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Karmic Numerology and 22 Life Paths

Karmic Numerology and 22 Life Paths

Karmic Numerology

Karmic Numerology studies the energy of numbers and interprets human personalities from the numerical sequence analysis that makes up people’s birth dates. It helps to decipher which numerical influence a soul is linked to when it is born on a specific date and the karmic implications that the current human experience carries.

Understanding the 22 Life Paths through Karmic Numerology



Karmic Numerology allows making predictions and finding records of the past that act on the present experiences, unraveling the relationships between current life and the past one, and serves as guidance for the spiritual evolution intended in this lifetime. It makes it possible to draw an incredible psychological panorama and obtain an amazing level of self-knowledge and transcendence

The traditional Numerology, from which Karmic Numerology is based, has ancient origins. It is influenced by a wide variety of cultures, including from Babylon, heavily influenced by Pythagoras and other Greek thinkers, the Hebrew system of Kabbalah, Mystical Christianity, Indian Vedas, the “Circle of the Dead” of China, and the Book of Masters of the Secret House of Ancient Egypt.


Karma and Paths of Life

Karmic Numerology is a friendly oracle, which helps to understand the dynamic evolutionary process in which we are inserted.

It brings answers that we cannot get when we experience the tribulations of routine in this life of responsibilities and everyday life challenges. It shows trends, shows inclinations and dispositions we have to face positive and negative situations, also bringing revelations about our karmic past lives.

All of us have a life purpose, and the knowledge of these particularities softens the evolution and our life experience. Not knowing our purpose and its associated aspects can make life much more complicated, stagnant, and challenging.

One of the ways to discover our life purpose is through Karmic Numerology.  We do so using the date of birth as a base can indicate our purpose. In other words, the characteristics, difficulties, skills, facilities, and trends that we count on to fulfill our destiny. It helps us build healthier, more adequate and productive paths in evolutionary terms, taking into account points of conflict or facilities that we carry in our spirit and bring from past experiences.



How to Calculate Your Karmic Path

The knowledge of Numerology presents countless ways to unveil aspects of our personality, patterns of decisions and Karma, and our dharma (life purpose).

However, Karmic Numerology allows us to quickly locate the current life mission through the sum of the numbers that make up our birth date, relating to 22 different possibilities of human evolution on Earth.


Learn How to Calculate

The calculation is simple: you only need to know the day of birth, month, and year and add the numbers.

As we have 22 possibilities, any calculation that presents a result greater than 22 must be added and reduced. For example, a result of 23 is actually equivalent to 5.

Let’s take, as an example, a person who was born on September 23, 1982:

9 + 23 + 1982 = 2014

With the 2014 result, we also added the figures again:

2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 7

Now it is ready! We found the calculated life code, in this case, number 7, which corresponds to the Conqueror’s Mission. See below for a brief explanation of each Life Path each of the life code.


Karmic Numerology – The 22 Paths: The Codes of Life

Each path has unique characteristics that carry keys to our evolution. They help us connect with our soul and show, by exclusion, what we have already achieved in past lives trailing in previous paths.

It is important to know that there are 4 karmic numbers: 13, 14, 16, and 19. The karmic number appears before you add up the last digits. If the sum gives a total of 13, 14, 16, or 19, it means that you have a karmic aspect of resolving. Numbers 13 and 14 are the rarest. Each karmic number has its own energy and intensifies the harmful elements in its sum’s life path. The number 13 amplifies the defects of the Way of Life 4. The same happens with the number 14 of the Way 5. Or the number 16 of the Way 7, and the number 19 of the Way 1.



More common in antiquity and difficult to find today, this life Code is known as The Mission of the Trailblazer. It features visionary spirits, ahead of their times and who alone can make great revolutions and build empires.



As a widespread type of mission, the path 2 is the soul mission of the Intuitive. They are creative, empathic, and intuitive souls, with great reflection and perception of the material and cosmic world.

Vibrating is at a higher level. These souls find it easy to focus on internal development. These souls have a keen critical sense and continuously receive information from the spiritual universe, managing to anticipate situations and make better decisions.



Communicative and extroverted spirits usually trail this life path. This mission is characterized as the Communicator Mission. They are souls who can lead, teach, and share information effortlessly.  They can become great teachers, thinkers, religious leaders, or writers who build their lives around this communicative ability.



It is the mission of those who are born under the influence of the life path 4. They have a natural inclination to occupy leadership roles, whether professional, family or even in social relationships. They may have a tendency to take too much care of others and accumulate work. These souls sometimes suffer from the wear and tear that usually happens when the leader’s gloomy face emerges when privileging authoritarianism over leadership.



The 5th code brings the Mission of the Religious. They are consciences that do not necessarily have a religion but need the spiritual structure to find comfort and give meaning to their existence.



