that anyone should be – it takes a certain type of personality to be able to do this extremely hard yet fulfilling work, and if you do not know what to expect or you think it will be easy, you will be making a big mistake. Remember, social workers help people, but they will often meet these people during the worst periods of their lives, and they may well lash out because they do not know what else to do or how to handle the situation. You will need to understand that this is not aimed at you personally and remain calm, which is not an easy thing to do.


3. It is Not A Desk Job

Office jobs do have their place, and, as we have said above, many people are more than happy to go to an office, carry out their routine work, and go home again. Even in these days of remote working, still, people will be satisfied with sitting at a desk all day, even if it’s in their own homes (or perhaps especially if it’s in their own homes). Of course, social work does have its fair share of desk work; you will need to complete paperwork and do research. However, it also has plenty of fieldwork, and this is why applying for online MSW programs that will lead to a career in social work can appeal so much. Rather than being in one place all day, you get to go to all kinds of different homes, places of work, schools, and more.

You will also be able to meet a lot of people. They will come from many different walks of life and need you for a variety of different reasons. From children to parents to teachers to doctors, and so many others, being a social worker means you get to explore the world – or at least your corner of it – and meet some fascinating (and problematic, that should not be ignored) people. This will give you an insight into the world in general and help you become a much more well-rounded person.

The idea of being out and about is certainly an enjoyable one. Unlike a lot of workers, you can see the sunlight, breathe in the fresh air, discover places that you have never been before, and essentially have much more freedom than a lot of other jobs allow. If you run your own diary, you can work out the best ways to work for yourself and your clients, and it all starts by looking at online MSW programs.

With all these good things being mentioned, it is wise to consider that being a social worker is certainly hard work, and you will have days during which you are abused (verbally at the very least) and where it feels as though you cannot do anything to help. This is normal, and it happens to everyone. However, over time it can have a detrimental effect on your mental health, and it is important to acknowledge that this can happen. As long as you know that your work will be something you can enjoy, you can start preparing for online MSW programs and the work that goes with them.


4. A Diverse Career

Once you have studied the online MSW programs, you are interested in and obtained your specialist degree to allow you to start working in the social care sector, and you might think that being a social worker is the only option open to you. While it’s a great option and one that many people do want to take up, it’s useful to know what your social work degree can open up a variety of other doors as well. When you have worked for online MSW programs, you can choose many different specialisms within the social care sector. These include:

  • Mental health issues
  • Child protection
  • Substance abuse
  • Healthcare
  • Military and veterans
  • Community work

Find something you are passionate about helping others deal with, and it is highly like there will be a branch of social work that will allow you to work on this subject as a career.

Since social work is so diverse, you can use many different aspects of your personality, experience, and knowledge within your work at any point. This means you should be able to handle any situation you need to because you will have plenty of abilities.


5. Social Work Will Challenge You

When you think of challenging careers that someone can be a part of, some immediately come to mind, of course, but when you take the time to consider it, there are not that many. A challenging career is when the worker has to think, make decisions, and take accountability for their actions, which is satisfying because of it. It is the kind of career that means a lot of hard work but leads to being proud of yourself because you have been able to do it.

Many jobs these days are not challenging. So much of what we do is automated that many jobs are quite boring and very routine. It is the same thing over and over again. As we have said, this is not necessarily bad, and it is what some people want, but if you would like to have a job that challenges you every day and that keeps your brain active – something that is very important for your overall health, especially as you grow older – social work is a great choice. Look at the various online MSW programs available, and you will see soon what would be expected of you. Once you understand this, you will get an idea of how challenging the job is once you have graduated.

Studying for social work and then carrying out that work won’t be an easy thing to do, but despite the necessity to work hard, many people feel it is worth it because they enjoy being challenged; they know they won’t get bored and that their job makes a difference in a positive way.

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dial busy work OMTimes


6. You Will Learn About Yourself

Knowing how you are is important. When you know yourself, you know that you are doing everything you are capable of. When you do not know yourself, you will always wonder whether you have made the right choices and whether you live up to your true potential. Knowing what kind of personality you have will always lead to easier and better decision-making because you can always look in the right direction and know what you want.


Getting to know about yourself and learn what there is to learn can be difficult, but when you have studied online MSW programs and become a social worker, you will have a unique chance to understand more about who you are. That is because you will have to make important decisions every day, and little by little, you will work out which direction is the best for you to go in.


7. You Can Change Lives for The Better

The best thing that any social worker can do, and something that they will always be aiming for, is to change someone’s life for the better. There are many ways that a social worker can do this, such as taking that individual away from a dangerous or potentially dangerous situation, giving advice, showing people how to make the most of their lives, and so much more. When you do this, you are giving those you are helping the opportunity to make themselves and their situation better, and that is not something everyone can claim to be able to do.

Many of us will look at people in bad situations and wish we could help them more. The difference between the majority of people and social workers who have studied online MSW programs is that they have the power and the knowledge to make those changes and give that help. It is a precious thing to offer someone.


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