The Hanged Man, Tarot Arcanum July 2021

The month of July brings the energy of the Hanged Man Card to the front, which shows the need for release from situations that bind, that create unnecessary attachments.
The Arcane of the Month: The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man in Tarot is the card where a man hangs by his feet. This arcane indicates that you are going through or will go through a situation where you will have your hands and feet tied. You will not be able to do anything but stop, reflect and find a creative solution to situations that may have been annoying us.
The month of July brings an energy that advises us to slow down and observe before we make any decision. It also asks us to look at all the different angles of the situation.
In this case, you will have to have the wisdom to try to find a way out and the patience to wait for the opportune moment to do something, as the situation will remain stagnant for a while.
Despite being a negative relative card, it indicates that this period of trouble will be important to increase your maturity, spirituality, and even physical strength.
The Power of Observing
The Hanged Man Tarot Card shows the need for release from situations that bind that create unnecessary attachments.
So, one of the main messages of this letter is to avoid attachments and avoid putting yourself in the role of victim.
There is often a need to let go of what is no longer useful so that you can make room for the new to enter.
You must know that we must often accept a loss, get rid of things that we do not use, and only take up space.
We must let go so that something bigger or better can take its place.
It is essential to let go in order to To move forward.
The meaning of the Hanged Man in the Tarot is linked to a moment of deep concentration on the spiritual path we take in life.
It is a card aimed at accumulating knowledge that follows our steps from our ancestors. This knowledge reaches us, and the understanding that there is “something else” guides our missions here on earth.
In our life, there are times when some inner truths surface. Suppose, for some reason, you came across the Hanged Man card in some Tarot reading. In that case, it announces a transitional moment that may be happening or waiting for you. It’s time to activate your spirit and learn to accept your destiny.
Tarot Card Message: The Hanged Man
This Major Arcanum reveals that our job is to conquer what we lack and eliminate everything that takes us away from the Light!
We must follow the path (dharma) for which we were destined, with the awareness that by making this choice, many things will change, especially ourselves.
It takes Faith to trust that our life purpose was given to us by merit, and will be achieved, no matter what sacrifices we have to face: the result will be victory.
It’s good to watch the people around you. Be aware and keep by your side only people with whom you have an affinity and exchange true feelings.
Before we go on to the deeper meanings of Hanged Man love, relationships, career, money, and more let’s look at your keywords.
The Hanged man Keywords:
Suspension, detachment, new perspectives
Inverted keywords: Delays and stagnation, resistance to change, indecision.
The Hanged Man – Element, Astrology, and other associations.
Water element
Planet: Neptune
Astrological signs: Pisces
Kabbalah/Kabbalah: 23rd Hod-Gevurah
The Hanged Man affirmation:
I am the architect of my life; I create my reality.
This is something you should tell yourself when you wake up every morning during this month. Each new day offers a fresh start and also makes an impact on others around you. You can do anything about that day that you enjoy because you are the architect of your own life. If you start your day with a positive thought and feel, it will turn your day into something unique. It works all the time.
You will also enjoy Tarot Astrology Forecast July 2021 for Each Zodiac Sign, and Tarot Love Forecast July 2021 for all Signs
To learn more about the connection between Tarot and Astrology, read Major Arcana of the Tarot and the Signs of the Zodiac
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About the Author
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.
OMTimes is the first and only Spiritually Conscious Magazine. Follow Us On Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, and Youtube
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.