The Afterlife Frequency Transports You from Here to Eternity

The Afterlife Frequency: The Scientific Proof of Spiritual Contact and How that Awareness Will Change Your Life, is a riveting adventure that reads like a juicy novel taking the reader around the globe and from the cosmic to the subatomic, even into the human soul itself.
The Afterlife Frequency
By Mark Anthony
Through uplifting, emotionally gripping, and occasionally humorous stories, The Afterlife Frequency reveals how the human experience encompasses spirit communication, whether through a medium, near-death experience, deathbed vision, or visitation from spirits of loved ones. Often dismissed as fantasy or feared as paranormal and supernatural, these phenomena are real. They’re all forms of “interdimensional communication” which occurs when the energetic frequency of the soul aligns with the Afterlife Frequency.
My experience with spirit communication began on day one. I was born a medium and chose to become a lawyer. The media dubbed me “The Psychic Lawyer.” Between the stereotypes that lawyers are vampires and psychics prance through flowery fields waving Ouija boards, I’ve been called quite a few things. When you’re a lawyer who sees dead people you better have a sense of humor.
My father was a US Navy SEAL and NASA Engineer and my mother was a commercial illustrator. My parents, my two older siblings, and I were just the typical American family—sort of. When I was three and half years old I started talking to my invisible friends. While it’s not unusual for children to have invisible friends, my parents could see them too because they were mediums and these “friends” were spirits.
Psychic ability is in my family DNA as a recessive genetic trait meaning it can skip a generation or two. However, when both parents possess the same recessive trait, the likelihood of one of the children having that trait increases exponentially—and that child was me.
At age five just as I was about to start first grade my father instructed me not to talk to anyone outside the family about my ability, “because people who see things others don’t get taken away!”
Needless to say, this scared the daylights out of me, but Dad had good reasons for keeping our family’s psychic gifts secret. Years before I was born, his sister Marjorie, an extremely gifted psychic medium had a premonition one day that her husband would be killed at work. She begged him to stay home. He reluctantly agreed.
Later that day, the machine shop where he worked was crushed when a crane accidentally dropped thousands of pounds of steel beams upon it killing everyone in it. Had he been there, he too may have perished.
Instead of being grateful her husband, a religious zealot, believed Marjorie’s abilities were evil. He had her forcibly committed to a mental institution as a schizophrenic. She was repeatedly subjected to electroshock therapy for six months which damaged her brain to the point she was never again able to perceive spirits.
This tragic episode made my parents determined to protect me from being ridiculed—or worse. Secret or not my family was still psychic. What might seem weird in other families was our normal. I might come home from school and Mom would say “I saw a spirit today.”
“That’s cool, Mom. Do we have any peanut butter?”
“Yes dear, it’s over there.”
On the flip side of the karmic coin being a psychic kid with psychic parents had its downside. While all parents have a “6th Sense” connection to their children, my parents’ connection to me was on psychic steroids. No matter how stealth I thought I was I just couldn’t seem to get away with anything other teenage boys did.
Technically we were Catholic, but my family respected other faiths and beliefs. I always felt drawn to a spiritual path and considered joining the clergy but didn’t because of all the rules and regulations. I chose to be a lawyer—talk about jumping out of the restrictive frying pan and into the regulatory fire!
I became a successful attorney and head of a law firm. Everything in my life was going well until the day my mother died. When you’re a medium there’s a misconception that because I can communicate with spirits, grief doesn’t hurt me as much. Nothing is further from the truth.
Two weeks after Mom’s passing I was driving back to my law office from court. A wave of grief struck and I pulled into a strip mall parking lot to regain my composure.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Immediately a flash of light exploded in my mind. Instinctively I turned and looked to my right at the passenger’s seat and for an instant saw the silhouette of my mother’s profile in silver-white light. Her voice filled my mind, “Mark, you have been given the gift of Mediumship so that you would not be crushed by grief, but now you must help those who are suffering from their grief.”
I was overwhelmed. While spiritual experiences may last only seconds the full impact of the message transmitted can take years to understand.
“Spiritual Synchronicity” one of the concepts I developed for The Afterlife Frequency explains how there are no coincidences because everything in our lives happens for a reason. We are in control of our choices, although spirits may illuminate the better choice leading to the more positive path. This spirit intervention isn’t about controlling us but rather providing guidance and insight. To paraphrase Albert Einstein, spiritual synchronicity may be thought of as God’s way of remaining anonymous.
After years of reflection, I realize the message presented by Mom’s spirit wasn’t about my life in the short term—it was a metaphysical road map for my life. There was a reason I was born a medium yet chose to become an attorney.
The truth is that everyone has a purpose in life. Everyone matters; every life counts and we all have our parts to play while living in the material world. My contribution involves melding the right-brained spiritual insights of a medium with the left brained analytical discipline of an attorney while maintaining balance through a sense of humor. This resulted in The Afterlife Frequency.
Endorsed by the world’s top survival of consciousness and near-death experience scientists, The Afterlife Frequency presents groundbreaking scientific concepts and new terminology in an easy-to-understand and engaging manner. The term “electromagnetic soul” (EMS) describes how our soul is pure energy that never dies—it merely ascends to the higher vibration of the Afterlife Frequency.
The Afterlife Frequency benefits readers in many ways. It teaches you how to work with a medium, and introduces my four-step RAFT Technique which empowers anyone to Recognize spirit contact, Accept it as real, Feel it without fear, and Trust the message. RAFT will not just change your life—it can save your life!
My book also offers healing and inspiration for those coping with grief, PTSD, and Survivor’s guilt. The Afterlife Frequency demonstrates how spirits intervene to guide and protect their loved ones in this world, as it presents scientific proof spirit communication isn’t paranormal or supernatural, but a normal part of human nature and a powerful instrument of healing and love.
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About the Author
Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer® is a fourth-generation psychic medium and Oxford-educated attorney licensed in Florida, Washington D.C., and before the US Supreme Court. He travels to mystical locations in remote corners of the world to examine Ancient Mysteries and Supernatural Phenomena. Mark appears nationwide on TV & Radio as a psychic medium, near-death experience expert, paranormal expert, and legal analyst. His appearances include CBS TV The Doctors and Gaia TV Beyond Belief. Mark co-hosts the live stream TV show, THE PSYCHIC & THE DOC on the Transformation Network. Mark is a columnist for Best Holistic Life Magazine and a headline speaker at Conferences and Universities including Brown, Columbia, Harvard, and Yale. For more information about Mark Anthony kindly visit:
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