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Mark Anthony – The Afterlife Frequency

Mark Anthony – The Afterlife Frequency

Mark Anthony
The pineal gland is a pea-sized Lima bean-sized gland about four inches behind the center of the forehead, the proverbial third eye. So, for those who engage in yoga, the location of the chakras aligns with the areas of our endocrine glands. The British discovered that within the pineal gland are calcite and magnetite crystals. Ergo, there is an electromagnetic field. The first radios were a piece of quartz crystal with low levels of electricity running through it, so essentially, we have a radio station in our heads.

Then in our solar plexus, some doctors have referred to this as the second brain because of the solar plexus, which is the yellow chakra, the chakra associated most closely with the pancreas. So the endocrine gland is the second most complex bundle of nerves and ganglia in the body outside of the cerebral cortex. So that’s where you get emotional impressions. So, Sandie, let me ask you this: do you ever get a feeling in your stomach when something isn’t quite right? [Absolutely.] And that’s because your solar plexus is sensitive to those vibrations. And so, one of the first skills in developing spiritual situational awareness is trusting your intuition and your feelings. So, we have the apparatus in the solar plexus to pick up on emotional and physical sensations. And then, the pineal gland picks up on the auditory and the visual impulses transmitted to us through the quantum field by spirits.

So, think of everyone you love being connected to you by a three-dimensional spider web. Let’s take the spider out of it, okay? But how the spider detects something when it hits its web is through vibration. So, if something hits the web, there’s a vibration that goes along that web to the spider. This is a concept that I call frequency beacons. And so energetically, we know that everything is composed of molecules made of atoms, made of smaller particles—electrons, protons, and neutrons, which are made of subatomic particles known as Quanta, which is pure electromagnetic energy. So, everything in existence at the most basic level is electromagnetic energy that vibrates. So, let’s say that you have lost a loved one. That person didn’t die. It’s merely that the electromagnetic fields in their brain, which I’ve termed the electromagnetic Soul, is pure electromagnetic energy. That is eternal consciousness.

So that electromagnetic energy leaves the body and goes to a higher frequency. In other words, we live in AM radio spirits live in FM., Okay? So, we want to talk to them, and through a frequency beacon, you start grieving very heavily, and you’re sending that vibration. A spirit will pick up on it. And that’s why many people say, ‘You know, since, since my mother died, I feel her around me.’ That’s because you’re grieving. But spirits can emit waves of frequency too. Let’s say you’re driving in your car and suddenly you feel compelled to turn on the radio. There’s that song that tugs your heartstrings, or maybe you smell a familiar scent––a cologne or a pipe smoke or something, and there’s no source for it. It’s like, my God, that smells like my grandfather’s pipe––What’s happening is that spirits can emit these waves or frequency to you as well. When you start being sensitive to these signs, you’ll realize that they’re communicating with us all the time.


Sandie Sedgbeer: So If it’s all about electromagnetics, why do we not have some technology that would allow us to communicate rather than using ourselves—you know, like a phone?

Mark Anthony: I’m so glad you asked that question. Thomas Edison was working on that. He called it the spirit phone, and in the 1920s, he was interviewed in a couple of different magazines. He believed that it was possible to develop a device sensitive enough to communicate with discarnate intelligence—in other words, a spirit. But unfortunately, he died before he was able to do that. I know that the parapsychology department at the University of Arizona is currently working on technology that they’re calling the soul phone. But in the meantime, we are the technology; we’re the biotechnology. And some people say, well, why don’t you hook somebody up to an EEG, an electroencephalogram, or a QEEG, a quantitative electroencephalogram, and tune into their electromagnetic Soul and find out about the afterlife frequency.

Well, first off, the EEG and QEEG are excellent diagnostic tools for injuries. Still, they’re not designed to communicate with the afterlife, nor are they sensitive enough to detect the electromagnetic Soul. Some frequencies and harmonics exist, and this is the theory beyond our current level of technology to communicate with. That being said, there are technological devices used by paranormal investigators such as tri meters, K2 meters, spirit boxes, infrared detectors, which have been quite possibly detecting the presence of spirits and even picking up their voices.

