Connecting With The Psychic Flow of Information

With regular practices, it’s entirely possible to activate and elevate psychic skills, heightening the energy fields and psychic flow we are connected to.
The Psychic Flow of Information
We are consistently gifted with the miracle of energy-driven psychic phenomena throughout our lifetimes. As our spirit and flesh’s evolution continues, it will become more commonplace and accepted in our everyday lives. When the channels are operating on a positive flow, we have access to information that enhances and embraces our lives’ purposes. Even when our awareness may be otherwise engaged, we are still the receivers of miracles.
Although it might seem at a slow pace sometimes, collectively, our human brains are wired for psychic connection and constant evolution. The crown chakra, pineal gland, and 3rd eye work to process the energetic frequencies that illuminate the process. Psychic skills can be defined as processing data through physical, spiritual, and emotional levels. They can be slight or highly intensive, depending on the person and their level of ability.
Many people have experienced psychic connections during great stress or trauma, which has changed their belief system entirely. Seeing, hearing, and feeling spirit in such dramatic ways that the effect lasts a lifetime. Many others regularly embrace their abilities and strengthen their skills through various meditations, lifestyle choices, and practices.
With regular practices, it’s entirely possible to activate and elevate psychic skills, heightening the energy fields we are connected to. One approach is to assign colors associated with feelings we receive. As we develop this skill, we notice the ability to see the color when we encounter the same situation/emotion. This information comes in through our 3rd eye visions. If our sense of emotions comes through feeling, we may need to learn to balance the energies. It can drain our energy and physical strength. When we are highly empathetic, assigning colors can be a real necessity.
For those who wish to see auras and energy fields, it is useful to practice in nature. The glow around a mountain range will move and shift when we train our eyes to focus on the area just above it. We can practice seeing auras around people and objects by concentrating on the etheric energy field that surrounds them. Colors will start to come into focus, or light will illuminate. We become entirely more aware that every space is filled with energy.
Dreams are another way we receive information. We are given access to portals and libraries full of spiritual and metaphysical wonders whenever we tap in. Astral travel, visits from loved ones, and answers for our emotional challenges can all be experienced in the psychic flow. These skills are with us all. Even if we are not aware of them regularly, we have used them in our lives. Many people have experienced the unexplainable and might still deny that psychic ability is possible. It truly doesn’t make it any less real for those who live with it, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
Those who practice as psychic mediums know it’s possible to connect to certain people that are more intense and filled with details. With others, it can be more subdued and non-specific. This can happen because of blocked energy, which to a psychic can look like a fence or a giant wall. The person being read can be very fearful of learning something they don’t want to hear, so they put up a psychic wall to protect themselves. A good psychic learns how to put others at ease by letting them know they are there to help and not incite fear or anxiety.
In all, it’s good to remember to keep an open mind and an open heart when dealing with our ability to communicate through our psychic eyes. People can be highly developed and aware but still, question the existence of our deeper senses as humans. These skills are invaluable to living productive and purpose-filled lives.
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About the Author
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients worldwide. To learn more or contact for a session, see
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Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world.