When We Encounter a Soul Mate from Past Life

The romantic ideal of meeting our soul mate from a past life, someone who completes us as a whole and with whom we feel a strong connection that transcends time, is not exactly a novelty. But few people understand the real concept behind it; it is important to understand the meaning of past lives and the connection between these companion souls.
Reconnecting With a Soul Mate from Past Life
Twin Souls from Past Lives
Before thinking about soul mates, we must first understand what past lives are and how they connect us. Everything that involves past lives is based on believing that we do not exist only physically, but in multiple states of simultaneous existence, as a never-ending stream of consciousness.
The place where we are now in the physical plane can be understood as one of many realities; this physical plane would be like a framework of experience. We acquire knowledge and are free to test our options. However, in this holographic experimental framework, the correct access to all the elements that make up the universe is not an option. Otherwise, our learning process and our experiences would be compromised.
In this way, the physical body is just a temporary biological container for our spiritual essence, the skinsuit, if you will. The soul has all the memories and records of all our history and experiences on the physical plane, even though we do not usually contact this part of ourselves.
Perfect Soulmates
The idea of who our soul mates are and their origins are a little different for each belief. For example, some Greek philosophers believed that in ancient times our astral forms were divided into two parts; some even describe these ancient forms as spheres with four arms, four legs, two faces, and two trunks. For some segments of the Jewish tradition, namely inside the kabbalah tradition, it is said that for each created soul, another is created equally, the two as two opposite poles that attract each other to maintain the delicate balance of the universe.
Some Old Wisdom Traditions believe that we have many soul mates. We tend to incarnate in soul families, so many of us have known each other from earlier lives.
Whatever the belief, our soul mates are always described as our equivalent part of the universe. It makes us a complete and more evolved being. In their presence, we can reach our full potential, which does not determine that we will find it in all lives, whether present or past lives. It is necessary to realize that they can occupy physical bodies that, like us, are destined to make new connections with other people, acquiring more knowledge for evolution in some new incarnations’ relationships.
How to Recognize a Soul Mate from a Past Life
Even against the odds, it is not impossible to come across a love of past lives. Many have already experienced the feeling of being with someone with whom they feel a powerful connection. These connections can keep giving a clear impression that they have met before, but recognizing him from past experiences is a story beyond. On the physical plane, we find ourselves in. We do not have access to all of our memories that include experiences from other lives. These are asleep and stored only on the spiritual plane.
The good news is that it is not impossible to make this recognition after all our experiences are stored there. Still, the spiritual connection transcends matter, the body, and time, accumulating the experience of each of the generations that pass through the physical plane.
Finding a Past Life Love
As in other situations, to recognize the love of past lives, you need deep self-knowledge and a great perception of yourself, of the world around you. The correct understanding that the life we live is not exclusive but the continuity of a long history. But this life has specificities that you may not have experienced before in earlier times.
This is what many meditation exercises are for. These spiritual exercises help to refine and enhance the senses, allowing you to be more attentive to the signals that the universe shows us.
Signs such as when you meet someone suddenly, and the encounter immediately creates an aura of deep empathy. This event can be the universe allowing the individual to see that this feeling belongs to dates much older than one imagines.
Sometimes there may be some confusion because the feeling is not precisely that of passion but something more serene and nurturing. This is because we are customarily conditioned to imagine that it is about love between two lovers. Still, it is important to realize that every type of soul connection and the emotional bond can transcend time and the limiting aspects of physical experience.
It means that the love of past lives may indeed be that of two lovers. Still, it may also be between a mother and child, between brothers, or even great and inseparable friends. So, we must properly understand the source of that feeling.
Even more important is knowing how to accept the way that Love ended up showing up again in this lifetime. In this life, acknowledging that even if you end up finding an old love from past lives, which does not mean that you must be together in this life too.
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