Family Mission is a beautiful mission. It provides stable, loving bonds and generates great spiritual return when these spirits form a family and build a harmonious home. Any external problem can be neutralized by the strong vibration of unconditional family love. These consciences are inclined to find meaning in the concepts of marriage, fatherhood, and/or motherhood. It is also a mission that puts the soul in front of all the familiar aspects. Depending on the Karma, It can bring some conflicts or, instead of it, resolution and stability.





The Conqueror’s Mission is strong and powerful, as it requires that the spirit has the reins of destiny in hand. Nothing comes easy for these people because the ability to conquer and build is the aspect they must work on. However, it is also an enormous aptitude for those under the influence of the 7th life code. With effort, dedication, and patience, the conquerors of the 7th path manage to move mountains and materialize miracles.



Code of the Mission of Justice makes it a permanent and constant value for the souls who have this mission. All kinds of situations involving justice (or even injustice) involve the life experience of those born under the influence of path 8. They are spirits who seek balance in general and can be great lawyers or judges. They also accomplish much-being advisors and counselors because of their keen perspective in life.



The number 9 corresponds to the Mission of Patience. They want to improve the world and usually find it easy to exercise faith and patience in the face of the most complicated situations. They demonstrate an almost unshakable balance and remarkable resilience. However, when they face a lot of restlessness and a pattern that undermines serenity, they must use the strength of patience for spiritual evolution and conflict resolution.



Reliability and Loyalty are words that define this mission. This path is known as the mission of the Committed.  The 10th path has an enormous influence on this aspect of those born under this code.

They are souls who believe in life and destiny and show extreme Loyalty to people, ideas, and relationships. They can hurt themselves even more intensely when they break their word or do not keep a commitment. They can also be deeply hurt when betrayed.



The mission of Intelligence is the path that favors the intellect and presents situations that require a lot of lucidities to resolve themselves. They are inquiring souls, very curious about life and paths they can follow and are only convinced of something when they manage to rationalize the theme themselves.



Code 12th corresponds to the Mission of the Analyst. They are incredibly analytical consciences that perceive life using the rationalization of ideas. They consider all points of view of a situation, considering all possibilities and evaluating all alternatives. It is easy to control impulses and think long before making any kind of decision. They find comfort in meditation and contemplation because they manage to organize their thoughts and calm the mind through them.



Path 13Th is the action code, which is why this mission is known as the Transformation / Transcendence Mission. They are souls with mighty greatness, who have a strength that almost always makes them achieve what they desire.



This Temperance Mission provides a perfect balance of this soul’s energies, which reflects in all the sensory experiences and perceptions of that consciousness. It is a purpose that balances the lives of those born under the number 14, bringing great ability to maintain calm and tranquility regardless of the situations and vibrations that this soul encounters.


See Also
The Empowerment of the Number eight


It is the path of pleasure, joy, and contentment. The Mission of Pleasure brings the energy and willingness to recognize and know how to enjoy the pleasures of life, favoring a more satisfying experience and a sense of well-being facilitated. They are happy souls, social butterflies, who like to be surrounded by people and social situations.



The organizer’s mission or purpose corresponds to code 16. They are consciences that cannot withstand indiscipline, confusion, disorder, and any type of disorder. They appreciate order and seek this essence in all aspects of life and always assume the person who manages and coordinates situations and people.



Positivity Mission is a mission that facilitates faith and absorbs the lessons that are hidden in difficulties. They are souls who positively face adversity and know how to deal with the Law of Attraction very well. Despite challenges, they are usually upbeat souls.





The Mystic Mission connects with magic, the search for the hidden, and fascination with the spiritual universe. They are consciences that present strong tendencies for the mystical construction of life and have an easier spiritual connection. When these consciences are not connected to the spiritual world, they can become unbalanced and often detached from their realities.



The mission on path 19 is the Mission of Love. It is the mission that favors ties, relationships, soul connections. They need the completeness that they find in love to feel balanced and give meaning to life. If isolated, they are souls who will face difficulties that will cause stagnation of life, bringing that feeling that nothing is flowing.



The Sage’s Mission is a powerful mission that favors souls’ learning, as they are also master teachers. They are souls who learn from all experiences and who also share these conclusions, demanding equal rectitude from the other. They always seek the truth and hardly ever make the same mistake twice.



The Manifestation Mission brings good results for those born under this influence. They are master spirits who can build, create, and materialize things and situations with ease, using their inner strength to achieve their goals. They have a high level of appreciation and are spirits who know what they want.



The Mission of Freedom is the mission of that 22nd path. They are spirits who need to trust the flow of life without being bound by society’s limiting standards. People trailing this path are only complete when they exercise the freedom they carry within themselves.


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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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