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Discover the Different Types of Karma

Discover the Different Types of Karma

Types of Karma

When we think of Karma, events or the problematic relationships we face in life almost always come to mind. But Karma has a much broader meaning and is expressed in a matter in different ways. Yes, there are different types of Karma.

What is your Karma? Recognize and Identify Which Type of Karma is Yours



“The first step towards a cure is to know what the disease is”

Latin proverb


The Karma Concept Explained

The word Karma literally means “action,” it belongs to India’s ancient sacred language (Sanskrit). It is a term of religious use, used in the Buddhist, Hindu, Jain, Sikh, Theosophical doctrines and modernly adopted by the many schools of spirituality.

In religions, Karma is a kind of universal law of cause and effect. For every action taken in life, there will be a reaction provided by the Universe.

According to the ancient Indian faith, which believes in a soul’s rebirth, Karma can last for more than a lifetime after a period of death. The events in each person’s life are the consequences of past-life actions.

Indian religions and philosophies do not include the meaning of guilt, punishment, forgiveness, and redemption. The Concept of Karma works as a kind of order to determine the importance of individual behaviors and individual responsibility and accountability.

There are some differences in the meaning of Karma in the different spiritual doctrines.

“Eliminate the cause, and the effect ceases.”

Miguel de Cervantes



From all the modalities of Karma, the individual one is easier to be understood by us. It is simpler because they affect us directly and in a more intense way.

Individual Karma is that Karma acquired resulting from the choices we make and the actions we take, which will undoubtedly affect our cosmic journey. In individual Karma, the cause of Karma is your personal actions. It is the individual who attracts situations to himself that result from his own thoughts, words, and attitudes (actions).



Individual Karma is totally related to intimate life, to our character and emotions, and, mainly, to how we relate to each other and express our personality and affectivity. Individual Karma is almost always built for life, such as, for example, smoking and acquiring cancer as a result of this bad habit.

This was not in the karmic programming, although the person may bring that inclination from other lives. Then, through free will, the person chooses to remain with this terribly harmful habit and may even shorten his incarnation due to the health consequences that smoking causes.


Karma Type #2 – KARMA FAMILIAR

Family karma may be easier to identify. They are those families full of conflicts and emotional wars, where, despite the bonds built through love, peace and harmony cannot exist. The people who are with us in the family are part of a spiritual choice related.

Karmic patterns work like this: The more conflicts, the more healing, and evolution. The family is our most intense healing nucleus. However, there are cases such as the ancestral family karma, which is the transmission of patterns from generation to generation, giving family karma a more collective character. The ancestral family karma tends to repeat itself as a behavior pattern through the blood lineage. They tend to be repeated in a completely unconscious manner.

This is often dealt with in family constellation therapies. It is observed that a particular pattern of behavior or emotional blueprint will repeat itself in a family until it is seen, accepted, and healed.

For example, “all men in the family are greedy” or “all women in the family die early.” These types of Karma carry a load of beliefs, emotions, and behaviors from parents to children. They will end only when someone breaks the bond with that load and, instead of absorbing it, allows it to be released and completely healed.


Yes, there is such a thing as Corporate Karma. Corporate Karma has to do with the founders’ behaviors, which will lead the enterprise along specific paths.

The relationship between the partners of a company, for example, can either sink the business or lift it to heights.

This sum results from the merging of partners’ worldviews that will generate business karma. As an example, we can mention the following situation: two partners who are very afraid to take risks and create the barriers that prevent the company’s expansion.

On the other hand, we should also mention the creation of nonprofit organizations whose primary goal is to invest in help and assistance and value human resources and improve others’ quality of life. They can be agents of Karmic relief and healing



Relationship karma may even be related to past lives. Still, in this case, this repetition of patterns is considered much more like Karma from other lives than relationship karma.

Here, we believe that the Karma of relationships is generated by the assimilation of beliefs (almost always negative) about relationships, introjected from not very positive experiences.

These experiences can be individual, that is, the person’s own experiences, or the awfully close observation of relatives’ conflicts. For example, a child who grows up in a home where he sees his father betray his mother his whole life tends to assimilate through the father’s behavior and the mother’s suffering.  They start believing that love and marriage hurt and equals suffering. All men are betrayers.

This person will unconsciously attract partners to confirm this pattern, being himself a victim of his partner’s constant betrayal.

Relationship karma is also quite noticeable in abusive relationships. The daughter who sees her mother suffer all her life ends up assimilating this relationship’s dynamic. She will, even without consciously wanting it, get involved with men who have the same behavior.




In this karmic blueprint, the disease-related Karma is related to heredity and health problems by hereditary DNA. We can name illnesses such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s.

This type of disease is almost always unrelated to lifestyle, and the person has little or no control over it.

Karmic diseases can also be understood as the physical manifestation of dense mental and emotional patterns, which cause the body to become ill. These patterns are so strong that they leave the realms of the collective (hereditary) field entering the individual sphere. For example, a too rigid and inflexible person creates rheumatoid arthritis in the physical body.6 -KARMA OF PAST LIVES

The Karma of past lives may be the most difficult situations or challenges we may face in our current lifetime.

They are powerful lessons that bloom as results from the past’s serious mistakes, which generally limit our freedom in life or generate much suffering.

It is always good to say that Karma is never a punishment or an imposition, but a way that the spirit finds to evolve living through the effect of their actions. We can even say that one individual action causes a reaction from the energies of the Universe. For example, a mother who abandoned her child in the next life may receive the same treatment as her mother in her current incarnation.

It is also possible for individual Karma, for example, to turn into past life karma in the next incarnation. Let’s take the example of a person with cigarette addiction, who unfortunately dies due to lung cancer. It may be that this unhealthy choice impacts the next life, causing that soul to rebirth again as a child with breathing problems, such as asthma.



Collective Karma is Karma related to a particular social group or nation, resulting from the sum of individual behaviors.

See Also

When we think about social groups, we can believe that a good example of this type of Karma is the great plane disasters or natural catastrophes, where a large group of lives is taken in a matter of seconds. Those people who all lose their lives in this way had some connection with each other. It is not a coincidence that they are at the same time and place when a catastrophic event happens. Nations also have collective Karma, such as colonial countries, with their colonial history and slavery tradition. This type of social and collective behavior wounds the soul of a nation.

Much of what we experience today, including urban violence, corruption, and religious and racial intolerance, has roots in countries’ history over the centuries. Unfortunately, it seems that we have learned nothing from our past and live an eternal cycle where we make the same mistakes, over and over, and hope for different results.


Planetary Karma is the least known and studied Karma by the mystical world. However, it is essential to understand nature and the present state of the world around us.

It concerns precisely that, that is, why this world is the way it is and what makes it, our Earth, a planet of spiritual learning and atonement. Only through the experience of duality and the opposite poles of light and shadow we can remember our souls’ real nature.

In general, what makes the world a nearly lousy place is the vibrating average of those who live here.

Planetary Karma is the direction that life on the planet takes, according to the leaders’ decisions who rule the world.

The individual micro-karma is responsible for the intellectuality and the worldview that each builds. These micro-karmas, in turn, will be expressed in the political positions that lead to leadership positions.

Therefore, these leaders can make decisions that can cause World War III to break out or calm the spirits and generate a more peaceful and fraternal coexistence between nations.

Another example is the lifestyle that we all choose to sustain, which can either deplete the planet’s natural resources and cause the extinction of life on Earth. We must change our habits to change the destructive way we relate to the environment and animals.


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About the Author

Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.


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