The Enigmatic Connection Between Karmic Enmity and Karmic Debt

Karmic relationships can be both positive or negative. Karmic enmity can occur between those souls that do not settle their karmic debt.
Karmic Enmity and Karmic Debt
It is known that the Karmic relationships could be classified as positive ones and also those of a negative aspect. Souls usually incarnate in batches, as soul groups, usually to help each other learn the lessons from Earth school and help each other to evolve and grow.
All of these relationships can become blessings of support and healing. However, some still have karmic debts. They may live their lives as a continuation of issues. Both have failed to learn from behavior or situation in previous existences. This type of relationship has continued in subsequent lives. It can be called karmic enmity between karmic partners that haven’t evolved or transcended a karmic lesson.
The karmic enemies and the souls with positive affinity are people that inevitably we end up crossing during our lifetime.
These meetings allow a previously compromised situation to be resolved, opening each of us’ journey, granting the energetic block’s removal, and allowing spiritual evolution.
The release of the karmic bond that surrounds your soul will only be possible from the moment it evolves, ceasing to revive previous wounds.
Only then will the soul be free to live the next challenges and dharmic freedom
Already like-minded spirits appear in our lives to make it happen to provide mutual help, a real endowment of strength, and a deepening of a shared friendship coming from other incarnational experiences—these types of relationships that can last for many centuries.
How to Recognize Karmic Enmity
Karmic enmity can be very close to you and even belong to your own family or close friend’s circle.
Usually, they appear in your life so that a repair can be carried out. The relationship can overcome past conflicts and dramas, bringing new light and different perspectives. So, suppose you have a problematic relationship with someone close to you. In that case, that person can be your “Karmic challenge,” therefore a “karmic enemy.”
Although the enemy may not be from your circle of friendships, the person is strangely familiar to us in a karmic encounter, even if we have never seen him in this life or do not know him/her well.
Many years’ experience can show how difficult it may be to overcome the differences and disagreements we have with our “spiritual enemies.” The cessation and healing of these karmic knots are essential for our spiritual progress and enrichment as souls having Human experiences. Overcoming these energetic blocks is important. Besides being time-consuming, challenging, and painful, sometimes a lifetime is not enough to solve these problems.
When facing karmic antagonism, we must strive to build a more positive relationship and seek consistent and clear interactions. Forgiveness is a powerful key and a reasonable way to overcome such karmic blocks. Thus, you will at least be able to establish a new vibrational template of energy, with an exchange of respect and non-aggression. The type of behavior will create a pondered and amicable coexistence situation. Which will, in time, be conducing of healing and karmic release.
What hurts you blesses you. Darkness is your candle.
~ Rumi
Suppose for some reason, we are unable to achieve this goal of release. In that case, even if we dedicate and strive, we can be sure that karma is being somewhat mitigated. Whoever did not give in to positively healing or our tolerance and humanization efforts will continue to carry the difficulties and obstructions.
So, what will really matter in the end is not to give up improving yourself and opening your heart. In doing so, you will be doing your part and getting rid of those karmic bonds.
How Do You Acquire Karmic Debt?
Karmic debts are transgressions of the primordial laws of the universe. They happen when an individual decides to commit actions that are contrary to what is governed by Universal Laws.
That is to say, a karmic act is contracted when one acts contrary to the spiritual and sacred commandments. For example, to act contrary to what is considered correct and consistent.
In past lives, these transgressive acts were consciously committed against others, and sometimes even against us. To repair these errors, we can accept an additional burden to learn a specific lesson that has not been assimilated in previous lives.
According to Kabbalistic Numerology and considering our personal evolutionary history, we can be born on a “karmic day” and therefore have a somewhat more troubled journey. This would be because we may have contracted a Karmic Debt.
What are the Karmic Days on the Calendar?
The days are 13, 14, 16, and 19.
These numbers have a direct connection to the meaning of the respective Tarot Cards.
Were You Born on a Karmic Day?
As Divine Justice is implacable, in the present life, we are receiving a new opportunity to evolve. These numbers come as reconstructs because we understand that we are fully responsible for our actions admit our past mistakes after these difficult periods of learning. We propose to use our free will to cancel those Karmic Debts.
These numbers and learning the lessons offered by their archetypes will provide us with the necessary experience to make the required adjustments, adding positive actions to our current existence.
When making the debt readjustment, the accounts with the universe are definitely paid, and it is realigned again so that it can evolve fully, without further suffering from bad influences. Initially, karmic debts are linked to the day of birth (13, 14, 16, and 19). If you were born on any of these days, you might have arrived in the world with an extra karmic debt.
Day 13th Karmic Debt
The Arcanum 13 is a card of Transformation. It demands radical changes in your inner scenarios because it brings the archetype of rebirth and second chances. It is the debt linked to the practice of suicide, death, or neglect that someone practiced against themselves or against others.
Day 14th Karmic Debt
This is a Karma of restitution and Balance. This Number is linked to material greed. It is the karmic debt of one who uses energies in bad faith to make material gains for himself. This may have been done through deception, theft, delusion, or when taking unscrupulous advantages over others.
Day 16th Karmic Debt
This arcanum is one of the strongest of the Tarot deck, and it is one where human selfishness (hubris) is stricken down. It is the karmic debt linked to pride and self-centeredness. It belongs to those who have gone to great lengths to achieve their goals while still thinking only of themselves. People who betrayed, belittled, mistreated, or even attacked others just to get what they wanted. These people usually object to suffering Instant Karma.
Day 19th Karmic debt
Among the karmic debts, this is the one that is linked to illicit enrichment and iniquity. This person has achieved this using lies, deceit, and other illegal devices.
Even if you were not born on one of these strong dates, you might still have karmic debts. It will be necessary to analyze your Personal Kabbalistic Numerological Map if you want to know more about Karmic Birthday numbers.
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Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.
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Humanity Healing is a Nondenominational Network committed to Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Healing and Growth through Education and Spiritual Activism. Spiritual Activism is expressed by Compassion in Action.