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Spiritual Healing to the Rescue

Spiritual Healing to the Rescue

Spiritual Healing

Answer your Spiritual Calling + Align with your Soul’s Vision by growing from a Spiritual Seeker into a Spiritual Life Coach through this 8-Day Spiritual Healing Virtual Retreat and 19 weeks of online + Interactive Training, starting August 5, 2021.

Spiritual Healing to the Rescue – It’s time to fully step into your soul purpose

Spiritual Healing

Sophie Frabotta, from Awaken with Sophie, is a passionate Spiritual Coach, Guide, and Entrepreneur, who has created an online Spiritual Life Coach Certification for you to heal and transform yourself first so that you are ready to help others at a soul level.

Sophie, also known as The Soul Whisperer, will open up a channel in you that sounds like a whisper, and long after you have completed your work with her, you will still be able to hear it. She offers a metaphorical healing hut for you to step into, to do your own inner work first so that you can naturally shine YOUR light into the lives of your future clients.

Her Spiritual Life Coach Certification is a full life healing experience that offers a powerful process to help you move beyond your wounds and travel deep within. One of her students says, “The healing curriculum in this course was laid out in such a way that I went into the deepest parts of myself and finally understood myself at a soul level.  My whole life just seemed to make more sense and I finally felt ready to step into the role of being a spiritual coach that had been calling me for so long.”

Sophie has guided students nationwide and internationally starting with a unique 8-day virtual Retreat experience in the comfort of your home, which is the foundation to understand The 4 R’s Method and also build a solid bond with your cohort. Sophie then takes this bonded cohort into their online classroom and creatively guides you through a 20-week interactive healing and transformational experience.

Sophie says, “I teach aspiring coaches, healers, and light-workers to make an impact from a higher level. I will show you how to tap into your soul’s calling and follow your true purpose. But this can be scary, and students can get stuck on this kind of journey, that is why I am virtually there with you through the entire program.”

The Spiritual Life Coach Certification is an outpouring of Sophie’s mission into an applicable experience.  One of her students says, “I achieved an incredible amount of personal growth in a very short period of time.” And that is something Sophie believes is whole-heartedly possible for every one of her students.

She teaches her students to not just learn the concepts, but how to become the living, breathing concept itself. “Once you reach that level of embodiment, you can help anyone,” says Sophie. Another student says, “It was very grounding to have a teacher that is so reassuring, someone I enjoy emulating and have tremendous respect for.”

To learn more or to enroll, click the banner or visit


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About Sophie Frabotta

A Modern Healer + Transformation Specialist who teaches clients and students a very unique way to heal. She doesn’t lay her hands on people and remove suffering. Instead, she shows you how to locate your point of suffering and then teaches you how to remove it yourself. With a Masters in Transpersonal Psychology— her motivation is to help others access their soul greatness because she knows it lives within. Sophie shows people how to do this deep healing work and walk authentically into their spiritual truth!

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