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What’s Stopping You from Making That Change?

What’s Stopping You from Making That Change?


Are you ready to transcend obstacles for the sake of soul purpose and joy and make the changes you know you should make?

Make That Change

by Veronica Lee



For many, the restrictions of the pandemic have forced us to examine our lives. Whether we have been shut out of our in-person jobs, shut in with our families underfoot, or have had to disconnect from our everyday activities, this time of “isolation” has offered us a thought-provoking mirror. Most notably, the reflection of how we spend our time – which paves our life direction – is staring accusingly at us with, “Well, is this working for you? Is this what you truly want?”

Regardless of pandemic restrictions, it is helpful to face these questions with willingness and wonder. Use the opportunity to think of possibilities, have conversations with loved ones, imagine where you’d rather be, what your life would look like ten years from now. Ask yourself, “What will my life FEEL like if I keep doing what I am doing for the next five years? Am I living in joy? Is my life fulfilling and aligned with my soul?”

Provoked by our collective predicament, our souls are longing for us to reconnect with meaning and joy and take steps to create the life we really want.


Common Reasons for Failing to Change

Yet we often meet these soul stirrings with hesitation, concern, and a plethora of “good reasons” to keep our status quo, even if we are miserable. The biggest obstacles we face when contemplating significant life changes are:

Practicality – the need to be “stable” and keep everything in place

Fear – of the unknown, change, wrong decisions, and oh my!

Uncertainty – lack of clarity about what to do, need for assurances

Lack of Confidence – Who, me? I can’t do that, can I?

Lack of Support – little or no encouragement or guidance, not enough-ness

A Concern of Hurting Others – If I make this change, how will it affect them?

Belief in Permission – waiting for a green light from the universe or others

Disconnection from Soul Purpose – the uncertainty of self, purpose or direction, loss of joy



Let’s take a look at each one and, in doing so, perhaps do a bit of inner reflection.



Many efficient people box themselves into mediocre contentment that feels comfortable to the mind but lacks heart-luster. Often they build for safety and eventually hit the wall of boredom or dissatisfaction. Then guilt (and worry) arises when they think of venturing out. Why rock the boat? They insist and tighten the anchor.

Examine your need to stay within the confines of practicality. Likely you are far safer than you recognize; you’ve got security blankets galore and can probably cut some up to make that quilt you’ve always envisioned.



Fear is a biggie and can keep one spinning for decades, finding different concerns and scenarios along the way. There is always something to fear. And, for the most part, our fears are simply fears. We meet life’s challenges and usually survive them. Sometimes we emerge wounded and need healing, but – as they say – more potent than our fear.

Whether it’s “False Evidence Appearing Real” inciting you to “Forget Everything And Run” or you believe “For Everything A Reason” and choose to “Face Everything and Rise,” the choices in perspective and action are always yours. How would your life change if you faced your fears instead of succumbing to them?



The human condition appreciates, even thrives on, certainty. Sleep patterns, the seasons, our daily routines are some areas where predictability and consistency hold us tenderly. Uncertainties feel uncomfortable. We don’t like things being too different from our comfort zone, wildly the unexpected. Though we can make conscientious decisions and plan well, there are always uncertainties in the ethers and may even materialize.

But even with life’s regularities, there can be sleepless nights, summer storms, and startling events. And more often than not, we cope and adjust. We’re resilient that way. Think about your own resilience, especially over this past year’s pandemic.


 Lack of Confidence

Confidence spans a spectrum for many people, depending on the area. One who is confident at work can be insecure in relationships, for example. Confidence corresponds to our experience, practice, success, and our insecurities. Unless we are forced to do something, sometimes our lack of confidence obstructs action, even if that action offers positive results.

As toddlers, we learned to walk. We fell, we tried, we got up and continuously practiced until we became confident walkers. Your confidence can grow, but you need to try things (and fail) and repeatedly develop.


Lack of Support

Unfortunately, not everyone has a sound support system. Parents, spouses, and friends may have good intentions and still not support you appropriately. And, even money challenges can make you feel unsupported by life or our system. Not feeling supported can trigger primal fears, insecurities, and feelings of unworthiness.

Yet, if we feel the earth under our feet, we know the planet literally supports us. Additionally, we can find ways to gain support from spiritual or community groups, mentors, therapists, and more. Learning to ask for and accept help is also important. You are absolutely worth it!


A Concern of Hurting Others

When we grow and change, we sometimes discover that we fall out of sync with those around us – or worry about it. We believe that changing “too much” will result in loss and hurt, and our fear of abandonment or leaving someone behind can keep us put.

A powerful mantra to affirm is, “When I do what is in my highest good, it is ultimately in the highest good of all concerned.” Living this affirmation frees you from holding yourself back in the sacrifice of those you love.


See Also

Belief in Permission

Do you recognize the subtle ways in which “lack of permission” may hinder you? People who are rule followers or pride themselves on being “good” often wait for “permission” to take significant steps, even if that Permission is from “The Universe.” Whether the  Permission is direct (getting a promotion from a boss) or perceived (waiting for a series of life’s green lights to proceed) ,The hesitation and holding oneself back is not good.  That because of an underlying belief in Permission can be an unconscious roadblock.

Notice if you are waiting for Permission. Awareness of our patterns is a vast part of shifting them. You do not need Permission to be who you incarnated to be or live the life you envision.


Disconnection from Soul Purpose

The most profound and likely most confusing obstacle we face when contemplating life changes has to do with soul purpose. We can struggle to discern what that is or deny we have one or be so locked into survival that soul purpose seems frivolous. Yet, the heart-longing from going astray and the disconnectedness we feel can be haunting, even debilitating.

Simply put, as spiritual-human beings, we are essential aspects of Love/Light Consciousness (aka Joy). Therefore, aligning with joy – deep soul joy – is our fundamental purpose, but our expressions and creations can vary. In other words, when we set our course to living in entertainment, we can determine what that looks and feels like, remembering that the journey and destination are equally precious.

Are you ready to transcend obstacles for the sake of soul purpose and joy?


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About the Author

Veronica Lee is a Transformational Visionary, Speaker, Writer, Mentor, and Mystic. For over 15 years, she has shared life-changing insights and guidance with thousands around the world. Believing joy comes from living an integrated, empowered life, Veronica focuses on topics such as embracing our whole selves, accepting imperfections, taking transformative steps, and awakening spiritual gifts. You can find her on social media @veronicaleetv or visit her website at


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