Can Homeopathy Be Used in Epidemics and Pandemics?

Homeopathy is a medical treatment system created by Samuel Hahnemann in 1796. It has been used both in individual treatment and in epidemics. Hahnemann describes, in his writings, the method for finding the only suitable drug for each epidemic.
Homeopathy in Pandemic Times
Homeopathy is an alternative medicinal treatment that contemplates the human being in its entirety.
Nevertheless, there is relatively little material about homeopathic interventions in epidemics. The way the most appropriate medicine is used during an epidemic or outbreak is similar to how the homeopathic doctor chooses a medicine for a patient: the symptoms of several individuals during the epidemic are analyzed, composing a unique picture of symptoms, and medication is thoroughly selected from for this picture.
Thus, this medication can be given to the whole community, aiming at preventing that disease.
How Homeopathy helped with previous Health Crisis
It is how Hahnemann took care of scarlet fever in Germany in the 19th century. XVIII, of Thrombocytopenic Purpura in 1801, of typhus in Leipzig in 1813, and cholera in 1831, in Europe. After Hahnemann, in 1854, homeopathy was effective in the cholera epidemic in England.
Between 1862 and 1864, the diphtheria epidemic in the USA: the mortality rate was much lower in homeopathic patients. The same occurred with the Spanish flu in 1918: more than 62,000 cases were treated homeopathically, with a mortality rate of just 0.7%.
In all of these cases, historical records show the excellent effect of homeopathy for the benefit of the population. It presents a significant reduction in the severity of diseases and the number of deaths.
Homeopathy sees each individual as a unique being and aims to treat the patient as a whole, understanding through the symptoms the individualization of each case. When it comes to homeopathy in epidemics, the understanding is the same: why, in collective diseases, part of the population produces severe clinical conditions that endanger life, while another portion does not present any or little manifestation of the disease, even when proven laboratory contagion.
The answer lies in the susceptibility of each person
Susceptibility is the ability of each organism to react to stimuli, whether they come from illness or a healing substance. The cure can only occur when the organism can respond to the disease so that it will only get sick when it does not have the correct reaction against the evil that affects it. When a population is affected by an epidemic, each person will react according to their genetic potential and susceptibility, which can only be understood by considering the external influences of the environment in conjunction with internal causes, whether physical, psychological, or spiritual.
However, there is the susceptibility of the group of human beings that inhabit a specific place at a given time, so different epidemics arise at specific historical moments with specific socio-cultural circumstances.
The difficulties and challenges of adaptability of the current human being were not the same as that of the man and woman of the early 20th century. Particularly at the time of the Spanish flu epidemic, not to mention the Europeans of the Middle Ages who went through the black plague.
That is why, within the context of an epidemic, it is possible to establish the global view of what is affecting the population’s susceptibility and then search for the most appropriate homeopathic medicine to cover all the symptoms of this disease through the principle of similarity.
Pandemic and the Uniqueness of Phenomena
According to Hahnemann, each epidemic “is a unique phenomenon” that usually differs from previous outbreaks.
Dr. Hahnemann observed that after analyzing a certain number of patients, an image of the pathological picture of the disease emerges. This picture or pattern is repeated throughout the affected population. This image is a pattern and constitutes the essential profile of the pathology that identifies it and makes it diagnosable through a “totality of characteristic signs and symptoms.” According to the homeopathic conception, it is an image of the group defined as “epidemic genius.”
According to him, to treat an epidemic, it is necessary to note the symptoms presented by several patients. Only then can we have a clear profile of the symptoms. Then, homeopathic medicine will treat most of these symptoms. The medicine can be used both to treat patients and to prevent the same symptoms from appearing. In other words, specific prevention for that disease.
In his Organon of the Art of Healing, Hahnemann says that:
“… Each isolated epidemic is of a peculiar, uniform, and particular character common to all affected individuals. When this character is found in the characteristic set of symptoms common to all, it points to discovering the appropriate (specific) homeopathic medicine for all cases. Which, then, is practically effective in all patients who had good health before the epidemic, that is, who did not suffer chronically from developed psora[1]”.
The basic idea of homeopathy is the law of similarity. A substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can be used to treat the same symptoms in a sick person. “Thus, Eupatorium perfoliatum, an American plant, causes healthy individuals to experience pain in the body, back, head and joints, in addition to fever. As you can see, these are signs similar to those of dengue victims.
According to the law of similarity, he explains, it is possible to prepare medicine with Eupatorium to treat dengue patients. There are theoretical and practical indications that homeopathy can preventively or clinically treat epidemic diseases.
As an alternative medical treatment, homeopathy is accessible both to the individual and to governments.
Particularities of The Homeopathic Treatments
The Homeopathic treatment is accepted by the majority of the population, being effective and non-toxic in the recommended doses.
Homeopathic medicine is easy to administer and is therefore also accepted by children.
Homeopathic medicine does not require special storage. It should not be subjected to excessive heat and proximity to electromagnetic fields.
Homeopathic therapy does not require specificity, as is the case with a vaccine, as it considers the symptoms of the disease, not specifically a virus or bacteria.
Homeopathy can be used preventively and treat symptoms of epidemics for which there is no vaccine. Or can also be a specific treatment, only symptomatic ones. Other countries, such as Cuba and India, which are poor, populous countries, are looking for therapeutic alternatives. They have used homeopathic therapy to prevent and treat dengue and similar diseases, with positive research and results.
These are just a few reports in which we can see that homeopathy is an efficient alternative to fight epidemics and be low-cost. However, it would be good if we could use more and more to benefit all people.
[1] During Hahnemann’s time, the term ‘Psora’ was used for almost all skin troubles. Hahnemann defined Psora as “the oldest, most universal, most pernicious and yet that least known of the chronic miasmatic disease. A disease that has been deforming and torturing the nations for thousands of years.
Miasm is a term comparable to diathesis, dyscrasia, constitution, or terrain.
Hahnemann recognized three miasms, which he called Psora, Sycosis, Syphilis. Dr. Hahnemann gave the theory that every living organism had a formed of MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT. And by spirit, he meant vital force.
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