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Meditation for the Summer Solstice

Meditation for the Summer Solstice

Solstice Clearing

The solstice is a time when nature meets with great potency. It the right moment to maximize your goals with a Solstice Meditation.

Summer Solstice Meditation



What does the Summer Solstice have to do with spirituality?

Many cultures celebrate this date due to the strong connection it has with nature and astrology.

After all, in summer, we receive more Light from our central Sun, which is a source of powerful energy that helps in the renewal of cycles.

During this period, there is an energetic power current. It is noticeable that more life and good vibrations are hovering in the air.

Furthermore, the Sun is composed of the fire element, which transforms everything through its flames. So it’s an excellent time to surrender everything negative in your life, what you don’t want or don’t belong to you anymore, and let the fire purify and turn them to ashes.

In this way, you clear your space and open yourself up to receiving the new positive energies of Summer.

Finally, the Summer Solstice is a time when nature meets with great strength and potency, which makes it the right moment to maximize our goals. It is because our creative energy is on the rise to materialize projects and goals better.


How to better enjoy this magical moment?

Since the Summer Solstice brings us so many transformative energies, why not take this time to clear what no longer serves us and also set our intention to co-create a better reality for the seasons to come?

So, I’m going to leave here some tips for what to do at this time and offer a meditation model to help you anchor good energies for yourself and the planet.

Solstice Meditation Ritual

What to do during the solstice:

Clean up: during the three solstice days, clean your wardrobe, your bedroom, your house, and whatever else you feel is necessary. Throw away what no longer fits you or donate in the case of clothes or objects that can serve others.



At the same time, already begin to sort out all the feelings, thought patterns, situations, and experiences that are negative for you and give them to the great Sun to cleanse them.

Put your crystals in the Sun: If you have amulets, crystals, or stones used for spiritual healing, you can also wash them under running water and leave them in the Sun to be energized.

Do the following Solstice meditation for three days, preferably sitting with your forehead facing the Sun (try to do it when the Sun is not so strong. of the day).


Practicing the Solstice meditation

You can do the meditation in your usual way, but if you want to do it more profoundly and to achieve the same collective goals, please follow the instructions step by step.

Use your technique to get into a relaxed state of awareness.

State your intention for healing the Earth and its inhabitants. And also the goals you want to co-create at this time in your life.


Visualize Two Pillars of Light:

One of the blue colors is coming from the Center of the Galaxy, arriving here through the Sun, passing by the Angelic Beings that support us, passing through your body, and going towards the Center of the Earth.

Now imagine another pillar of Golden Light coming from the center of the Earth. This one passes through your body and goes towards space, passing through the Angelic Beings, our Sun, and going towards the Center of the Galaxy.

At this time, you are anchored in these two Pillars of Light, flowing this energy from top to bottom and from bottom to top. Move this energy for a few minutes.

Then visualize in the chest of all people meditating, your heart chakra, and send a Pink Light connecting as a network of love and unity.

Now visualize a Crystalline White Light coming from the Center of the Galaxy, passing through the Sun, purifying the entire planet with emanations of love and Light, reverberating across the entire surface of the Earth.



Envision the entire planet in infinite Peace, Love, Health, and Abundance.

Aspire that all forms of suffering will vanish from Earth, and only joy and loving-kindness will prevail.


Solstice meditation: Thank your mentors and protectors for this blessing.

The Universal energy of love desires Peace and Peace it will have.

See Also
The New Gita Yoga of Meditation OMTimes

So it is. Amen.

We are ONE.


Fun Facts about the Summer Solstice

Well, long before astronomy began to study the stars scientifically, the Earth’s motion and its relationship with the Sun were already perceived and valued as sacred references by human beings.

Thus, this solstice is a phenomenon that announces the entry of the hottest season of the year.

The main characteristic of the Season is the alignment between the Earth and the Sun. That is when the planet receives more solar rays in one hemisphere due to the rotational movement. and translation.

The Summer Solstice occurs on different dates in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Therefore, for those below the equator, the solstice occurs between the 21st and 23rd of December. At the same time, we celebrate the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.


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