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Tarot Love Forecast July 2021 for all Signs

Tarot Love Forecast July 2021 for all Signs

Tarot Love Forecast July 2021

The Tarot Love Forecast July 2021 starts with heavy astrological demands for most signs because of the new sidereal aspects.

Tarot Love Forecast July 2021



The Tarot Love Forecast July 2021 for the month of July begins with the waning Moon in Aries on July 1 – The most favorable time to banish unwanted things, remove obstacles and diseases, and eliminate damage. It is the most favorable moon phase to fight habits or compulsions.

On July 6, we see the beginning of a tense aspectation between Venus and Saturn and Pluto, which may challenge our emotional aspects and bring to question that we love, show love, and feel loved. Venus-Saturn tense aspects are often present in maps of people with unsatisfactory or decidedly dramatic love lives. However, the aspectation doesn’t provoke an external contingency, but a process of self-sabotage, in which the person does not allow himself to be loved.

On July 14, another powerful configuration: Sol opposing Pluto, may bring back personal childhood experiences, which may make you sensible and anxious about your true identity, the measure of your self-love, and even a way of rethinking your relationship with family, especially with father figures.

On July 23, we have the releasing energies of a full moon in Aquarius. It is a mystical period, very promising for developing personal sadhanas.


Astronomical Events of July 2021

Delta Aquaride Meteor Shower

Every year, Delta Aquarideas takes place between the 14th of July and the 18th of August. Still, the hourly meteor rate will peak in the early morning hours of the 28th to the 29th of July.

Its radiant is in the constellation Aquarius, the star Delta Aquarii, and its recorded history is still relatively recent. This meteor rain has the word “austral” because it is most visible in the Southern Hemisphere (australis a term relating to the region below the equator).



How the Tarot Love Forecast July 2021 for all Signs Reading Works:

The Tarot Major Arcanum reveals the stage you are in in your life, in that matter, and the Minor Arcanum what happens in practice, in other wo0rds, the small details.

Tarot Love Forecast July 2021 for Aries

AriesThe Magus (Magician) + 3 of Swords

These cards indicate the possibility of closure or interruption, in some situations in their love life.

Depending on what you asked, there may be a cut. Believe your heart, because this maybe be happening to avoid more hurt and resentment.

The Magus card means mental power, emotional intelligence, spiritual, and resources. However, You may still be without any focus on any future plan.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscope for Aries


Tarot Love Forecast July 2021 for Taurus

TaurusThe Chariot + 4 of Swords

The Chariot reveals recovery, self-affirmation, and the possibility of conquest. It’s a time of victory for self-love and when your life gains momentum after a more difficult time.

If you meet someone, it will be with a lot of excitement and maybe, a little hasty.

However, you have the energy of 4 of Swords favoring reserve, care, and strategic wait. Take it easy. This is not the time for impulsiveness. If you are with someone, it’s a moment of emotional independence for some recovery. Avoid hitting head-on questions that may bring a lack of stability.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscope for Taurus


Tarot Love Forecast July 2021 for Gemini

GeminiThe Empress + 4 of Wands

The Cards combination is the best possible for the stability and strength of the bond of trust.

4 of Wands reveals firm internal structures to the point where they go through problems together and remain united with love and enthusiasm.

The Empress reveals truth in romance, fertility, prosperity, and reciprocated love. Enjoy!

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscope for Gemini


Tarot Love Forecast July 2021 for Cancer

CancerThe World + Knight of Diamonds

The World Card (the Universe in some decks) talks about the fullness and supreme fulfillment of love and reveals that you have reached the pinnacle of destiny in some situations. You should work on self-love and through supporting someone’s loyalty and trust. If you are not with anyone, it will be someone who will arrive soon.

There is excellent potential to find a kindred spirit or even to be in the fullness of mutual satisfaction with whoever is with you.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscope for Cancer



Tarot Love Forecast July 2021 for Leo

LeoJudgment + Queen of Swords

The card means feedback from a person, situation, or news of something important in the past. Finally, there will be a sense of resolution, purification, and deliverance through deep understanding.

Then a new opening to life. There is a sense of transcendence and the end of pain. Open yourself up to opportunities, it is time!

It is also a time of fullness and wisdom. It might be some redemption coming your way.

The Queen of Swords card symbolizes a person who has gone through a difficult life, and with that, acquired wisdom. There is honesty, courage, and truth. However, in love, it is a phase of self-knowledge and isolation for high ideals that people can hardly live up to.

It may be that this energy gives itself to you or to someone who comes this month. Forgive them.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscope for Leo


Tarot Love Forecast July 2021 for Virgo

VirgoThe Moon + Knight of Wands

The Moon reveals how to face the chaos of complex emotions and premonitions. It means a moment of transition and new paths soon.

It is a moment of intensity of passion or jealousy. Make sure you are not emotionally dependent.

