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The Summer Solstice: The Magic and Rituals

The Summer Solstice: The Magic and Rituals

Summer Solstice Rituals

In the ancient Celtic and Druid civilizations, the summer solstice was important for rituals and was filled with dances and celebrations.

Summer Solstice Rituals



Maybe you’ve heard about a summer solstice ritual, but do you know what it means? It is necessary to know a little about geography and astronomy to understand them properly.

When related to the Sun’s incidence on the planet, the Earth’s rotational movement promotes changes in the way we perceive the passage of days and months. One of the consequences of this movement is, for example, the existence of different seasons of the year.

The change of seasons is marked by an astronomical phenomenon. The moment the sun hits the Earth’s surface with maximum intensity, the solstice phenomenon happens.

This event takes place twice a year, once the winter solstice and once the summer solstice (when the ritual for the summer solstice takes place).

The summer solstice makes the day last longer by having more light.

In the West, people are basically oblivious to power, solstices, enlightenment, and everything that matters. ~ Frederick Lenz

At the winter solstice, the night is longer, with less sunlight. Each of them marks the beginning of summer and winter, respectively, taking place on different dates in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

In the Southern Hemisphere, the summer solstice takes place in December. In the Northern Hemisphere in June. This means that on the early summer day, the day will be brighter longer. This is already good news for those who prefer a ritual for the morning summer solstice.

This energy peak resulting from the Sun’s intensity is capable of motivating changes and accomplishing each person’s Intentions.


 Solstice and Ancient Rituals

In ancient times, in the Celtic and Druid civilizations, the summer solstice was typical for the ritual. They were filled with dances and celebrations to give thanks for the period of prosperity and for the fruits of the harvest.

The Celts considered the summer solstice the ideal time to go to the megaliths, honoring the Sun’s power. Megaliths are rock formations that resemble monuments such as Stonehenge. There, the ritual for the summer solstice took place.



The word “megalistos” is of Greek origin, where “mega” means “great” and “lithos” means “stone.”

Because of this, Celtic people called the summer solstice “litha,” although the literal translation of the term did not relate to the solstice itself but to where they went during that event.

If you’ve ever searched for a summer solstice ritual like that, you may have come across the term “Litha” to refer to what you should be doing on that day. Both terms refer to the same event!


Some Classic Rituals for The Summer Solstice


The summer solstice ritual aims to open a connection with the fairy folk because they are of extreme relevance to the Celtic culture.

These Elemental Energies of Nature are going to receive honor and will receive food in exchange for meeting their Intentions.


The summer solstice ritual should occur in an open and light place, with a robust solar incidence, as the Sun is the focus of this event.


as the day will be longer on the summer solstice, there is no set time for the celebration. However, at midday, when the Sun is at its strongest, the energies tend to increase even more.

Things you would need:

The ritual for the summer solstice should offer the fairy folk freshly harvested vegetables without the presence of pesticides or preservatives.

Fresh fruits and Flowers also contribute to this freshness. Beer, rye bread, and mead are typically Celtic foods, which should be part of the ritual.

The Intentions:

After placing yourself in a bright and open place, with all the ingredients described above, you can start to think about everything that nature’s energies can help you have.

Summer Solstice


Below are some questions that should guide your summer solstice ritual:

1) What virtues (courage, faith, sincerity, strength, determination) do I need to be a better person?

2) How can the forces of nature help me achieve my goals?

Remember that the ritual for the summer solstice must generate gratefulness in addition to requests for the forces of nature. Don’t be an ambitious person incapable of recognizing the fruits that nature already provides for you. Give thanks, and only then ask for strength and encouragement to be a better person.


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Meaning of the Summer Solstice Ritual

There are simple rituals and some more complex ones, but all are intended to celebrate the arrival of this intense solar energy. The important thing is to be part of this moment when everything can be transformed.

If you have an amulet, take the time to direct the energy that the Earth will be receiving to it. It can be a symbolic object, a pendant, or whatever you like. In addition, you can also do this little ritual in conjunction with burning a protective herb.

The more complex rituals are usually performed in groups. These are all work in favor of nature’s energy, which automatically brings excellent benefits to all living beings.

Often we can witness around campfires, these rituals are performed that include a ceremony and need to be guided correctly. That is why it is common and necessary that there is always a spiritual leader present. Take advantage of the summer solstice to bring out everything you want, eliminate what no longer serves you, and make this cosmic event a rite of passage to kick start a new life.


You will also enjoy Meditation for the Summer Solstice


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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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