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August: Empowerment of the Number Eight

August: Empowerment of the Number Eight

The Empowerment of the Number eight

August is the eighth month of the year and brings an empowering effect to most of us, The Frequency of eight is powerful for manifestation.

August and the Number Eight

By Greer Jonas



As of August, the 8th month is upon us. It is an invitation to step up to claim your power.

The Power of the Number Eight

Here is how I see it as a numerologist. Eight, in the glorious never-ending shape of the *infinity symbol, is all about potential. It is a lesson of expansion in moving out of your comfort zone, stepping into the world, and making a difference.

Embracing who you are and sharing it with the world is rising to a very high level of consciousness. It is embracing power with the heart and not the head. Each person you share your vibrant light with is benefiting from the mirror they see in you.

The power of 8 is all about success and abundance. Claiming your brilliant potential in every way is empowering yourself and others. Tapping into your abundance of spirit, health, knowledge, energy, success, and wealth can also affect your community’s richness and loving friends.

To be afraid of our power, to humble ourselves down, so we are not seen, is a disservice to the world and all the people you come in contact with.

This month is a time to explore and be bold. Step out and enjoy life and take chances. From the long pandemic hibernation, we are all taking off our masks and breathing the fresh air. Get out! See friends! Start new projects and new career ventures!

What will you do?


The Shadow of The Eight

Claiming the power that is authentically yours is not seeing yourself as more significant than others. To do this is the shadow of the eight. Taking your influence and abusing it by pushing others down can be a lesson that some have learned. (Perhaps in a past life you were a dictator?) The eight shadow views power, money, and success as a path to compete and feel better than others. Their values are self-serving.



The Word ‘Powerful’Numerology August 2021 Let’s look at the word ‘powerful.’ The sum is the master number 44. With a double “4,” the word holds the energy of the master builder and manifester.

August Birthday Celebrities – Louis Armstrong, Madonna, and Mother Teresa

“What would life be like if we had no courage to attempt anything? —Vincent Van Gogh

Let’s take a look at three well-known people whose birthdays are in August. How interesting, all three are influenced by their master number differently.

Louis Armstrong

Numerology Louis ArmstrongLouis Armstrong (nickname Satchmo) was born on August 4, 1901, as Louis Daniel Armstrong. His birthday adds up to a ‘ 23’, Making his life purpose the charismatic ‘5’. No surprise here. The five is all about being out there in the world. Armstrong was a magnetic entertainer who is not afraid of being on stage. His soul’s essence is a master 22, which illustrates an inner quality of a potent connector and builder. Satchmo’s personality number (5) matches his destiny as his trumpet and music move his audience to this day. Finally, his expression number is a 9 – reaching into the unknown to find the answers. He certainly made jazz a way of life for many.


Numerology Louis Armstrong

Madonna Maddona's Numerology_Omtimes

Madonna Louise Ciccone was born on August 16, 1948. As she began to perform, her popularity grew, and she was called “Madonna.” In the 80s and 90s, she became an icon of music, creating new visions of herself.

The sum of her birthday adds to a 38, which reduces to the master number 11. Here lies the life purpose of standing out as a leader and inspirer. Some may feel that her rather risqué performances were extreme, but she certainly made a name for herself as a trendsetter with her costumes, controversial songs, and concerts. Madonna’s name chart shows two 8s – in expression and soul’s essence. And no one can disagree that she is a powerful and successful entertainer and entrepreneur.



Madonna Numerology

Mother Teresa

Mother teresa's Numerology_OmtimesAgnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was born on August 26, 1910. She became Mother Teresa in 1937 as she dedicated her life to aiding the poor. The sum of her birthday number is 27, which adds to a 9. The nine destiny is the spiritual warrior and is often considered selfless. But, seeing the bigger picture, Mother Teresa dedicated her life to aiding the poor. As we look at Mother Teresa’s name chart, we see her soul’s essence is one of the master 22 – the master arbitrator and builder. Her life purpose is peace. Mother Teresa connected to the heart and assisted others in building a better life. Her expression number of 4 gave her the fearless strength to take action on solid ground.

See Also
Moonstone Gemstone Advent Calendar


Isn’t it interesting to observe that Louis Armstrong and Mother Teresa had the same master number in their inner soul’s being? This illustrates how people can choose a different path to share their inner essence powerfully.


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About the Author

Greer-JonasGreer Jonas is an intuitive numerologist who conducts readings by phone, online, and in-person in NYC. She is also a teacher and an artist. Find out about classes or schedule a numerology reading. Numerology Site: Art site:


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