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2021 Virgo New Moon Astrology Forecast

2021 Virgo New Moon Astrology Forecast

2021 Virgo New Moon

2021 Virgo New Moon – September 6, 2021

5:51 PM PDT / 8:51 PM EDT

September 7, 2021

12:51 AM GMT

14 Virgo 38

2021 Virgo New Moon – Expect a Lot of Twists



To listen to Astrologer Kathy Biehl discuss the 2021 Virgo New Moon Astrology Forecast, click the player below.


The 2021 Virgo New Moon births a fresh start with a twist. Lots of twists, actually.

It’s shot through with practical, effortless, organic innovation and, possibly, even genius. It is harnessing the lightning that has been shocking and disrupting and freeing us all year and zapping seeds and plans with its electrifying energy.

The effect is a bit like high voltage sparks bringing Frankenstein’s monster to life, except what’s awakening now isn’t a mish-mash of parts that have died, but natural and new growth – unconventional, even a bit weird, but without the menace.

Like the last two Full Moons, the 2021 Virgo New Moon links directly with the change impulses that have rocked the year. But, unlike the Aquarius moons, this one isn’t breaking us loose from existing situations but incorporating the change impulses into mundane life going forward.

It holds the potential for excitement and innovation. So, movement is both possible and probable, just not exactly as you may have been envisioning.

The 2021 Virgo New Moon is in an exact trine with Uranus, an agent of radical, sudden, unpredictable change and advocate for alternate viewpoints. The aspect weaves his influence into everything developing during this Moon phase.

Somehow, it feels right. He’s out of the blue. Tilting influence is oddly compatible with Virgo’s bent for improvement, boundaries, organizing, analysis, and details.

For one reason, Virgo is always looking for betterment, effectiveness, and efficiency, and all of those are up for the unexpected form, routes, and solutions now. Epiphanies and bolts from the blue are showering on the Virgo areas of our charts, casting a different light on situations and opening possibilities that we hadn’t previously perceived or that weren’t ripe before.



For another reason, the Virgo Moon’s ruler, Mercury, has a pre-existing affinity for Uranus. Both planets rule the mind, with Mercury in charge of ordinary processes and Uranus representing the higher ones. However, they are currently connecting in an inconjunct, an aspect that requires adjustments – in this case, through thoughts, information, or insights. The adjustments are occurring abruptly as if an unseen hand is flipping a switch.

Set goals and intentions. Make plans. And be open to wild and Woolley chance. Dream outrageously big in the process; you might get something close to what you want, or maybe even better (if unexpectedly so).

The two rulers of indulgence are in cahoots, with love goddess Venus in a close trine with beneficent, amplifying Jupiter. The contact is beaming good vibes into relationships and creativity and making desires mushroom.

And yet it’s not all sunshine, lollipops, rainbows, and the parts called for doing something about that. While Venus is being egged on by Jupiter, another influence is addressing – or at least stressing – some of her more idealistic, romanticized, or delusional wants. Venus is in an adjustment aspect with her co-ruler of love and creativity, Neptune. The aspect is gentle and evades grasping or meeting head-on. You may be called upon to look more kindly or compassionately on a relationship. You may get a nudge to take your head out of the clouds or clean your glasses. You may, just as possible, find yourself bringing more fantasy or inspiration or magical thinking into desires and relationships.

Also complicating the picture, some of those desires are subterranean, compulsive, and not as pretty as Libra would admit. Venus is in an action-demanding square with Pluto; the stakes are high since the two rules both desire and money (normal human levels and BIG). Secrets have been coming out. Triangles or conflicting allegiances are especially in the spotlight. You may be forced to choose one and cut out the other.

There’s no straight line between desires and fulfillment, though. Adjustments are necessary for how you go after them, with action hero Mars in an inconjunct to expansive Jupiter. Some adjustments are significant; some increase the number of steps needed; some might require expanding your scope or calling in reinforcements. With this Moon involving Uranus and Jupiter in Uranus’ home sign of Aquarius, upgrading or adapting technology could be factors.



See Also
Astrology Forecast August 2018 OMTimes

Set your sights. Tend your garden. Make your to-do list and leave space for the unexpected. Invoke the standard manifesting language, “This or something better.” The “something better” part is what the 2021 Virgo New Moon is delivering. At a minimum, it’s providing something different.


You will also enjoy the Astrology Forecast September 2021 and the Tarot Astrology Forecast September 2021 for Each Zodiac Sign

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About the Author

Kathy Biehl is a professional astrologer with more than 30 years of experience. She has been translating astrology for the mainstream since high school and has a knack for combining humor and pop culture with her guidance. Visit to sign up for her mailing list, listen to her forecasts, and book a session for her. Find her on Facebook at Empowerment Unlimited and the Astro-Insight Lounge, and on YouTube at the Professional Aquarian Channel.  Listen to her radio show Celestial Compass on OM Times Radio


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