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Discover the Path to Innate Divinity

Discover the Path to Innate Divinity

Innate Divinity

Have you divine people actually experienced your innate divinity yet? The energetic frequency resides in the heart area: your divine Nature.

Find Your Innate Divinity

By Mark Johnson



Have any of you divine people actually experienced your innate divinity yet? If not, have any of you wondered why it hasn’t happened? Well, it’s because most people think they are just a small wave in the ocean and spend most of their time trying to get wetter than the other waves while trying to keep the larger waves from annihilating them! The truth is you are the totality of the ocean…and you are also expressing as the wave at the same time.

The rest of the people live like they are in Plato’s dark cave, never knowing anything but darkness and shadows. Because of that, they never see the real world with blue skies and the rising sun. Most of us are so used to hearing we are sinful people who will go to Hell for eternity if we don’t play by stringent rules. That nonsense held back our evolution for over 3,000 years!

There are those who are curious to know how we get to know our divine nature. The answer is you don’t have to get to know it because you already ARE IT! All you have to do is to learn how to breathe deep into your belly until the incredible energies of your body and your aura will blow out your sabotaging subconscious.

That cleansing is no picnic. First comes rage around one hour of doing it nonstop. Then, after the rage subsides, outcomes sadness and a lot of crying. After that comes the fear that created the whole life-long mess. If all that is integrated for the first time in one’s life, many people have experiences of expansion, inclusion, and euphoria. There is often a sense of awe and oneness with everything.

In addition to learning how to breathe all the time deeply, you also learn the power of the sound HA. The energetic frequency resides in the heart area, and it is always amazing to me how many people cannot make that sound for any length of time. So, if you are one of them, practice it until you can frequently laugh all day long.



Innate Divinity and the Nine Chakras

After the subconscious is integrated, it is time to integrate your nine Chakras. The Daoists/Taoists have nine of them, whereas the Hindus have seven. The uppermost one is the crown Chakra. The second one is in the forehead, just above the eyes. The third one is at the base of the nose. The fourth one is just below the throat behind the bones. The fifth one is the center of the heart, and the sixth one is just above the navel. The navel is the seventh Chakra. The eighth is about a hand’s width below the navel, and the last one is at the perineum.

Those three sets of 3 each are to be integrated daily by holding the left palm over the right palm, and as the hands slide down from the top of your head to the perineum, you visualize them connecting to each other. Then you reverse direction and raise both palms as you touch each Chakra from the bottom up.

When they all synchronize with each other, along come the synchronicities and play into your life.

Matter doesn’t matter much – energy matters, and all matter IS energy! So, the minute you integrate every aspect of your being, which includes your high-frequency aura that surrounds your body and extends to the edge of the universe. When that happens, your life becomes the totality of everything, and the synchronicities become a daily occurrence.

At that point in your evolution, all you will have to do is to be quiet and allow the flow of everything to pass through you. You will live compassionately, intuitively, spontaneously, and miracles will happen!


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About the Author

Life as playMark Johnson is the author of the book “Life As Play: Live Compassionately, Intuitively, Spontaneously, and Miracles Will Happen!,” which chronicles his sixty-year spiritual odyssey with some of the most fascinating spiritual teachers of the last half-century. Few Westerners have training in the multitude of Chinese disciplines as Mark, which he teaches throughout North America.

Life as Play” is available for purchase at Amazon, with an audiobook coming soon to Audible.


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