Fighting Fatigue Naturally

Learn how to fight fatigue naturally while improving mood, focus, energy, and concentration!
Fighting Fatigue
by Ginger McBride
Fighting fatigue in our daily lives is never easy. It is essential to have enough energy and focus for our work, personal lives, and various activities we may partake in. Sometimes it may seem like there is never enough energy throughout the day. We find ourselves dragging mid-day, and it often feels as if we are on autopilot. It can be helpful to focus on the root cause to achieve solutions. It can be surprising with a few slight changes in our daily lives that can be achieved.
We have heard our whole lives how important exercise is. It can be a fantastic tool in fighting fatigue, as long we remember to keep it in balance, be mindful, and resist overtraining. It has been studied that exercising actually increases energy. When we don’t feel great, it can be hard to motivate ourselves to get up and to move. It is probably the last thing we want to do. When we exercise, it releases endorphins that lift our mood and have positive feelings.
Another concept to keep in mind is our water intake. We want to make sure we are not dehydrated or less commonly over-hydrated. Dehydration has been linked to moodiness, fatigue, and concentration issues. When properly hydrated, our vasodilation increases in our brains’ arteries, which helps get oxygen and glucose to the brain, thus improving mood and mental clarity. On the other hand, when we over-hydrate, our body can struggle too. Among many symptoms, we don’t want to wash away vital vitamins and minerals in the process.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that a restful night’s sleep can do wonders for us. The typical adult needs seven to eight hours of rest. However, it is possible to over rest. Leaving our bodies in this state too long may have us moving slower or more sluggish come morning. We want to keep in mind to have a regular bedtime to enhance our sleep-wake cycle. It is also important to note if we are tossing and turning and how many times we are waking up in the night.
Many stimulants may feel as if they contribute to our energy and focus; however, in many cases, it is more the illusion of energy than energy itself. Excessive caffeine is a great example of this, especially if combined with lots of additives and simple sugars. We will get that initial rush at first but then later find ourselves crashing, and even though we don’t feel like we have a lot of energy, we still struggle with going to sleep. This is because caffeine can stay in our system for up to fourteen hours.
We must maintain a well-balanced lifestyle—one where we exercise to enhance our mood but don’t overly exhaust ourselves. Drink enough water, but don’t over-hydrate to keep healthy vitamins and minerals. Achieve a restful night’s sleep without feeling sluggish when the new day comes. Strive to live a life with fewer stimulants. When we veer off this path, we may find ourselves with less than appealing circumstances that affect our mental and physical health. Through lifestyle choices, mindfulness of our limits, we can improve our mood, focus, energy, and concentration.
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About the Author
Ginger McBride is a wellness writer, certified health coach, wellness expert, and entrepreneur. She uses her knowledge in the health and wellness field to help others with their health, inspiring them to reach their goals through motivation and education!
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