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Romantic Love and Spiritual Awakening

Romantic Love and Spiritual Awakening


With the understanding and Acceptance of Love comes a gift, which we learn to embrace awakening. Our romantic Love can help us to open the door to receive that gift.

Romantic Love Can Lead To Spiritual Awakening

by Johanna Kern



When we are born, we are filled with the energy of Love, and we expect to be loved. We assume that the world is full of Love, and we are in shock when we experience coldness, indifference, or pain. To a bit of child, Love is a necessity equal to food and water. In fact, lack of Love is more damaging to a child than poverty.

When we experience a lack of Love from others, we replace our innate joy with fear and isolate ourselves from others with thick “walls” to avoid further pain.

When we separate ourselves from others, we separate ourselves from Oneness and suffer or – suffer and cause suffering.

Separation from Oneness is a sign of disconnection from the energy of Love. Disconnection from Love is a sign of dwelling in the hypnotic Illusion of being in control of our fate while experiencing fear and trying to remedy the emptiness with an illusion of material abundance.

What is this “Oneness” that some people talk about? Why is it important to understand what it means? And – what are we supposed to do with such knowledge?

Love, spiritual growth, and being one with all – remain abstract concepts for the mind, as long as there is a split between such concepts and the life we actually live.

To recognize all as part of the One Whole is to perceive and acknowledge pure Love in all. The energy of Love surrounds us, flows through us, and comes from us.

With the understanding and Acceptance of Love comes a gift, which we learn to embrace: awakening. Our romantic Love can help us to open the door to receive that gift.

The evolution of true Love in a relationship always includes the gradual exploration and experiencing the 7 aspects of Universal Love: Joy, Acceptance, Lowliness (as in being humble), Equality, Surrender, Equilibrium and Reconciliation.



It happens when we recognize and truly appreciate someone on a deeper level. When we admire who they are beyond their physical appearance or personality traits – we have a quiet, pleasant feeling deep inside. It is a very different feeling than being swept off our feet by somebody’s beauty or personality traits. It is a deep and sincere feeling which surprisingly translates to Joy.

From Joy – emerges Acceptance, which is the second aspect of Universal Love.

True Love is not blind. It has an x-ray vision. It will look past your traits and past your looks. It will know whether your behavior, emotions, or any of your patterns are a true expression of who you are or just your subconscious programming. Love will appreciate you for you. Acceptance has a profound impact on how we want to cherish our partner, and so it prompts us to invite romance into our life.

Commitment is closely related to the next aspect of Love. That aspect is called Humility (or Lowliness). In a relationship of true Love, Humility affects how we honor the other person’s truthfulness and not consider any of our needs more important than theirs.

The very beautiful aspect of Love that follows Acceptance is Equality. When we recognize Equality in our relationship, we recognize our equal rights and privileges to create the incredible relationship we want.

Equality leads to Surrender to Love’s energy, which teaches us that there needs to be Equilibrium between fulfilling our and our partner’s/spouse’s desires a balancing our preferences. Such Surrender to Love means true Reconciliation with Love.

Reconciliation with Love leads to awakening:

According to what many philosophers, mystics, and belief systems have been saying for thousands of years, and according to quantum field theory, the higher the frequency of vibrations, the higher their impact on everything else.

When we examine human brainwaves, for instance, we find out that those of the highest frequency of vibration, especially Gamma waves, are related to expanded consciousness, altruism, and the so-called “higher virtues.” Researchers are still puzzled because Gamma rhythms modulate perception and consciousness, disappearing under anesthesia or in a deep trance.



Another mystery for science is how Gamma waves are being generated – since their high frequency is far above neuronal firing. It means that the brain cannot produce such waves – according to traditional scientific research. (However, much more research is required since the brain “re-wired” for spiritual logic, which uses high-frequency vibrations – functions differently from the brain using sensory logic).

Expanded consciousness, altruism, unconditional Love – that is, the “higher virtues.” In other words, high-frequency Intentions have enormous power to change reality in a blink of an eye because of the quality of their vibrations. And they open the door for receiving the gift of “awakening.”

See Also
Language of the Heart

Our Romantic Love allows us to open that gate.

We are lovers by nature. Let us Love. Let us be loved. And let us be Love.


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About the Author

Johanna Kern is a transformational teacher, filmmaker, and multiple award-winning authors of “365 (+1) Affirmations to Create A Great Life”, “Secrets of Love for Everyone,” “Master and the Green-Eyed Hope,” etc. She practices and shares the Master Teachings of HOPE, helping people find their own power and progress in all life areas. Her story received international attention, winning praise by readers in North America and Europe, and endorsement by three world-renowned experts: Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., Jerry Solfvin, Ph.D., and Brian Van der Horst. &


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