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When Is the Right Time to Adopt a New Pet?

When Is the Right Time to Adopt a New Pet?

When to Adopt a New Pet?

When is the right time to adopt a new pet after losing one animal? Some believe that we need another animal not to suffer the loss so much.

When to Adopt a New Pet?



When is the right time to adopt a new pet after losing one animal?

Some believe that we have to have another animal to not suffer the loss so much as soon as a dog or cat dies. Others feel that it is necessary to go through grief before adopting a new furbaby.

Dogs come into our lives to teach us about love and loyalty. They department to teach us about loss. A new dog never replaces an old dog; it merely expands the heart. If you have loved many dogs, your heart is very big. Erica Jong

How long would it be ideal to wait after your pet’s death for an extra family member?

It is a widespread question among dog owners, and it also applies to cats. The death of such an important being always causes us a lot of suffering.

Sometimes losing a pet is more painful than losing a human because, in the case of the pet, you did not intend to love it. Amy Sedaris

Therefore, many recommend waiting until all the pain of this terrible situation has passed.


Getting Over the Grieving Process

After a pet’s death, the grieving process is not always the same for all family members, and many factors influence this. We have to know that it is impossible to substitute one pet for another since all the animals that come into our life are unique and irreplaceable.

When, for example, there are small children at home, we try to make them quickly forget the animal that died by bringing them a new one right away.

But although we believe that this is good for the mental health of the little ones, it can cause more trauma. The dog or feline that arrives at home will bring back memories of the dead pet and will provoke more cries than laughter, at least for the first few months after the pet’s death.

That’s why it’s best to first accept the death of a dog or cat before adopting another one. The feeling of sadness that comes over us when a pet dies can be as great as what we experience when a loved one dies.

We must allow ourselves to express our pain, cry if we want to, and go through the mourning as we see fit.

No one will take from their minds or hearts the memories we lived with our pet (who was an extra family member), and the anguish is understandable. This time we give ourselves before adopting a new faithful friend is convenient so that we can take care of our pain not and adequately drag pains from the past.

right time to adopt a New pet again

After Your pet’s Death, There Are no Replacements.

What we have once enjoyed, we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us. Helen Keller

Bringing home a new friend is not a decision to make when we feel sad and grieved for the one who has gone. Therefore, it is necessary to think carefully and analyze the pros and cons of this being who will form part of our family from now on.

It is not strange that we decided to take in an animal similar to the dead pet. Because? Because we want him to come back, or we don’t want to suffer so much from the loss.

Until one has loved an animal, part of one’s soul remains unawakened. Anatole France

But this new pet doesn’t look like anything other than the physical, and it could be a fact that would depress and distress us even more.

We must never intend to replace a dog or cat or want the new animal to act the same way or have the same personality and customs. Every animal, just like people, is unique and irreplaceable.

Giving Yourself Another Chance to Love Again

Once you have gone through grief, the next step will be to adopt a new friend.

There are many associations where you can adopt stray or abandoned dogs.

Protective organizations that welcome animals can be found quickly, and you will be more than welcome when you come to one intending to take home a dog.

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If you have decided after your dog’s death that you no longer have pets, you can at least help with donations to these initiatives or even keep furry ones at home for a few weeks until they recover or find a home.

Adoption experts say this can be good therapy to overcome the death of our faithful friend. Possibly it’s a way to get back in touch with the furry ones and pretend that the one who watches us from the sky would be happy if we gave a chance to a dog or cat that doesn’t have a home.


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About the Author

Ministry Earth is a collective Awareness-Raising, Perception-Building Initiative from Humanity Healing International, Cathedral of the Soul Educational outreaches created to introduce the perspective of Ethical Consciousness and Nonhuman Personhood to its Animal & Eco Ministries. Ministry Earth is a  Service-Oriented Initiative and its Magazine is a Copyrighted Publication of OMTimes Media, Inc. Broadcasting and Publishing House.

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