Along with the Knight of Wands, it can be someone who causes jealousy and insecurity in you. Or you can’t trust it, depending on the type of bond.

Invest in self-confidence and inner emotional security, and you will feel more at peace. Don’t judge rashly. Wait another month to reach some conclusion, observe, accept and invest in self-love.

There will be no emotional security for now, due to the ups and downs and the demands of your routine, at the moment.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscope for Virgo


Tarot Love Forecast July 2021 for Libra

LibraThe Tower + 2 of Hearts

The Tower is the unpredictability of fate, which interrupts expectations and illusions. Unexpected and inevitable changes in our immediate life situation.

It is an even more difficult card on the subject of love because no one prepares or imagines the end or future loss when it comes to love.

However, this card occurs when our destiny and unconscious need a release or the sense of completion.

Fear of the future, disillusionment, or disappointment ache for wounded pride. Acceptance promotes healing and makes room for renewal and rebirth.

The 2 of Hearts reveals encounter and affective support. While it may not be possible to quickly recover from the previous heartache, there is potential for happiness and fulfillment ahead!

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscope for Libra


Tarot Love Forecast July 2021 for Scorpio

ScorpioJudgment + Queen of Diamonds

This will be the time when signs, people, and news from the past emerge, with the potential for redemption, deep healing, and resolution.

There will be a sense, understanding, and reframing of the past, with renewed enthusiasm and joy for life.

It’s the end of some pain and the transcendence of problems. Open yourself up to opportunities. Heavens and earth are moving in your favor.

Surprises will come, and news for the future. It could be someone coming into your life if you’re at an open moment for it.

The Queen of Diamonds brings the energy of maturity, protection, and emotional security.

For those who already have someone, success in the plans together, loyalty, and reliability. And for those with an open heart and mind, someone comes along with the potential for stable relationships.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscope for Scorpio


Tarot Love Forecast July 2021 for Sagittarius

SagittariusJudgment + 8 Swords

The Judgment arcanum reveals the return of the past. It can be a person, situation, news, or signs that allow for transcendent resolution and deep soul healing, with great emotional relief.

This card evokes release and then new life. And what lies ahead is better. In love, it’s time to feel the return to the libido, and open to new feelings.

The 8 of Swords is a card of suffering in times of oppression and limits to personal will. However, The card of Judgment reveals exactly the release of this state. It is a key that opens the doors of inner prisons. You will be able to free yourself and be happy.

See Also
Planetary Movements in 2024

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscope for Sagittarius


Tarot Love Forecast July 2021 for Capricorn

CapricornThe High Priestess + 2 of Diamonds

This card is usually not favorable for love life because it reveals reserve, passivity, and propensity to wait. The advice is to open your feelings and say what you think. Or the person will have no idea what you need.

Sometimes this card reveals a person’s platonic love for something (or someone) imaginary. If you already have someone, it could be fear of talking or something that can make you lose their affection.

2 of Diamonds means temporary obstacle, with no strength to harm. It can be a delay, and this creates anxiety and fear of losing. Even so, the situation could be favorable to you soon. Invest in self-confidence and open yourself to dialogue. There will be compromise and reconciliation.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscope for Capricorn


Tarot Love Forecast July 2021 for Aquarius

The Hanging man + 2 of Wands

Despite what you may think, unknowingly and energetically, you are not open to something new. Even so, there is serenity and contentment for the choice.

This card reveals a sacrifice, the giving up of something new to keep the past. Reassess the situation, forgive the past, and open up to the present. It is time to shift your perspective and look at the old situation from a new angle.

Sacrifice is not always valued. Emotional dependency is never beneficial. Any resentment or guilt must be transcended.

2 of Wands is a time of some stability, but when you long for and dream of something new, that satisfies some more profound purpose. Open up communication with new people. Time to understand why you prefer the comfort zone despite the depth of your actual needs.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius



PiscesThe Sun + 9 of Wands

The card of the Sun is the arcane of consciousness. The lucid perception of sunlight reveals the truth. There is honesty and joy in your love life. With the sun above our heads, we have the privilege to see everything with pure clarity.

Reciprocity regarding the question you imagined. Honesty and true love. With the potential for trust and stability.

9 of Wands reveals demands and obstacles along the way. However, there is strength and psychological capacity for victory.

You may feel some emotional vulnerability, but it doesn’t show. There is life experience, resignation, resilience, and maturation.

You’ll be able to solve everything, not to worry! Besides, you will still have success and joy at your will.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscope for Pisces



You will also enjoy Tarot Astrology Forecast July 2021 for Each Zodiac Sign, and The Hanged Man Card, Tarot Arcanum July 2021

To learn more about the connection between Tarot and Astrology, read Major Arcana of the Tarot and the Signs of the Zodiac

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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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