I’ve been to several paranormal investigations and have seen evidence that would indicate there’s a spirit communicating. So, the technology is there. It’s still rudimentary, but I firmly believe that within the 21st century, humans will have developed technology sensitive enough to tune into and directly communicate with the other side.


Sandie Sedgbeer: Your book is full of things that have not been shared, certainly in my experience before. One of which is that spirits are never alone and tend to come forth in tandem as a collective. Why is that?

Mark Anthony: It’s the nature of energy. Think of your Soul as a drop of water––and both physics and faith are on the same page here. People of faith believe that we have a soul and that Soul preexists the body, comes into the body, and then leaves it when we physically die. The laws of physics teach us that energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. So, when we physically die, the drop of water, our electromagnetic Soul, plunges into the eternal sea of consciousness and then is energetically interconnected with an infinite number of souls. The thing is, we are too. We are energetically interconnected with everything. Everything on the subatomic level is electromagnetic energy. We’re all quantum entangled with each other. It’s just that with spirits because they’re not dealing with the lower, slower vibration of our material world dimension. They are free of that and can interact more rapidly.

Buddhism believes that consciousness is an ongoing stream. The Hindus believe in the concept of the Atman, which is the Soul. Christians and Muslims believe in the existence of the Soul before the body and then continuing after the body. But in my research, I’ve seen that when spirits come forward, they’re never alone, but that drop of water maintains individuality. So, while they’re part of the collective consciousness, when you die, you take you with you. And so that’s why during a spirit communication session, it’s not unusual for many people to come through.

I did a reading recently were 11 spirits came through, including this woman’s dog that she’d had when she was a little girl. So that is just what dealing with spirit communication is like. Edgar Cayce, known as ‘the sleeping prophet,’ referred to this phenomenon as the universal mind in esoteric Christianity. It has also been referred to as Christ’s consciousness. So, I’m giving it a 21st-century term and further explaining it in quantum physics and based on my direct connections with it.


Sandie Sedgbeer: You talk about the light of the electromagnetic Soul. Reading that in your book, I was reminded of the documentary about George Harrison, ‘Living in a Material World.’ Towards the end of the documentary, George Harrison’s wife, Olivia, said that if you had been in the room with George when he died, you wouldn’t have needed lights in that room. So, she was saying that there was a burst of light as his Soul left his body.

Mark Anthony: Thank you for referencing George Harrison. I think he was always one of my favorite celebrities because of his spirituality and humble nature. And what Olivia Harrison was describing is what is known as a shared death experience. And this is the new frontier in near-death experience research.

Many people have seen this happen when they’re close to a loved one who’s dying. They may start feeling the presence of other spirits around, and when the person transitions, they will see a surge of light—the room gets lighter, brighter. They may hear beautiful music; they may even see a transparent replica of their loved one emerging from the person’s body. So, if you’ll indulge me just for a moment Sandie, last winter, Paul McCartney put out his album, ‘McCartney Three.’ And when he was interviewed, the media were making fun of him because he said that years ago, George Harrison, who loved gardening, gave him a fir tree. So, Paul planted the tree in his yard. And he said that it’s lovely, and it’s gotten quite extensive over the years. And Paul said,’ Every time I’m near that tree, I feel the Spirit of George with me.’ So, of course, the media said, Paul McCartney thinks George Harrison’s in a tree in his yard, and Paul talks to trees. So, they’re making fun of him, but I believe what Paul McCartney described is a frequency beacon. So yeah, George gave him this tree. George loved gardening. It’s a living entity, and all things, even inanimate objects, have an electromagnetic field. So, when Paul sees the tree, he begins to think about George. So, he is emitting electromagnetic frequency out of his brain. The Spirit of joy picks up on that frequency beacon. It draws him to Paul, ergo Paul feels George’s Spirit. And so, frequency beacons happen to everyone. I mean, how often do people say that everywhere I go, I look, and I see a coin and that a coin makes me think of my brother who died.


See Also

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