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Reboot your Life: 5 Tip to Get Unstuck

Reboot your Life: 5 Tip to Get Unstuck

unstuck -Reboot your life

Follow these tips to get unstuck, break free from spiritual stagnation, and consciously create the next best chapter of your life.

How to Get Unstuck

By Sheri Eckert



We’ve all experienced spiritual stagnation at some point—that place in life when you just feel stuck. You may be telling yourself that you’re “fine”, but deep down you know you need a change.

Maybe you notice yourself repeating the same old patterns with no results. You find yourself in a cycle of limited thinking and self-sabotaging behaviors that never seem to lead you forward.

Although right now you might feel afraid to move forward or confused about which direction to go, have faith. Everyone feels stuck at some point in life. When you shift your mindset and learn to navigate spiritual stagnation, you can experience tremendous transformation and raise your consciousness. When you want to move forward and break free some old patterns, follow these tips to get unstuck and consciously create the next best chapter of your life.


1. Let Go of the Past

Most people have an internal dialogue going on in their heads—that constant stream of words, observing the world, retelling past experiences, or creating expectations for tomorrow.

In many ways, our thoughts are our stories. They tell the stories of who we are. They are the narratives of the events in our lives, our relationships, our dreams, our emotions.

Often as time passes, we continue to tell these stories to ourselves from the past. But everything in life changes. When your thoughts tell the same outdated narratives, you will see the world in the same, old way. You live in the past.

If you want to get unstuck, change the story.

So why continue telling the same story about who you are? After all, you change and so does everything and everyone around you.

It’s time to rewrite your story. You can start by noticing your thoughts. During meditation, observe the thoughts that come up. It may help to write them down over a week or two. Do you notice any patterns in your thinking? What do you need to let go of? Simple awareness of your thoughts can help release outdated narratives holding you back. Then you can release yourself from your past and move forward.

Get Unstuck


2. Use Your Chakras as a Guide

Ancient spiritual traditions from India teach that the body contains chakras: seven main energy centers that run from the base of the spine to the crown of the head and beyond. Each chakra vibrates at a certain frequency and relates to specific areas of life:

1. Root chakra (Muladhara chakra): Safety, stability, money

2. Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana chakra): Creativity, sensuality, and abundance

3. Naval chakra (Manipura chakra): Self-esteem and personal power

4. Heart chakra (Anahata chakra): Love and compassion

5. Throat chakra (Vishuddha chakra): Communication, listening, and self-expression 6. Third-eye chakra (Ajna chakra): Intuition

7. Crown chakra (Sahasrara chakra): Enlightenment and connection to your higher self

Think of a balanced chakra system as a stream of water. When any of the chakra energy centers are blocked, it prevents the whole system from running smoothly. You experience stagnation and a variety of physical and spiritual ailments.

Which aspect of your life feels “stuck”? Try to focus attention on restoring balance to its corresponding chakra. Guided chakra meditations, yoga postures, incense burning, mantras/affirmations can all help restore the flow of energy to that area and free yourself from spiritual stagnation. As you focus on restoring the flow of energy through the chakras, you begin to feel more in the flow and full of life force in your thoughts, actions, and relationships.


3.  To get Unstuck-Connect with your spirit guides

We all have spirit guides protecting and leading us forward. When you feel lost, listen to your spirit guides. Open your heart and simply ask for help.

Sometimes they may communicate with you in very obvious ways. But many times spirit guides send subtle messages. Open your heart and trust in yourself and your spirit guides to show the path forward. Allow yourself to sit in quiet moments, walking, meditating, or in nature. Pay attention to the messages that might come through in seemingly unconnected or random events, dreams, signs, and numbers.


4. Let go of the outcome

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the energy you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” – Albert Einstein



The Law of Attraction teaches us to manifest through mindset. What you are you attract: The energy that you put out into the universe will attract all that comes into your life.

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But many people forget one crucial aspect of the Law of Attraction: letting go. When you worry and obsess over the outcome, you’ll find yourself in that same spiral of spiritual stagnation.

Letting go is the first sign of trust and knowing that you are worthy of abundance. You free yourself of the outcome, have faith that all is working as it should, and open your heart to the limitless opportunities coming your way.


5. Go on a Spiritual Retreat

If you want to break free from spiritual stagnation, sometimes you need to shake things up a bit. When life feels repetitive and you find yourself in a rut, you may need a complete reset in a far-off destination to reawaken your soul and reconnect with your purpose.

That’s why so many people go on a retreat to get unstuck. Spending time in a new place around new people can open your mind and your heart to spiritual awakening. Spiritual practice in a beautiful destination – on the beach or by the mountains – gives you the space to expand, build strength with specialist teachers, and re-discover your core desires.

When you place yourself in higher vibrational surroundings with like-minded people, you can awaken in a deep and profound way to the collective oneness of the life force. You illuminate the path forward to living a life of joy and purpose. Book a spiritual retreat and experience your reawakening.

Seeking Sacred Journeys
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If you are ready to create meaningful transformation in your own life, then please consider joining us on Awaken Your Soul Wisdom, A 12-day Spiritual Journey through the Mystical Sacred Valley of Peru, August 19 – August 30, 2021,


About the Author

Sheri Eckert is a Professional Counselor, Public Speaker, and the Chief Petitioner of Oregon’s historic and globally acknowledged 2020 PSI Ballot Initiative. She is also the creator of A New Way of Thinking and the author of Dear Human. Additionally, as the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Inner work Portland, Sheri offers Psycho-Spiritual Counseling in private and group practice.

Sheri works diligently to help others expand their perspectives and derive meaning from their existence. Educating people about the importance of looking at the cosmic beauty that resides WITHIN them and the magical beauty that externally surrounds them is paramount to her counseling practice.


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