July and the Unique Journey of the Number 7

The Number 7 brings a new vibration and color for the numerological forecast for the month of July.
July and the Unique Journey of the Number 7
By Numerologist Greer Jonas
The Beauty of the Journey is the Walk
July, the spiritual and reflective energy of the number 7, invites us to reach the unknown. How timely, as we are finally emerging out of our door’s sans mask — we are in an unknown world. At this moment, we may not know all the answers or the questions, but we can allow curiosity to be our guide.
What characteristics make you unique? It is not what others think about you or what you think others feel about you. It is beyond that — the number 7 energies do not care. Rather the beauty of the journey is the walk.
It is your choice to unearth all that life, nature, the mind, and spirit can offer you.
Here is the opportunity to put the ‘abandonment’ book back in the closet. Of course, you may have a different topic on your belief system shelf. The prerequisite of the book is that it holds you back from being present and enjoying the adventure of life.
If you stop the loop, you can disconnect from what you have always done and how your belief system defines you.
The Number 7 and the Idea of Perfection
Let’s take a look at a Japanese practice called Kintsugi. The approach is to put broken pottery pieces back together with gold. It is a spiritual metaphor to welcome your imperfections as unique parts of you.
Another expression for this is ‘Wabi Sabi’. Everything is perfect in its imperfections. The illustration in this article is the ceramic plate that I repaired using the art of Kintsugi.
The Monthly Theme for July
How will you embrace your unique being this month? In numerology, you can find your personal theme of the month based on your birthday.
Once you find the numerical theme, you can design a new path to take that is unique and honors you.
The Formula
Here is how you find your theme of the month. To illustrate, I will use the birthdays of April 11 and 12.
Personal Year: First, discover your personal year by adding the sum of your birth month and your birthday to the current year. To allow the possibility of a master number (when two numbers are the same),
you must follow the formula of adding each number separately. See the two examples below.
Do You want to know More about Your Personal Year? Click here
Personal Month Theme for July
To find your numerological theme for the month of July, add your personal year to the month of 7.
Personal Month Themes
Based on your personal month theme, ask yourself how will you approach this month in a more enlightened and unique way than usual?
1. If your personal month for July is a ‘one’, the theme is that of leadership in your ideas and your actions. What are the ways you can lead that are unique and perhaps different than your usual actions?
2. The personal month of ‘2’ in July will be an opportunity to form or enrich your relationships, be it personal, romantic, or the relationship to yourself. You may be surprised at the diversity of people that are present during this time.
3. The monthly theme of 3 is creative self-expression. July can bring in a new and refreshing approach to any project. It is a time to create and explore (be it decorating your house, painting a landscape or writing a book). How will you connect to spirit and let go of judgment?
4. Four represents the builder and organizer. It may be a time to finish a project or start a new one. Consider approaching your projects in a different way than usual, kind of like driving in a different direction to your home.
5. The theme of five is fire. This vibrant energy encourages a charismatic and joyful interaction with people and life. Is this a stretch for you? It may be a time of change. Remember to breathe. Take baby steps if you need to.
6. In a six-personal month, it is a period for birth, rebirth, and compassion with loved ones as well as community. It can also be a month of healing. How will you reach out to others and do some form of service? Letting go of self-judgment is key.
7. Ah, you are in a 7-personal month in July, the 7 months. Here is a moment of spiritual enlightenment and connection to yourself. It may be a good time to read, write or meditate. Long walks in nature will be very healing.
8. The theme for the personal month of 8 is power and abundance. You may find a new sense of confidence and leadership with opportunities to shine. Are you finding yourself shy? As I mentioned in the monthly theme of ‘5’, remember to breathe and take small steps.
9. The nine is the spiritual warrior, seeing the bigger picture. Now is the time to reflect and use your intuition to move forward and transform. In the divine energy of the 7 months, you may have many opportunities to assist others with your unique perspective.
Master Numbers and the Personal Month Theme of July
11. The personal month theme of the master 11 is one of enlightened ideas and leadership. With the energy of wabi-sabi, breathe and let go. Use your inciteful self to inspire others and encourage growth. You can make a difference!
22. If your monthly theme is the ’22’, the energy of the master builder and connector will come alive in your being. With a powerful and sensitive approach, you have the opportunity to motivate others as you create something new, be it a project or a relationship.
How will you embrace your unique and spiritual being this month?
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About the Author
Greer Jonas is an intuitive numerologist who conducts readings by phone, online, and in-person in NYC. She is also a teacher and an artist. Find out about classes or schedule a numerology reading.
Numerology Site: www.numerology4yoursoul.com Art site: www.greerjonas.com
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